
@license Apache-2.0

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unary

> C API for registering a Node-API module exporting a strided array interface for applying a unary callback to an input strided array.

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## Usage

var headerDir = require( '@stdlib/strided/napi/unary' );

#### headerDir

Absolute file path for the directory containing header files for C APIs.

var dir = headerDir;
// returns <string>


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## Examples

var headerDir = require( '@stdlib/strided/napi/unary' );

console.log( headerDir );
// => <string>


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## C APIs

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### Usage

#include "stdlib/strided/napi/unary.h"

#### stdlib_strided_napi_unary( env, info, \*obj )

Invokes a strided array interface which applies a unary callback to an input strided array based on provided JavaScript arguments.

#include "stdlib/strided/base/function_object.h"
#include <node_api.h>

// ...

static const struct StridedFunctionObject obj = {...};

// ...

* Receives JavaScript callback invocation data.
* @param env    environment under which the function is invoked
* @param info   callback data
* @return       Node-API value
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
    stdlib_strided_napi_unary( env, info, &obj );
    return NULL;

// ...

The function accepts the following arguments:

-   **env**: `[in] napi_env` environment under which the function is invoked.
-   **info**: `[in] napi_callback_info` callback data.
-   **obj**: `[in] struct StridedFunctionObject*` strided array [function object][@stdlib/strided/base/function-object].

void stdlib_strided_napi_unary( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, const struct StridedFunctionObject *obj );


Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting a strided array interface for applying a unary callback to an input strided array.

#include "stdlib/strided/base/function_object.h"

// ...

// Create a strided function object:
static const struct StridedFunctionObject obj = {...};

// ...

// Register a Node-API module:

The macro expects the following arguments:

-   **obj**: `struct StridedFunctionObject` strided array [function object][@stdlib/strided/base/function-object].

When used, this macro should be used **instead of** `NAPI_MODULE`. The macro includes `NAPI_MODULE`, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.


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### Notes

-   The function expects that the callback `info` argument provides access to the following JavaScript arguments:

    -   `N`: number of indexed elements.
    -   `X`: input [typed array][mdn-typed-array].
    -   `strideX`: `X` stride length.
    -   `Y`: destination [typed array][mdn-typed-array].
    -   `strideY`: `Y` stride length.


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[mdn-typed-array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray

[@stdlib/strided/base/function-object]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/strided/tree/main/base/function-object


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