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type TrimRight<S extends string> = S extends `${infer R} ` ? TrimRight<R> : S;
type TrimLeft<S extends string> = S extends ` ${infer R}` ? TrimLeft<R> : S;
type Trim<S extends string> = TrimLeft<TrimRight<S>>;
type CamelCase<S extends string> = S extends `${infer W}-${infer Rest}`
? CamelCase<`${W}${Capitalize<Rest>}`>
: S;
// This is a trick to encourage TypeScript to resolve intersections for displaying,
// like { a: number } & { b : string } => { a: number, b: string }
// References:
// - https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/simplify.d.ts
// - https://effectivetypescript.com/2022/02/25/gentips-4-display/
type Resolve<T> = T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: O[K] } : never;
// This is a trick to encourage editor to suggest the known literals while still
// allowing any BaseType value.
// References:
// - https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/29729
// - https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/literal-union.d.ts
// - https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/primitive.d.ts
type LiteralUnion<LiteralType, BaseType extends string | number> = LiteralType | (BaseType & Record<never, never>);
// Side note: not trying to represent arrays as non-empty, keep it simple.
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/56006703/1082434
type InferVariadic<S extends string, ArgT> =
S extends `${string}...`
? ArgT[]
: ArgT;
type InferArgumentType<Value extends string, DefaultT, CoerceT> =
[CoerceT] extends [undefined]
? InferVariadic<Value, string> | DefaultT
: CoerceT | DefaultT;
// Special handling for optional variadic argument, won't be undefined as implementation returns [].
type InferArgumentOptionalType<Value extends string, DefaultT, CoerceT> =
Value extends `${string}...`
? InferArgumentType<Value, [DefaultT] extends [undefined] ? never : DefaultT, CoerceT>
: InferArgumentType<Value, DefaultT, CoerceT>
type InferArgument<S extends string, DefaultT = undefined, CoerceT = undefined> =
S extends `<${infer Value}>`
? InferArgumentType<Value, never, CoerceT>
: S extends `[${infer Value}]`
? InferArgumentOptionalType<Value, DefaultT, CoerceT>
: InferArgumentType<S, never, CoerceT>; // the implementation fallback is treat as <required>
type InferArguments<S extends string> =
S extends `${infer First} ${infer Rest}`
? [InferArgument<First>, ...InferArguments<TrimLeft<Rest>>]
: [InferArgument<S>];
type InferCommmandArguments<S extends string> =
S extends `${string} ${infer Args}`
? InferArguments<TrimLeft<Args>>
: [];
type NullableCopy<T, U> =
U extends undefined
? T | undefined
: T;
type FlagsToFlag<Flags extends string> =
Flags extends `${string},${infer LongFlag}`
? TrimLeft<LongFlag>
: Flags extends `${string}|${infer LongFlag}`
? TrimLeft<LongFlag>
: Flags extends `${string} ${infer LongFlag}`
? TrimLeft<LongFlag>
: Flags;
type ConvertFlagToName<Flag extends string> =
Flag extends `--no-${infer Name}`
? CamelCase<Name>
: Flag extends `--${infer Name}`
? CamelCase<Name>
: Flag extends `-${infer Name}`
? CamelCase<Name>
: never;
type CombineOptions<Options, O> =
keyof O extends keyof Options
? { [K in keyof Options]: K extends keyof O ? Options[K] | O[keyof O] : Options[K] }
: Options & O;
type IsAlwaysDefined<DefaulT, Mandatory extends boolean> =
Mandatory extends true
? true
: [undefined] extends [DefaulT]
? false
: true;
// Modify PresetT to take into account negated.
type NegatePresetType<Flag extends string, PresetT> =
Flag extends `--no-${string}`
? undefined extends PresetT ? false : PresetT
: undefined extends PresetT ? true : PresetT;
// Modify DefaultT to take into account negated.
type NegateDefaultType<Flag extends string, DefaultT> =
Flag extends `--no-${string}`
? [undefined] extends [DefaultT] ? true : DefaultT
: [undefined] extends [DefaultT] ? never : DefaultT; // don't add undefined, will make property optional later
// Modify ValueT to take into account coerce function.
