{{alias}}( str ) Removes punctuation characters from a `string`. The function removes the following characters: - Apostrophe: ` - Braces : { } - Brackets: [ ] - Colon: : - Comma: , - Exclamation Mark: ! - Fraction Slash: / - Guillemets: < > - Parentheses: ( ) - Period: . - Semicolon: ; - Tilde: ~ - Vertical Bar: | - Question Mark: ? - Quotation Marks: ' " Parameters ---------- str: string Input string. Returns ------- out: string String with punctuation characters removed. Examples -------- > var str = 'Sun Tzu said: "A leader leads by example not by force."'; > var out = {{alias}}( str ) 'Sun Tzu said A leader leads by example not by force' > str = 'This function removes these characters: `{}[]:,!/<>().;~|?\'"'; > out = {{alias}}( str ) 'This function removes these characters ' See Also --------