    Stack constructor.

    A stack is also referred to as a "last-in-first-out" queue.

    stack: Object
        Stack data structure.

    stack.clear: Function
        Clears the stack.

    stack.first: Function
        Returns the "newest" stack value (i.e., the value which is "first-out").
        If the stack is empty, the returned value is `undefined`.

    stack.iterator: Function
        Returns an iterator for iterating over a stack. If an environment
        supports Symbol.iterator, the returned iterator is iterable. Note that,
        in order to prevent confusion arising from stack mutation during
        iteration, a returned iterator **always** iterates over a stack
        "snapshot", which is defined as the list of stack elements at the time
        of the method's invocation.

    stack.last: Function
        Returns the "oldest" stack value (i.e., the value which is "last-out").
        If the stack is empty, the returned value is `undefined`.

    stack.length: integer
        Stack length.

    stack.pop: Function
        Removes and returns the current "first-out" value from the stack. If the
        stack is empty, the returned value is `undefined`.

    stack.push: Function
        Adds a value to the stack.

    stack.toArray: Function
        Returns an array of stack values.

    stack.toJSON: Function
        Serializes a stack as JSON.

    > var s = {{alias}}();
    > s.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );
    > s.length
    > s.pop()
    > s.length
    > s.pop()
    > s.length

    See Also