{{alias}}( x, factor[, options] ) Performs a one-way analysis of variance. Parameters ---------- x: Array Measured values. factor: Array Array of treatments. options: Object (optional) Options. options.alpha: number (optional) Number in the interval `[0,1]` giving the significance level of the hypothesis test. Default: `0.05`. Returns ------- out: Object Test result object. out.alpha: number Significance level. out.rejected: boolean Test decision. out.pValue: number p-value of the test. out.statistic: number Value of test statistic. out.method: string Name of test. out.means: Object Group means alongside sample sizes and standard errors. out.treatment: Object Treatment results. out.treatment.df: number Treatment degrees of freedom. out.treatment.ss: number Treatment sum of squares. out.treatment.ms: number Treatment mean sum of squares. out.error: Object Error results. out.error.df: number Error degrees of freedom. out.error.ss: number Error sum of squares. out.error.ms: number Error mean sum of squares. out.print: Function Function to print formatted output. Examples -------- > var x = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15]; > var f = [ ... 'control', 'treatA', 'treatB', 'treatC', 'control', ... 'treatA', 'treatB', 'treatC', 'control', 'treatA', 'treatB', 'treatC' ... ]; > var out = {{alias}}( x, f ) {...} See Also --------