# broadcastArray > Broadcast an [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] to a specified shape.
## Usage ```javascript var broadcastArray = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/base/broadcast-array' ); ``` #### broadcastArray( arr, shape ) Broadcasts an [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] to a specified `shape`. ```javascript var array = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/array' ); // Create a 2x2 ndarray: var x = array( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] ); // returns // Broadcast to a 2x2x2 ndarray: var y = broadcastArray( x, [ 2, 2, 2 ] ); // returns ```
## Notes - The function throws an error if a provided [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] is [incompatible][@stdlib/ndarray/base/broadcast-shapes] with a provided shape. - The returned [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] is a view on the input [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] data buffer. The view is typically **not** contiguous. As more than one element of a returned view may refer to the same memory location, writing to the view may affect multiple elements. If you need to write to the returned [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor], copy the [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] **before** performing operations which may mutate elements. - The returned [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] is a "base" [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor], and, thus, the returned [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] does not perform bounds checking or afford any of the guarantees of the non-base [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/ctor] constructor. The primary intent of this function is to broadcast an ndarray-like object within internal implementations and to do so with minimal overhead. - The function always returns a new [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] instance even if the input [ndarray][@stdlib/ndarray/base/ctor] shape and the desired shape are the same.
## Examples ```javascript var array = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/array' ); var numel = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/base/numel' ); var ind2sub = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/ind2sub' ); var broadcastArray = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/base/broadcast-array' ); // Create a 2x2 array: var x = array( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] ); // returns // Broadcast the array to 3x2x2: var y = broadcastArray( x, [ 3, 2, 2 ] ); // returns // Retrieve the shape: var sh = y.shape; // returns [ 3, 2, 2 ] // Retrieve the number of elements: var N = numel( sh ); // Loop through the array elements... var sub; var v; var i; for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { v = y.iget( i ); sub = ind2sub( sh, i ); console.log( 'Y[%s] = %d', sub.join( ', ' ), v ); } ```