{{alias}}( fcns, types, data, nargs, nin, nout )
    Returns a strided array function interface which performs multiple dispatch.

    Without offsets, a strided array function interface has the following

      f( N, x, strideX, y, strideY, ... )


    - N: number of indexed elements.
    - x: strided array.
    - strideX: index increment for `x`.
    - y: strided array.
    - strideY: index increment for `y`.
    - ...: additional strided arrays and associated strides.

    The number of parameters is derived from `nargs`, the number of input
    strided arrays is derived from `nin`, and the number of output strided
    arrays is derived from `nout`.

    Without offsets, the number of parameters must obey the following relation:

      nargs = 2*(nout+nin) + 1

    With offsets, the number of parameters must obey the following relation:

      nargs = 3*(nout+nin) + 1

    With offsets, a strided array function interface has the following

      f( N, x, strideX, offsetX, y, strideY, offsetY, ... )


    - N: number of indexed elements.
    - x: strided array.
    - strideX: index increment for `x`.
    - offsetX: starting index for `x`.
    - y: strided array.
    - strideY: index increment for `y`.
    - offsetY: starting index for `y`.
    - ...: additional strided arrays and associated strides and offsets.

    The choice of which strided array function interface to return depends on
    the use case. The former is suitable for typed array views; while the latter
    affords alternative indexing semantics more suitable for n-dimensional
    arrays (ndarrays).

    fcns: Function|ArrayLikeObject<Function>
        List of strided array functions. Without offsets, a strided array
        function should have the following signature:

          f( arrays, shape, strides, data )


        - arrays: array containing strided input and output arrays.
        - shape: array containing a single element, the number of indexed
        - strides: array containing the stride lengths for the strided input and
          output arrays.
        - data: strided array function data (e.g., a callback).

        With offsets, a strided array function should have the following

          f( arrays, shape, strides, offsets, data )


        - offsets: array containing the starting indices (i.e., index offsets)
          for the strided input and output arrays.

        For convenience, a single strided array function may be provided which
        will be invoked whenever the strided array argument data types match a
        sequence of types in `types`. Providing a single strided array function
        is particularly convenient for the case where, regardless of array data
        types, traversing arrays remains the same, but the strided array
        function `data` differs (e.g., callbacks which differ based on the array
        data types).

    types: ArrayLikeObject<string>
        One-dimensional list of strided array argument data types.

    data: ArrayLikeObject|null
        Strided array function data (e.g., callbacks). If `null`, a returned
        strided array function interface does **not** provide a `data` argument
        to an invoked strided array function.

    nargs: integer
        Total number of strided array function interface arguments (including
        strides and offsets).

    nin: integer
        Number of input strided arrays.

    nout: integer
        Number of output strided arrays.

    fcn: Function
        Strided array function interface.

    // Define strided array argument data types:
    > var t = [ 'float64', 'float64', 'float32', 'float32' ];

    // Define a list of strided array function data (callbacks):
    > var d = [ {{alias:@stdlib/math/base/special/abs}}, {{alias:@stdlib/math/base/special/absf}} ];

    // Create a strided array function interface for applying unary callbacks:
    > var f = {{alias}}( {{alias:@stdlib/strided/base/unary}}, t, d, 5, 1, 1 );

    // Create an input strided array:
    > var x = new {{alias:@stdlib/array/float64}}( [ -1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0 ] );

    // Create an output strided array:
    > var y = new {{alias:@stdlib/array/float64}}( [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] );

    // Compute the element-wise absolute value:
    > f( x.length, x, 1, y, 1 );
    > y
    <Float64Array>[ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ]

    // Create a strided array function interface supporting offsets:
    > f = {{alias}}( {{alias:@stdlib/strided/base/unary}}.ndarray, t, d, 7, 1, 1 );

    // Create an input strided array:
    > x = new {{alias:@stdlib/array/float64}}( [ -1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0 ] );

    // Create an output strided array:
    > y = new {{alias:@stdlib/array/float64}}( [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] );

    // Compute the element-wise absolute value starting from the third element:
    > f( x.length/2, x, 1, 2, y, 1, 2 );
    > y
    <Float64Array>[ 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0 ]

    See Also