[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The namespace contains functions to create arrays pre-filled with spaced values:
- [`datespace( start, stop[, length][, opts] )`][@stdlib/array/datespace]: generate an array of linearly spaced dates.
- [`incrspace( start, stop[, increment] )`][@stdlib/array/incrspace]: generate a linearly spaced numeric array using a provided increment.
- [`linspace( start, stop[, length] )`][@stdlib/array/linspace]: generate a linearly spaced numeric array.
- [`logspace( a, b[, length] )`][@stdlib/array/logspace]: generate a logarithmically spaced numeric array.
You can use the following functions to retrieve a list of available data types:
- [`arrayDataTypes()`][@stdlib/array/dtypes]: list of array data types.
- [`typedarrayComplexDataTypes()`][@stdlib/array/typed-complex-dtypes]: list of complex typed array data types.
- [`typedarrayDataTypes()`][@stdlib/array/typed-dtypes]: list of typed array data types.
var DTYPES = ns.arrayDataTypes();
// returns [ 'float32', 'float64', 'generic', 'int16', 'int32', 'int8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint8', 'uint8c' ]
Furthermore, the namespace contains utility functions to retrieve a given constructor:
- [`arrayCtors( dtype )`][@stdlib/array/ctors]: array constructors.
- [`typedarrayComplexCtors( dtype )`][@stdlib/array/typed-complex-ctors]: complex typed array constructors.
- [`typedarrayCtors( dtype )`][@stdlib/array/typed-ctors]: typed array constructors.
var ctor = ns.typedarrayCtors( 'float64' );
// returns
ctor = ns.typedarrayCtors( 'int' );
// returns null
Lastly, the namespace contains various other functions for dealing with arrays, including functions to convert arrays from one data type to another or to serialize them as JSON and vice versa.
- [`Complex128Array()`][@stdlib/array/complex128]: 128-bit complex number array.
- [`Complex64Array()`][@stdlib/array/complex64]: 64-bit complex number array.
- [`convertArraySame( x, y )`][@stdlib/array/convert-same]: convert an array to the same data type as a second input array.
- [`convertArray( arr, dtype )`][@stdlib/array/convert]: convert an array to an array of a different data type.
- [`DataView( buffer[, byteOffset[, byteLength]] )`][@stdlib/array/dataview]: constructor which returns a data view representing a provided array buffer.
- [`arrayDataType( array )`][@stdlib/array/dtype]: return the data type of an array.
- [`filledarray()`][@stdlib/array/filled]: create a filled array.
- [`iterator2array( iterator[, out][, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/from-iterator]: create (or fill) an array from an iterator.
- [`arrayMinDataType( value )`][@stdlib/array/min-dtype]: determine the minimum array data type of the closest "kind" necessary for storing a provided scalar value.
- [`arrayNextDataType( [dtype] )`][@stdlib/array/next-dtype]: return the next larger array data type of the same kind.
- [`typedarraypool()`][@stdlib/array/pool]: allocate typed arrays from a typed array memory pool.
- [`arrayPromotionRules( [dtype1, dtype2] )`][@stdlib/array/promotion-rules]: return the array data type with the smallest size and closest "kind" to which array data types can be **safely** cast.
- [`reviveTypedArray( key, value )`][@stdlib/array/reviver]: revive a JSON-serialized typed array.
- [`arraySafeCasts( [dtype] )`][@stdlib/array/safe-casts]: return a list of array data types to which a provided array data type can be safely cast.
- [`arraySameKindCasts( [dtype] )`][@stdlib/array/same-kind-casts]: return a list of array data types to which a provided array data type can be safely cast or cast within the same "kind".
- [`arrayShape( arr )`][@stdlib/array/shape]: determine (nested) array dimensions.
- [`circarray2iterator( src[, options][, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-circular-iterator]: create an iterator which repeatedly iterates over the elements of an array-like object.
- [`array2iteratorRight( src[, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-iterator-right]: create an iterator from an array-like object, iterating from right to left.
- [`array2iterator( src[, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-iterator]: create an iterator from an array-like object.
- [`typedarray2json( typedarray )`][@stdlib/array/to-json]: return a JSON representation of a typed array.
- [`sparsearray2iteratorRight( src[, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-sparse-iterator-right]: create an iterator from a sparse array-like object, iterating from right to left.
- [`sparsearray2iterator( src[, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-sparse-iterator]: create an iterator from a sparse array-like object.
- [`stridedarray2iterator( N, src, stride, offset[, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-strided-iterator]: create an iterator from a strided array-like object.
- [`arrayview2iteratorRight( src[, begin[, end]][, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-view-iterator-right]: create an iterator from an array-like object view, iterating from right to left.
- [`arrayview2iterator( src[, begin[, end]][, mapFcn[, thisArg]] )`][@stdlib/array/to-view-iterator]: create an iterator from an array-like object view.