
@license Apache-2.0

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# arrayview2iterator

> Create an iterator from an array-like object view.

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<!-- Package usage documentation. -->

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## Usage

var arrayview2iterator = require( '@stdlib/array/to-view-iterator' );

#### arrayview2iterator( src\[, begin\[, end]]\[, mapFcn\[, thisArg]] )

Returns an iterator which iterates over each element in an array-like `object` view.

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 1

v = it.next().value;
// returns 2

v = it.next().value;
// returns 3

// ...

The returned iterator protocol-compliant object has the following properties:

-   **next**: function which returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value (if one exists) assigned to a `value` property and a `done` property having a `boolean` value indicating whether the iterator is finished.
-   **return**: function which closes an iterator and returns a single (optional) argument in an iterator protocol-compliant object.

By default, the returned iterator begins iterating from the first element in an array-like `object`. To specify an alternative starting index, provide a `begin` argument (inclusive).

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], 1 );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 2

v = it.next().value;
// returns 3

v = it.next().value;
// returns 4

var bool = it.next().done;
// returns true

If `begin` is less than `0`, the starting index is resolved relative to the last element. For example, the following generates the same behavior as in the previous example

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], -3 );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 2

v = it.next().value;
// returns 3

v = it.next().value;
// returns 4

var bool = it.next().done;
// returns true

By default, the returned iterator iterates until the last element in an array-like `object`. To specify an alternative ending index, provide an `end` argument (non-inclusive).

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], 0, 3 );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 1

v = it.next().value;
// returns 2

v = it.next().value;
// returns 3

var bool = it.next().done;
// returns true

If `end` is less than `0`, the ending index is resolved relative to the last element. For example, the following generates the same behavior as in the previous example

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], 0, -1 );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 1

v = it.next().value;
// returns 2

v = it.next().value;
// returns 3

var bool = it.next().done;
// returns true

To invoke a function for each `src` value, provide a callback function.

function fcn( v ) {
    return v * 10.0;

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], fcn );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 10.0

v = it.next().value;
// returns 20.0

v = it.next().value;
// returns 30.0

// ...

The invoked function is provided four arguments:

-   `value`: iterated value
-   `index`: iterated value index
-   `n`: iteration count (zero-based)
-   `src`: source array-like object

function fcn( v, i ) {
    return v * (i+1);

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], fcn );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 1

v = it.next().value;
// returns 4

v = it.next().value;
// returns 9

// ...

To set the callback function execution context, provide a `thisArg`.

function fcn( v ) {
    this.count += 1;
    return v * 10.0;

var ctx = {
    'count': 0

var it = arrayview2iterator( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], fcn, ctx );
// returns <Object>

var v = it.next().value;
// returns 10.0

v = it.next().value;
// returns 20.0

v = it.next().value;
// returns 30.0

var count = ctx.count;
// returns 3


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## Notes

-   If an environment supports `Symbol.iterator`, the returned iterator is iterable.
-   If provided a generic `array`, the returned iterator does **not** ignore holes. To achieve greater performance for sparse arrays, use a custom iterator.
-   A returned iterator does **not** copy a provided array-like `object`. To ensure iterable reproducibility, copy a provided array-like `object` **before** creating an iterator. Otherwise, any changes to the contents of an array-like `object` will be reflected in the returned iterator.
-   In environments supporting `Symbol.iterator`, the function **explicitly** does **not** invoke an array's `@@iterator` method, regardless of whether this method is defined. To convert an array to an implementation defined iterator, invoke this method directly.


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<!-- Package usage examples. -->

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## Examples

<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->

var Float64Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float64' );
var inmap = require( '@stdlib/utils/inmap' );
var randu = require( '@stdlib/random/base/randu' );
var arrayview2iterator = require( '@stdlib/array/to-view-iterator' );

function scale( v, i ) {
    return v * (i+1);

// Create an array filled with random numbers:
var arr = inmap( new Float64Array( 100 ), randu );

// Create an iterator from an array view which scales iterated values:
var it = arrayview2iterator( arr, 40, 60, scale );

// Perform manual iteration...
var v;
while ( true ) {
    v = it.next();
    if ( v.done ) {
    console.log( v.value );


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