    Returns a regular expression to capture the last part of a POSIX path.

    re: RegExp
        Regular expression.

    > var RE_BASENAME_POSIX = {{alias}}();
    > var base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( '/foo/bar/index.js' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( './foo/bar/.gitignore' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( 'foo/file.pdf' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( '/foo/bar/file' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( 'index.js' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( '.' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( './' )[ 1 ]
    > base = RE_BASENAME_POSIX.exec( '' )[ 1 ]

    Regular expression to capture the last part of a POSIX path.

    > var base = {{alias}}.REGEXP.exec( 'foo/bar/index.js' )[ 1 ]

    See Also