type CoerceValueType<CoerceT, ValueT> =
[ValueT] extends [never]
? never
: [CoerceT] extends [undefined]
? ValueT
: CoerceT;
// Modify PresetT to take into account coerce function.
type CoercePresetType<CoerceT, PresetT> =
[PresetT] extends [never]
? never
: [CoerceT] extends [undefined]
? PresetT
: undefined extends PresetT ? undefined : CoerceT;
type BuildOptionProperty<Name extends string, FullValueT, AlwaysDefined extends boolean> =
AlwaysDefined extends true
? { [K in Name]: FullValueT }
: { [K in Name]?: FullValueT };
type InferOptionsCombine<Options, Name extends string, FullValueT, AlwaysDefined extends boolean> =
Resolve<CombineOptions<Options, BuildOptionProperty<Name, FullValueT, AlwaysDefined>>>;
// Combine the possible types
type InferOptionsNegateCombo<Options, Flag extends string, Name extends string, ValueT, PresetT, DefaultT, AlwaysDefined extends boolean> =
Flag extends `--no-${string}`
? Name extends keyof Options
? InferOptionsCombine<Options, Name, PresetT, true> // combo does not set default, leave that to positive option
: InferOptionsCombine<Options, Name, PresetT | DefaultT, true> // lone negated option sets default
: InferOptionsCombine<Options, Name, ValueT | PresetT | DefaultT, AlwaysDefined>;
// Recalc values taking into account negated option.
// Fill in appropriate PresetT value if undefined.
type InferOptionTypes<Options, Flag extends string, Value extends string, ValueT, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory extends boolean> =
InferOptionsNegateCombo<Options, Flag, ConvertFlagToName<Flag>,
CoerceValueType<CoerceT, InferVariadic<Value, ValueT>>,
NegatePresetType<Flag, CoercePresetType<CoerceT, PresetT>>,
NegateDefaultType<Flag, DefaultT>,
IsAlwaysDefined<DefaultT, Mandatory>>;
type InferOptionsFlag<Options, Flags extends string, Value extends string, ValueT, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory extends boolean> =
InferOptionTypes<Options, FlagsToFlag<Trim<Flags>>, Trim<Value>, ValueT, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory>;
// Split up Usage into Flags and Value
type InferOptions<Options, Usage extends string, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory extends boolean, PresetT = undefined> =
Usage extends `${infer Flags} <${infer Value}>`
? InferOptionsFlag<Options, Flags, Value, string, never, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory>
: Usage extends `${infer Flags} [${infer Value}]`
? InferOptionsFlag<Options, Flags, Value, string, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory>
: InferOptionsFlag<Options, Usage, '', never, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory>;
export type CommandUnknownOpts = Command<unknown[], OptionValues>;
// ----- full copy of normal commander typings from here down, with extra type inference -----
// Using method rather than property for method-signature-style, to document method overloads separately. Allow either.
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/method-signature-style */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export class CommanderError extends Error {
code: string;
exitCode: number;
message: string;
nestedError?: string;
* Constructs the CommanderError class
* @param exitCode - suggested exit code which could be used with process.exit
* @param code - an id string representing the error
* @param message - human-readable description of the error
* @constructor
constructor(exitCode: number, code: string, message: string);
export class InvalidArgumentError extends CommanderError {
* Constructs the InvalidArgumentError class
* @param message - explanation of why argument is invalid
* @constructor
constructor(message: string);
export { InvalidArgumentError as InvalidOptionArgumentError }; // deprecated old name
export interface ErrorOptions { // optional parameter for error()
/** an id string representing the error */
code?: string;
/** suggested exit code which could be used with process.exit */
exitCode?: number;
export class Argument<Usage extends string = '', ArgType = InferArgument<Usage>> {
description: string;
required: boolean;
variadic: boolean;
* Initialize a new command argument with the given name and description.
