{{alias}}( [options] )
    Returns a readable stream for generating pseudorandom numbers on the
    interval `[1, 4294967295]`.

    In addition to standard readable stream events, the returned stream emits a
    'state' event after internally generating `siter` pseudorandom numbers,
    which is useful when wanting to deterministically capture a stream's
    underlying PRNG state.

    The underlying pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) is a 32-bit Mersenne
    Twister pseudorandom number generator.

    The PRNG is *not* a cryptographically secure PRNG.

    The PRNG has a period of 2^19937 - 1.

    options: Object (optional)

    options.objectMode: boolean (optional)
        Specifies whether a stream should operate in "objectMode". Default:

    options.encoding: string|null (optional)
        Specifies how Buffer objects should be decoded to strings. Default:

    options.highWaterMark: integer (optional)
        Specifies the maximum number of bytes to store in an internal buffer
        before ceasing to generate additional pseudorandom numbers.

    options.sep: string (optional)
        Separator used to join streamed data. This option is only applicable
        when a stream is not in "objectMode". Default: '\n'.

    options.iter: integer (optional)
        Number of iterations.

    options.normalized: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to return pseudorandom numbers on the
        interval `[0,1)`.

    options.seed: integer|ArrayLikeObject<integer> (optional)
        Pseudorandom number generator seed. The seed may be either a positive
        unsigned 32-bit integer or, for arbitrary length seeds, an array-like
        object containing unsigned 32-bit integers.

    options.state: Uint32Array (optional)
        Pseudorandom number generator state. If provided, the `seed` option is

    options.copy: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to copy a provided pseudorandom number
        generator state. Setting this option to `false` allows sharing state
        between two or more pseudorandom number generators. Setting this option
        to `true` ensures that a returned iterator has exclusive control over
        its internal state. Default: true.

    options.siter: integer (optional)
        Number of iterations after which to emit the PRNG state. Default: 1e308.

    stream: ReadableStream
        Readable stream.

    stream.PRNG: Function
        Underlying pseudorandom number generator.

    stream.seed: Uint32Array|null
        Pseudorandom number generator seed.

    stream.seedLength: integer|null
        Length of generator seed.

    stream.state: Uint32Array|null
        Generator state.

    stream.stateLength: integer|null
        Length of generator state.

    stream.byteLength: integer|null
        Size (in bytes) of generator state.

    > function fcn( chunk ) { console.log( chunk.toString() ); };
    > var opts = { 'iter': 10 };
    > var s = {{alias}}( opts );
    > var o = {{alias:@stdlib/streams/node/inspect-sink}}( fcn );
    > s.pipe( o );

{{alias}}.factory( [options] )
    Returns a function for creating readable streams which generate pseudorandom
    numbers on the interval `[1, 4294967295]`.

    options.objectMode: boolean (optional)
        Specifies whether a stream should operate in "objectMode". Default:

    options.encoding: string|null (optional)
        Specifies how Buffer objects should be decoded to strings. Default:

    options.highWaterMark: integer (optional)
        Specifies the maximum number of bytes to store in an internal buffer
        before ceasing to generate additional pseudorandom numbers.

    options.sep: string (optional)
        Separator used to join streamed data. This option is only applicable
        when a stream is not in "objectMode". Default: '\n'.

    options.iter: integer (optional)
        Number of iterations.

    options.normalized: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to return pseudorandom numbers on the
        interval `[0,1)`.

    options.seed: integer|ArrayLikeObject<integer> (optional)
        Pseudorandom number generator seed. The seed may be either a positive
        unsigned 32-bit integer or, for arbitrary length seeds, an array-like
        object containing unsigned 32-bit integers.

    options.state: Uint32Array (optional)
        Pseudorandom number generator state. If provided, the `seed` option is

    options.copy: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to copy a provided pseudorandom number
        generator state. Setting this option to `false` allows sharing state
        between two or more pseudorandom number generators. Setting this option
        to `true` ensures that a returned iterator has exclusive control over
        its internal state. Default: true.

    options.siter: integer (optional)
        Number of iterations after which to emit the PRNG state. Default: 1e308.

    fcn: Function
        Function for creating readable streams.

    > var opts = { 'objectMode': true, 'highWaterMark': 64 };
    > var createStream = {{alias}}.factory( opts );

{{alias}}.objectMode( [options] )
    Returns an "objectMode" readable stream for generating pseudorandom numbers
    on the interval `[1, 4294967295]`.

    options: Object (optional)

    options.encoding: string|null (optional)
        Specifies how Buffer objects should be decoded to strings. Default:

    options.highWaterMark: integer (optional)
        Specifies the maximum number of objects to store in an internal buffer
        before ceasing to generate additional pseudorandom numbers.

    options.iter: integer (optional)
        Number of iterations.

    options.normalized: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to return pseudorandom numbers on the
        interval `[0,1)`.

    options.seed: integer|ArrayLikeObject<integer> (optional)
        Pseudorandom number generator seed. The seed may be either a positive
        unsigned 32-bit integer or, for arbitrary length seeds, an array-like
        object containing unsigned 32-bit integers.

    options.state: Uint32Array (optional)
        Pseudorandom number generator state. If provided, the `seed` option is

    options.copy: boolean (optional)
        Boolean indicating whether to copy a provided pseudorandom number
        generator state. Setting this option to `false` allows sharing state
        between two or more pseudorandom number generators. Setting this option
        to `true` ensures that a returned iterator has exclusive control over
        its internal state. Default: true.

    options.siter: integer (optional)
        Number of iterations after which to emit the PRNG state. Default: 1e308.

    stream: ReadableStream
        Readable stream operating in "objectMode".

    stream.PRNG: Function
        Underlying pseudorandom number generator.

    stream.seed: Uint32Array|null
        Pseudorandom number generator seed.

    stream.seedLength: integer|null
        Length of generator seed.

    stream.state: Uint32Array|null
        Generator state.

    stream.stateLength: integer|null
        Length of generator state.

    stream.byteLength: integer|null
        Size (in bytes) of generator state.

    > function fcn( v ) { console.log( v ); };
    > var opts = { 'iter': 10 };
    > var s = {{alias}}.objectMode( opts );
    > var o = {{alias:@stdlib/streams/node/inspect-sink}}.objectMode( fcn );
    > s.pipe( o );

    See Also