
@license Apache-2.0

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# Array-Like Function

> Return a function which tests if every element in an array-like object passes a test condition.

<section class="usage">

## Usage

var arraylikefcn = require( '@stdlib/assert/tools/array-like-function' );

<a name="arraylikefcn"></a>

#### arraylikefcn( predicate )

Returns a function which tests if every element in an [array-like object][array-like] passes a test condition. Given an input [array-like object][array-like], the function returns `true` if all elements pass the test and `false` otherwise.

var isOdd = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-odd' );

var arr1 = [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ];
var arr2 = [ 3, 5, 8 ];

var f = arraylikefcn( isOdd );

var bool = f( arr1 );
// returns true

bool = f( arr2 );
// returns false


<!-- /.usage -->

<section class="notes">

## Notes

-   The returned function will return `false` if **not** provided an [array-like object][array-like].
-   The returned function will return `false` if provided an empty [array-like object][array-like].
-   A `predicate` function should accept a single argument: an element from an [array-like object][array-like]. If the element satisfies a test condition, the `predicate` function should return `true`; otherwise, the `predicate` function should return `false`.


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<section class="examples">

## Examples

<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->

var isEven = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-even' );
var arraylikefcn = require( '@stdlib/assert/tools/array-like-function' );

var arr1;
var arr2;
var bool;
var f;
var i;

arr1 = new Array( 25 );
for ( i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++ ) {
    arr1[ i ] = i;

arr2 = new Array( 25 );
for ( i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++ ) {
    arr2[ i ] = 2 * i;

f = arraylikefcn( isEven );

bool = f( arr1 );
// returns false

bool = f( arr2 );
// returns true


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<section class="links">

[array-like]: http://www.2ality.com/2013/05/quirk-array-like-objects.html


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