## Usage
var fs = require( '@stdlib/fs' );
#### fs
Standard library for interfacing with a filesystem.
var f = fs;
// returns {...}
- [`close( fd, clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/close]: close a file descriptor.
- [`exists( path, clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/exists]: test whether a path exists on the filesystem.
- [`open( path[, flags[, mode]], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/open]: open a file.
- [`readDir( path, clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/read-dir]: read the contents of a directory.
- [`readFileList( filepaths[, options], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/read-file-list]: read the entire contents of each file in a file list.
- [`readFile( file[, options], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/read-file]: read the entire contents of a file.
- [`readJSON( file[, options], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/read-json]: read a file as JSON.
- [`readWASM( file[, options], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/read-wasm]: read a file as WebAssembly.
- [`rename( oldPath, newPath, clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/rename]: rename a file.
- [`resolveParentPathBy( path[, options], predicate, clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/resolve-parent-path-by]: resolve a path according to a predicate function by walking parent directories.
- [`resolveParentPath( path[, options], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/resolve-parent-path]: resolve a path by walking parent directories.
- [`unlink( path, clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/unlink]: remove a directory entry.
- [`writeFile( file, data[, options], clbk )`][@stdlib/fs/write-file]: write data to a file.