
@license Apache-2.0

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# untilEachRight

> Until a test condition is true, invoke a function for each element in a collection, iterating from right to left.

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<!-- Package usage documentation. -->

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## Usage

var untilEachRight = require( '@stdlib/utils/until-each-right' );

#### untilEachRight( collection, predicate, fcn\[, thisArg ] )

Invokes a `function` for each element in a `collection`, iterating from right to left, until either a `predicate` function returns `true` or the function has iterated over all `collection` elements.

function predicate( value ) {
    return ( value !== value );

function log( value, index ) {
    console.log( '%s: %d', index, value );

var arr = [ 1, NaN, 2, 3, 4 ];

untilEachRight( arr, predicate, log );
/* =>
    4: 4
    3: 3
    2: 2

Both the `predicate` function and the `function` to apply are provided three arguments:

-   `value`: collection element
-   `index`: collection index
-   `collection`: input collection

Basic support for dynamic collections is provided. Note, however, that index incrementation is **not** guaranteed to be monotonically **decreasing**.

var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
var i = 0;

function predicate( value ) {
    return ( value !== value );

function log1( value, index, collection ) {
    console.log( '%s: %d', index, value );
    i += 1;
    if ( index === 0 && collection.length < 10 ) {
        collection.unshift( i+1 );

untilEachRight( arr, predicate, log1 );
/* =>
    3: 4
    2: 3
    1: 2
    0: 1
    0: 5
    0: 6
    0: 7
    0: 8
    0: 9
    0: 10

function log2( value, index, collection ) {
    console.log( '%s: %d', index, value );

arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];

untilEachRight( arr, predicate, log2 );
/* =>
    3: 4
    1: 2

To set the function execution context for the applied function, provide a `thisArg`.

function predicate( value ) {
    return ( value !== value );

function sum( value ) {
    this.sum += value;
    this.count += 1;

var arr = [ 1, NaN, 2, 3, 4 ];

var context = {
    'sum': 0,
    'count': 0

untilEachRight( arr, predicate, sum, context );

var mean = context.sum / context.count;
// returns 3.0


<!-- /.usage -->

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## Notes

-   A `collection` may be either an [`Array`][mdn-array], [`Typed Array`][mdn-typed-array], or an array-like [`Object`][mdn-object] (excluding `strings` and `functions`).

-   The function returns the input `collection`.

-   The function does **not** skip `undefined` elements.

    <!-- eslint-disable no-sparse-arrays -->

    function predicate( value ) {
        return ( value !== value );

    function log( value, index ) {
        console.log( '%s: %s', index, value );

    var arr = [ 1, , , 4 ];

    untilEachRight( arr, predicate, log );
    /* =>
        3: 4
        2: undefined
        1: undefined
        0: 1

-   The function provides limited support for dynamic collections (i.e., collections whose `length` changes during execution).


<!-- /.notes -->

<!-- Package usage examples. -->

<section class="examples">

## Examples

<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->

var isEven = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-even' ).isPrimitive;
var randu = require( '@stdlib/random/base/randu' );
var floor = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/floor' );
var untilEachRight = require( '@stdlib/utils/until-each-right' );

var arr;
var i;
var j;

function predicate( value ) {
    return ( value !== value );

function log( value, index, collection ) {
    console.log( '%s: %d', index, value );
    i += 1;
    if ( isEven( i ) ) {
    } else {
        collection.unshift( i+1 );

arr = new Array( 100 );
j = floor( randu()*arr.length );
for ( i = arr.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
    if ( i === j ) {
        arr[ i ] = NaN;
    } else {
        arr[ i ] = i;

i = 0;
untilEachRight( arr, predicate, log );


<!-- /.examples -->

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[mdn-array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array

[mdn-typed-array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray

[mdn-object]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object


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