import std/math import std/sugar import std/random import std/sequtils randomize() ## Distribution functions ## Normal ## proc ur_normal(): float = let u1 = rand(1.0) let u2 = rand(1.0) let z = sqrt(-2.0 * ln(u1)) * sin(2 * PI * u2) return z proc normal(mean: float, sigma: float): float = return (mean + sigma * ur_normal()) proc lognormal(logmean: float, logsigma: float): float = let answer = pow(E, normal(logmean, logsigma)) return answer proc to(low: float, high: float): float = let normal95confidencePoint = 1.6448536269514722 let loglow = ln(low) let loghigh = ln(high) let logmean = (loglow + loghigh)/2 let logsigma = (loghigh - loglow) / (2.0 * normal95confidencePoint) return lognormal(logmean, logsigma) ## echo ur_normal() ## echo normal(10, 20) ## echo lognormal(2, 4) ## echo to(10, 90) ## Manipulate samples proc mixture(fs: seq[proc (): float{.nimcall.}], ps: seq[float], n: int): seq[float] = assert fs.len == ps.len var ws: seq[float] var sum = 0.0 for i, p in ps: sum = sum + p ws.add(sum) ws = => w/sum) var samples: seq[float] let rs = toSeq(1..n).map(_=>rand(1.0)) for i in 0..(n-1): let r = rs[i] var j = ws.len - 1 for k, w in ws: if r < w: j = k break ## only occasion when ^ doesn't assign j ## is when r is exactly 1 ## which would correspond to choosing the last item in ws ## which is why j is initialized to ws.len - 1 let f = fs[j] samples.add(f()) return samples ## Actual model let n = 1000000 let p_a = 0.8 let p_b = 0.5 let p_c = p_a * p_b let weights = @[ 1.0 - p_c, p_c/2.0, p_c/4.0, p_c/4.0 ] let fs = @[ proc (): float = 0.0, proc (): float = 1.0, proc (): float = to(1.0, 3.0), proc (): float = to(2.0, 10.0)] let result = mixture(fs, weights, n) let mean_result = foldl(result, a + b, 0.0) / float(result.len) # echo result echo mean_result