{{alias}}( start, stop[, length][ , options] )
    Generates an array of linearly spaced dates.

    start: number
        Start time as either a `Date` object, Unix timestamp, JavaScript
        timestamp, or date string.

    stop: number
        Stop time as either a `Date` object, Unix timestamp, JavaScript
        timestamp, or date string.

    length: integer (optional)
        Length of output array. Default: `100`.

    options: Object (optional)

    options.round: string (optional)
        Specifies how sub-millisecond times should be rounded:
        [ 'floor', 'ceil', 'round' ]. Default: 'floor'.

    arr: Array
        Array of dates.

    > var stop = '2014-12-02T07:00:54.973Z';
    > var start = new Date( stop ) - 60000;
    > var arr = {{alias}}( start, stop, 6 )

    // Equivalent of Math.ceil():
    > var opts = { 'round': 'ceil' };
    > arr = {{alias}}( 1417503655000, 1417503655001, 3, opts )

    See Also