# Basename
> [Regular expression][regexp] to capture the last part of a Windows path.
## Usage
var reBasenameWindows = require( '@stdlib/regexp/basename-windows' );
#### reBasenameWindows()
Returns a [regular expression][regexp] to capture the last part of a Windows path.
var RE = reBasenameWindows();
var base = RE.exec( 'foo\\bar\\index.js' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'index.js'
#### reBasenameWindows.REGEXP
[Regular expression][regexp] to capture the last part of a Windows path.
var match = reBasenameWindows.REGEXP.exec( 'foo\\file.pdf' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'file.pdf'
## Examples
var reBasenameWindows = require( '@stdlib/regexp/basename-windows' );
var RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS = reBasenameWindows();
var base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( 'index.js' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'index.js'
base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( 'C:\\foo\\bar\\home.html' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'home.html'
base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( 'foo\\file.pdf' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'file.pdf'
base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( 'beep\\boop.' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'boop.'
base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( '' )[ 1 ];
// returns ''
base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( '\\foo\\bar\\file' )[ 1 ];
// returns 'file'
base = RE_BASENAME_WINDOWS.exec( 'C:\\foo\\bar\\.gitignore' )[ 1 ];
// returns '.gitignore'
[regexp]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions