## Usage
var ns = require( '@stdlib/number/float64/base' );
#### ns
Base utilities for double-precision floating-point numbers.
var o = ns;
// returns {...}
- [`exponent( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/exponent]: return an integer corresponding to the unbiased exponent of a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`fromBinaryString( bstr )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/from-binary-string]: create a double-precision floating-point number from a literal bit representation.
- [`fromInt64Bytes( bytes, stride, offset )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/from-int64-bytes]: convert a signed 64-bit integer byte array to a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`fromWords( high, low )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/from-words]: create a double-precision floating-point number from a higher order word and a lower order word.
- [`getHighWord( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/get-high-word]: return an unsigned 32-bit integer corresponding to the more significant 32 bits of a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`getLowWord( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/get-low-word]: return an unsigned 32-bit integer corresponding to the less significant 32 bits of a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`normalize( [out,] x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/normalize]: return a normal number `y` and exponent `exp` satisfying `x = y * 2^exp`.
- [`setHighWord( x, high )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/set-high-word]: set the more significant 32 bits of a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`setLowWord( x, low )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/set-low-word]: set the less significant 32 bits of a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`signbit( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/signbit]: return a boolean indicating if the sign bit for a double-precision floating-point number is on (true) or off (false).
- [`toBinaryString( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-binary-string]: return a string giving the literal bit representation of a double-precision floating-point number.
- [`float64ToFloat32( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-float32]: convert a double-precision floating-point number to the nearest single-precision floating-point number.
- [`float64ToInt32( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-int32]: convert a double-precision floating-point number to a signed 32-bit integer.
- [`float64ToInt64Bytes( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-int64-bytes]: convert an integer-valued double-precision floating-point number to a signed 64-bit integer byte array according to host byte order (endianness).
- [`float64ToUint32( x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-uint32]: convert a double-precision floating-point number to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
- [`toWords( [out,] x )`][@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-words]: split a double-precision floating-point number into a higher order word and a lower order word.