{{alias}}( value ) Tests if a value is an array-like object containing only probabilities. A probability is defined as a numeric value on the interval [0,1]. Parameters ---------- value: any Value to test. Returns ------- bool: boolean Boolean indicating whether value is an array-like object containing only probabilities. Examples -------- > var bool = {{alias}}( [ 0.5, new Number(0.8) ] ) true > bool = {{alias}}( [ 0.8, 1.2 ] ) false > bool = {{alias}}( [ 0.8, '0.2' ] ) false {{alias}}.primitives( value ) Tests if a value is an array-like object containing only primitive probabilities. Parameters ---------- value: any Value to test. Returns ------- bool: boolean Boolean indicating whether value is an array-like object containing only primitive probabilities. Examples -------- > var bool = {{alias}}.primitives( [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.5 ] ) true > bool = {{alias}}.primitives( [ 0.3, new Number(0.4) ] ) false {{alias}}.objects( value ) Tests if a value is an array-like object containing only number objects having probability values. Parameters ---------- value: any Value to test. Returns ------- bool: boolean Boolean indicating whether value is an array-like object containing only number objects having probability values. Examples -------- > var bool = {{alias}}.objects( [ new Number(0.7), new Number(1.0) ] ) true > bool = {{alias}}.objects( [ 1.0, 0.0, new Number(0.7) ] ) false See Also --------