# acoth > Compute the [inverse hyperbolic cotangent][hyperbolic-arctangent] of a number.
## Usage ```javascript var acoth = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/acoth' ); ``` #### acoth( x ) Computes the [inverse hyperbolic cotangent][hyperbolic-arctangent] of a `number` (in radians). ```javascript var v = acoth( 2.0 ); // returns ~0.5493 v = acoth( 1.0 ); // returns Infinity ``` The domain of the inverse hyperbolic cotangent is the union of the intervals `(-inf,-1]` and `[1,inf)`. If provided a value on the open interval `(-1,1)`, the function returns `NaN`. ```javascript var v = acoth( 0.0 ); // returns NaN v = acoth( 0.5 ); // returns NaN ```
## Examples ```javascript var linspace = require( '@stdlib/array/linspace' ); var acoth = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/acoth' ); var x = linspace( 1.0, 5.0, 100 ); var i; for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) { console.log( acoth( x[ i ] ) ); } ```