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@license Apache-2.0
Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# inheritedEnumerableProperties
> Return an array of an object's inherited enumerable property names and [symbols][@stdlib/symbol/ctor].
<section class="usage">
## Usage
<!-- eslint-disable id-length -->
var inheritedEnumerableProperties = require( '@stdlib/utils/inherited-enumerable-properties' );
#### inheritedEnumerableProperties( obj\[, level] )
Returns an `array` of an object's inherited enumerable property names and [symbols][@stdlib/symbol/ctor].
<!-- eslint-disable id-length -->
var defineProperty = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-property' );
function Foo() {
this.a = 'b';
return this;
Foo.prototype.beep = 'boop';
var f = new Foo();
var props = inheritedEnumerableProperties( f );
// returns [ 'beep' ]
By default, the function walks an object's entire prototype chain. To limit the inheritance level, provide a `level` argument.
<!-- eslint-disable id-length -->
var defineProperty = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-property' );
var inherit = require( '@stdlib/utils/inherit' );
function Bar() {
return this;
Bar.prototype.boop = 'beep';
function Foo() {
Bar.call( this );
this.a = 'b';
return this;
inherit( Foo, Bar );
Foo.prototype.beep = 'boop';
var f = new Foo();
var pros = inheritedEnumerableProperties( f, 1 );
// returns [ 'beep' ]
<!-- /.usage -->
<section class="notes">
## Notes
- Property order is not guaranteed, as `object` property enumeration is not specified according to the [ECMAScript specification][ecma-262-for-in]. In practice, however, most engines use insertion order to sort an `object`'s properties, thus allowing for deterministic extraction.
<!-- /.notes -->
<section class="examples">
## Examples
<!-- eslint-disable id-length -->
<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->
var hasSymbolSupport = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-symbol-support' );
var Symbol = require( '@stdlib/symbol/ctor' );
var defineProperty = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-property' );
var inheritedEnumerableProperties = require( '@stdlib/utils/inherited-enumerable-properties' );
var hasSymbols = hasSymbolSupport();
var props;
var obj;
function Foo() {
this.beep = 'boop';
this.a = {
'b': 'c'
defineProperty( this, 'baz', {
'configurable': false,
'enumerable': false,
'writable': true,
'value': 'qux'
if ( hasSymbols ) {
this[ Symbol( 'a' ) ] = 'b';
defineProperty( this, 'beep', {
'configurable': false,
'enumerable': false,
'writable': false,
'value': 'boop'
return this;
Foo.prototype.c = 'd';
defineProperty( Foo.prototype, 'bip', {
'configurable': false,
'enumerable': false,
'writable': false,
'value': 'bop'
if ( hasSymbols ) {
Foo.prototype[ Symbol( 'c' ) ] = 'd';
defineProperty( Foo.prototype, Symbol( 'e' ), {
'configurable': false,
'enumerable': false,
'writable': false,
'value': 'f'
obj = new Foo();
props = inheritedEnumerableProperties( obj );
console.log( props );
// e.g., => [ 'c', ... ]
<!-- /.examples -->
<section class="links">
[ecma-262-for-in]: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-12.6.4
[@stdlib/symbol/ctor]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/symbol-ctor
<!-- /.links -->