* The default is that the argument is required, and you can explicitly
* indicate this with <> around the name. Put [] around the name for an optional argument.
constructor(arg: Usage, description?: string);
* Return argument name.
name(): string;
* Set the default value, and optionally supply the description to be displayed in the help.
default<T>(value: T, description?: string): Argument<string, NonNullable<ArgType> | T>;
* Set the custom handler for processing CLI command arguments into argument values.
argParser<T>(fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): Argument<string, NullableCopy<T, ArgType>>;
* Only allow argument value to be one of choices.
choices(values: readonly string[]): this;
* Make argument required.
argRequired(): Argument<string, NonNullable<ArgType>>;
* Make argument optional.
argOptional(): Argument<string, ArgType | undefined>;
export class Option<Usage extends string = '', PresetT = undefined, DefaultT = undefined, CoerceT = undefined, Mandatory extends boolean = false> {
flags: string;
description: string;
required: boolean; // A value must be supplied when the option is specified.
optional: boolean; // A value is optional when the option is specified.
variadic: boolean;
mandatory: boolean; // The option must have a value after parsing, which usually means it must be specified on command line.
optionFlags: string;
short?: string;
long?: string;
negate: boolean;
defaultValue?: any;
defaultValueDescription?: string;
parseArg?: <T>(value: string, previous: T) => T;
hidden: boolean;
argChoices?: string[];
constructor(flags: Usage, description?: string);
* Set the default value, and optionally supply the description to be displayed in the help.
default<T>(value: T, description?: string): Option<Usage, PresetT, T, CoerceT, Mandatory>;
* Preset to use when option used without option-argument, especially optional but also boolean and negated.
* The custom processing (parseArg) is called.
* @example
* ```ts
* new Option('--color').default('GREYSCALE').preset('RGB');
* new Option('--donate [amount]').preset('20').argParser(parseFloat);
* ```
preset<T>(arg: T): Option<Usage, T, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory>;
* Add option name(s) that conflict with this option.
* An error will be displayed if conflicting options are found during parsing.
* @example
* ```ts
* new Option('--rgb').conflicts('cmyk');
* new Option('--js').conflicts(['ts', 'jsx']);
* ```
conflicts(names: string | string[]): this;
* Specify implied option values for when this option is set and the implied options are not.
* The custom processing (parseArg) is not called on the implied values.
* @example
* program
* .addOption(new Option('--log', 'write logging information to file'))
* .addOption(new Option('--trace', 'log extra details').implies({ log: 'trace.txt' }));
implies(optionValues: OptionValues): this;
* Set environment variable to check for option value.
* An environment variables is only used if when processed the current option value is
* undefined, or the source of the current value is 'default' or 'config' or 'env'.
env(name: string): this;
* Calculate the full description, including defaultValue etc.
fullDescription(): string;
* Set the custom handler for processing CLI option arguments into option values.
argParser<T>(fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): Option<Usage, PresetT, DefaultT, T, Mandatory>;
* Whether the option is mandatory and must have a value after parsing.
makeOptionMandatory<M extends boolean = true>(mandatory?: M): Option<Usage, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, M>;
* Hide option in help.
hideHelp(hide?: boolean): this;
* Only allow option value to be one of choices.
choices(values: readonly string[]): this;
* Return option name.
name(): string;
* Return option name, in a camelcase format that can be used
* as a object attribute key.
attributeName(): string;
* Return whether a boolean option.
* Options are one of boolean, negated, required argument, or optional argument.
isBoolean(): boolean;
export class Help {
/** output helpWidth, long lines are wrapped to fit */
helpWidth?: number;
sortSubcommands: boolean;
sortOptions: boolean;
/** Get the command term to show in the list of subcommands. */
subcommandTerm(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): string;
/** Get the command summary to show in the list of subcommands. */
subcommandDescription(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): string;
/** Get the option term to show in the list of options. */
optionTerm(option: Option): string;
/** Get the option description to show in the list of options. */
optionDescription(option: Option): string;
/** Get the argument term to show in the list of arguments. */
argumentTerm(argument: Argument): string;
/** Get the argument description to show in the list of arguments. */
argumentDescription(argument: Argument): string;
/** Get the command usage to be displayed at the top of the built-in help. */
commandUsage(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): string;
/** Get the description for the command. */
commandDescription(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): string;
/** Get an array of the visible subcommands. Includes a placeholder for the implicit help command, if there is one. */
visibleCommands(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): CommandUnknownOpts[];
/** Get an array of the visible options. Includes a placeholder for the implicit help option, if there is one. */
visibleOptions(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): Option[];
/** Get an array of the arguments which have descriptions. */
visibleArguments(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts): Argument[];
/** Get the longest command term length. */
longestSubcommandTermLength(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts, helper: Help): number;
/** Get the longest option term length. */
longestOptionTermLength(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts, helper: Help): number;
/** Get the longest argument term length. */
longestArgumentTermLength(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts, helper: Help): number;
/** Calculate the pad width from the maximum term length. */
padWidth(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts, helper: Help): number;
* Wrap the given string to width characters per line, with lines after the first indented.
