{{alias}}( fcn, predicate[, thisArg] )
    Invokes a function until a test condition is true.

    The condition is evaluated *after* executing the provided function; thus,
    `fcn` *always* executes at least once.

    When invoked, both the predicate function and the function to invoke are
    provided a single argument:

    - `i`: iteration number (starting from zero)

    fcn: Function
        The function to invoke.

    predicate: Function
        The predicate function which indicates whether to stop invoking a

    thisArg: any (optional)
        Execution context for the invoked function.

    > function predicate( i ) { return ( i >= 5 ); };
    > function beep( i ) { console.log( 'boop: %d', i ); };
    > {{alias}}( beep, predicate )
    boop: 0
    boop: 1
    boop: 2
    boop: 3
    boop: 4

    See Also