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{{alias}}( collection, initial, [options,] reducer, done )
Applies a function against an accumulator and each element in a collection
and returns the accumulated result, iterating from right to left.
When invoked, `reducer` is provided a maximum of five arguments:
- `accumulator`: accumulated value
- `value`: collection value
- `index`: collection index
- `collection`: the input collection
- `next`: a callback to be invoked after processing a collection `value`
The actual number of provided arguments depends on function length. If
`reducer` accepts three arguments, `reducer` is provided:
- `accumulator`
- `value`
- `next`
If `reducer` accepts four arguments, `reducer` is provided:
- `accumulator`
- `value`
- `index`
- `next`
For every other `reducer` signature, `reducer` is provided all five
The `next` callback accepts two arguments:
- `error`: error argument
- `accumulator`: accumulated value
If a provided function calls the `next` callback with a truthy `error`
argument, the function suspends execution and immediately calls the `done`
callback for subsequent `error` handling.
Execution is *not* guaranteed to be asynchronous. To guarantee asynchrony,
wrap the `done` callback in a function which either executes at the end of
the current stack (e.g., `nextTick`) or during a subsequent turn of the
event loop (e.g., `setImmediate`, `setTimeout`).
The function does not support dynamic collection resizing.
If provided an empty collection, the function invokes the `done` callback
with the `initial` value as the second argument.
The function does not skip `undefined` elements.
When processing collection elements concurrently, *beware* of race
conditions when updating an accumulator. This is especially true when an
accumulator is a primitive (e.g., a number). In general, prefer object
collection: Array|TypedArray|Object
Input collection over which to iterate. If provided an object, the
object must be array-like (excluding strings and functions).
initial: any
Accumulator value used in the first invocation of the reduction
options: Object (optional)
Function options.
options.limit: integer (optional)
Maximum number of pending invocations. Default: Infinity.
options.series: boolean (optional)
Boolean indicating whether to process each collection element
sequentially. Default: true.
options.thisArg: any (optional)
Execution context.
reducer: Function
The function to invoke for each element in a collection.
done: Function
A callback invoked either upon processing all collection elements or
upon encountering an error.
// Basic usage:
> function fcn( acc, value, index, next ) {
... setTimeout( onTimeout, value );
... function onTimeout() {
... console.log( value );
... acc.sum += value;
... next( null, acc );
... }
... };
> function done( error, acc ) {
... if ( error ) {
... throw error;
... }
... console.log( acc.sum );
... };
> var arr = [ 1000, 2500, 3000 ];
> var acc = { 'sum': 0 };
> {{alias}}( arr, acc, fcn, done )
// Limit number of concurrent invocations:
> function fcn( acc, value, index, next ) {
... setTimeout( onTimeout, value );
... function onTimeout() {
... console.log( value );
... acc.sum += value;
... next( null, acc );
... }
... };
> function done( error, acc ) {
... if ( error ) {
... throw error;
... }
... console.log( acc.sum );
... };
> var opts = { 'limit': 2 };
> var arr = [ 1000, 2500, 3000 ];
> var acc = { 'sum': 0 };
> {{alias}}( arr, acc, opts, fcn, done )
// Process concurrently:
> function fcn( acc, value, index, next ) {
... setTimeout( onTimeout, value );
... function onTimeout() {
... console.log( value );
... acc.sum += value;
... next( null, acc );
... }
... };
> function done( error, acc ) {
... if ( error ) {
... throw error;
... }
... console.log( acc.sum );
... };
> var opts = { 'series': false };
> var arr = [ 1000, 2500, 3000 ];
> var acc = { 'sum': 0 };
> {{alias}}( arr, acc, opts, fcn, done )
{{alias}}.factory( [options,] fcn )
Returns a function which applies a function against an accumulator and each
element in a collection and returns the accumulated result, iterating from
right to left.
options: Object (optional)
Function options.
options.limit: integer (optional)
Maximum number of pending invocations. Default: Infinity.
options.series: boolean (optional)
Boolean indicating whether to process each collection element
sequentially. Default: true.
options.thisArg: any (optional)
Execution context.
fcn: Function
The function to invoke for each element in a collection.
out: Function
A function which invokes a function for each element in a collection.
> function fcn( acc, value, index, next ) {
... setTimeout( onTimeout, value );
... function onTimeout() {
... console.log( value );
... acc.sum += value;
... next( null, acc );
... }
... };
> var opts = { 'series': false };
> var f = {{alias}}.factory( opts, fcn );
> function done( error, acc ) {
... if ( error ) {
... throw error;
... }
... console.log( acc.sum );
... };
> var arr = [ 1000, 2500, 3000 ];
> var acc = { 'sum': 0 };
> f( arr, acc, done )
> acc = { 'sum': 0 };
> arr = [ 1000, 1500, 2000 ];
> f( arr, acc, done )
See Also