{{alias}}( str, len[, options] )
    Pads a `string` such that the padded `string` has length `len`.

    Any padding which does not evenly divide available space is trimmed such
    that the returned string length is always `len`.

    If `len < str.length`, the input string is trimmed.

    str: string
        Input string.

    len: integer
        Output string length.

    options: Object (optional)

    options.lpad: string (optional)
        String used to left pad.

    options.rpad: string (optional)
        String used to right pad.

    options.centerRight: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to center right in the event of a tie.
        Default: `false` (i.e., center left).

    out: string
        Padded string.

    // Standard usage:
    > var out = {{alias}}( 'a', 5 )
    'a    '

    // Left pad:
    > out = {{alias}}( 'a', 10, { 'lpad': 'b' })

    // Right pad:
    > out = {{alias}}( 'a', 12, { 'rpad': 'b' })

    // Center an input string:
    > var opts = { 'lpad': 'a', 'rpad': 'c' };
    > out = {{alias}}( 'b', 11, opts )

    // Left center:
    > opts.centerRight = false;
    > out = {{alias}}( 'b', 10, opts )

    // Right center:
    > opts.centerRight = true;
    > out = {{alias}}( 'b', 10, opts )

    // Output string always length `len`:
    > opts = { 'lpad': 'boop', 'rpad': 'woot' };
    > out = {{alias}}( 'beep', 10, opts )

    // Pad right, trim right:
    > out = {{alias}}( 'beep', 2 )

    // Pad left, trim left:
    > opts = { 'lpad': 'b' };
    > out = {{alias}}( 'beep', 2, opts )

    // Pad both, trim both:
    > opts = { 'lpad': '@', 'rpad': '!' };
    > out = {{alias}}( 'beep', 2, opts )

    // Pad both, trim both starting from left:
    > out = {{alias}}( 'abcdef', 3, opts )

    // Pad both, trim both starting from right:
    > opts.centerRight = true;
    > out = {{alias}}( 'abcdef', 3, opts )

    See Also