# toUint32
> Convert a [double-precision floating-point number][ieee754] to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
## Usage
var float64ToUint32 = require( '@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-uint32' );
#### float64ToUint32( x )
Converts a [double-precision floating-point number][ieee754] to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
var y = float64ToUint32( 4294967297.0 );
// returns 1
y = float64ToUint32( 3.14 );
// returns 3
y = float64ToUint32( -3.14 );
// returns 4294967293
y = float64ToUint32( NaN );
// returns 0
y = float64ToUint32( Infinity );
// returns 0
y = float64ToUint32( -Infinity );
// returns 0
## Examples
var randu = require( '@stdlib/random/base/randu' );
var round = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/round' );
var MAX_INT = require( '@stdlib/constants/uint32/max' );
var float64ToUint32 = require( '@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-uint32' );
var uint32;
var half;
var f64;
var i;
half = ( MAX_INT-1 ) / 2;
for ( i = 0; i < 500; i++ ) {
// Generate a random double-precision floating-point integer:
f64 = round( randu()*MAX_INT ) - half;
// Convert the double-precision floating-point value to an unsigned 32-bit integer:
uint32 = float64ToUint32( f64 );
console.log( 'float64: %d => uint32: %d', f64, uint32 );
[ieee754]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985