{{alias}}( [dtype] )
    Creates a filled array.

    The function supports the following data types:

    - float64: double-precision floating-point numbers (IEEE 754)
    - float32: single-precision floating-point numbers (IEEE 754)
    - int32: 32-bit two's complement signed integers
    - uint32: 32-bit unsigned integers
    - int16: 16-bit two's complement signed integers
    - uint16: 16-bit unsigned integers
    - int8: 8-bit two's complement signed integers
    - uint8: 8-bit unsigned integers
    - uint8c: 8-bit unsigned integers clamped to 0-255
    - generic: generic JavaScript values

    The default array data type is `float64`.

    dtype: string (optional)
        Data type. Default: 'float64'.

    out: TypedArray|Array
        Output array.

    > var arr = {{alias}}()
    > arr = {{alias}}( 'float32' )

{{alias}}( value, length[, dtype] )
    Returns a filled array having a specified length.

    value: any
        Fill value.

    length: integer
        Array length.

    dtype: string (optional)
        Data type. Default: 'float64'.

    out: TypedArray|Array
        Output array.

    > var arr = {{alias}}( 1.0, 5 )
    <Float64Array>[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
    > arr = {{alias}}( 1, 5, 'int32' )
    <Int32Array>[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]

{{alias}}( value, array[, dtype] )
    Creates a filled array from another array (or array-like object).

    value: any
        Fill value.

    array: ArrayLikeObject
        Array from which to generate another array.

    dtype: string (optional)
        Data type. Default: 'float64'.

    out: TypedArray|Array
        Output array.

    > var arr1 = {{alias}}( 2.0, [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ] )
    <Float64Array>[ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ]
    > var arr2 = {{alias}}( 1.0, arr1, 'float32' )
    <Float32Array>[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]

{{alias}}( value, iterable[, dtype] )
    Creates a filled array from an iterable.

    value: any
        Fill value.

    iterable: Object
        Iterable from which to generate an array.

    dtype: string (optional)
        Data type. Default: 'float64'.

    out: TypedArray|Array
        Output array.

    > var arr1 = {{alias:@stdlib/iter/constant}}( 3.0, {'iter': 3} );
    > var arr2 = {{alias}}( 1.0, arr1, 'float32' )
    <Float32Array>[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]

{{alias}}( value, buffer[, byteOffset[, length]][, dtype] )
    Returns a filled typed array view of an ArrayBuffer.

    The 'generic' array data type is *not* supported.

    value: any
        Fill value.

    buffer: ArrayBuffer
        Underlying ArrayBuffer.

    byteOffset: integer (optional)
        Integer byte offset specifying the location of the first typed array
        element. Default: 0.

    length: integer (optional)
        View length. If not provided, the view spans from the byteOffset to
        the end of the underlying ArrayBuffer.

    dtype: string (optional)
        Data type. Default: 'float64'.

    out: TypedArray
        A typed array.

    > var buf = new {{alias:@stdlib/array/buffer}}( 16 );
    > var arr = {{alias}}( 1.0, buf, 0, 4, 'float32' )
    <Float32Array>[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]

    See Also