{{alias}}( shape, strides, offset, order, idx, mode )
    Converts a linear index in an underlying data buffer to a linear index in an
    array view.

    shape: ArrayLike
        Array shape.

    strides: ArrayLike
        Stride array.

    offset: integer
        Location of the first indexed value based on the stride array.

    order: string
        Specifies whether an array is row-major (C-style) or column-major

    idx: integer
        Linear index in an underlying data buffer.

    mode: string
        Specifies how to handle a linear index which exceeds array dimensions.
        If equal to 'throw', the function throws an error when a linear index
        exceeds array dimensions. If equal to 'wrap', the function wraps around
        a linear index exceeding array dimensions using modulo arithmetic. If
        equal to 'clamp', the function sets a linear index exceeding array
        dimensions to either `0` (minimum linear index) or the maximum linear
        index. Default: 'throw'.

    idx: integer
        Linear index in an array view.

    > var d = [ 3, 3, 3 ];
    > var s = [ 9, -3, 1 ];
    > var o = 6;
    > var idx = {{alias}}( d, s, o, 'row-major', 7, 'throw' )

    See Also