{{alias}}( fcn, ...args )
    Returns a function of smaller arity by partially applying arguments from the

    The implementation does not set the `length` property of the returned
    function. Accordingly, the returned function `length` is always zero.

    The evaluation context is always `null`.

    fcn: Function
        Function to partially apply.

    args: ...any
        Arguments to partially apply.

    out: Function
        Partially applied function.

    > function say( text, name ) { return text + ', ' + name + '.'; };
    > var toGrace = {{alias}}( say, 'Grace Hopper' );
    > var str = toGrace( 'Hello' )
    'Hello, Grace Hopper.'
    > str = toGrace( 'Thank you' )
    'Thank you, Grace Hopper.'

    See Also