* Do not wrap if insufficient room for wrapping (minColumnWidth), or string is manually formatted.
wrap(str: string, width: number, indent: number, minColumnWidth?: number): string;
/** Generate the built-in help text. */
formatHelp(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts, helper: Help): string;
export type HelpConfiguration = Partial<Help>;
export interface ParseOptions {
from: 'node' | 'electron' | 'user';
export interface HelpContext { // optional parameter for .help() and .outputHelp()
error: boolean;
export interface AddHelpTextContext { // passed to text function used with .addHelpText()
error: boolean;
command: Command;
export interface OutputConfiguration {
writeOut?(str: string): void;
writeErr?(str: string): void;
getOutHelpWidth?(): number;
getErrHelpWidth?(): number;
outputError?(str: string, write: (str: string) => void): void;
export type AddHelpTextPosition = 'beforeAll' | 'before' | 'after' | 'afterAll';
export type HookEvent = 'preSubcommand' | 'preAction' | 'postAction';
// The source is a string so author can define their own too.
export type OptionValueSource = LiteralUnion<'default' | 'config' | 'env' | 'cli' | 'implied', string> | undefined;
export interface OptionValues {
[key: string]: unknown;
export class Command<Args extends any[] = [], Opts extends OptionValues = {}> {
args: string[];
processedArgs: Args;
commands: CommandUnknownOpts[];
parent: CommandUnknownOpts | null;
constructor(name?: string);
* Set the program version to `str`.
* This method auto-registers the "-V, --version" flag
* which will print the version number when passed.
* You can optionally supply the flags and description to override the defaults.
version(str: string, flags?: string, description?: string): this;
* Define a command, implemented using an action handler.
* @remarks
* The command description is supplied using `.description`, not as a parameter to `.command`.
* @example
* ```ts
* program
* .command('clone <source> [destination]')
* .description('clone a repository into a newly created directory')
* .action((source, destination) => {
* console.log('clone command called');
* });
* ```
* @param nameAndArgs - command name and arguments, args are `<required>` or `[optional]` and last may also be `variadic...`
* @param opts - configuration options
* @returns new command
command<Usage extends string>(nameAndArgs: Usage, opts?: CommandOptions): Command<[...InferCommmandArguments<Usage>]>;
* Define a command, implemented in a separate executable file.
* @remarks
* The command description is supplied as the second parameter to `.command`.
* @example
* ```ts
* program
* .command('start <service>', 'start named service')
* .command('stop [service]', 'stop named service, or all if no name supplied');
* ```
* @param nameAndArgs - command name and arguments, args are `<required>` or `[optional]` and last may also be `variadic...`
* @param description - description of executable command
* @param opts - configuration options
* @returns `this` command for chaining
command(nameAndArgs: string, description: string, opts?: ExecutableCommandOptions): this;
* Factory routine to create a new unattached command.
* See .command() for creating an attached subcommand, which uses this routine to
* create the command. You can override createCommand to customise subcommands.
createCommand(name?: string): Command;
* Add a prepared subcommand.
* See .command() for creating an attached subcommand which inherits settings from its parent.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
addCommand(cmd: CommandUnknownOpts, opts?: CommandOptions): this;
* Factory routine to create a new unattached argument.
* See .argument() for creating an attached argument, which uses this routine to
* create the argument. You can override createArgument to return a custom argument.
createArgument<Usage extends string>(name: Usage, description?: string): Argument<Usage>;
* Define argument syntax for command.
* The default is that the argument is required, and you can explicitly
* indicate this with <> around the name. Put [] around the name for an optional argument.
* @example
* ```
* program.argument('<input-file>');
* program.argument('[output-file]');
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
argument<S extends string, T>(
flags: S, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): Command<[...Args, InferArgument<S, undefined, T>]>;
argument<S extends string, T>(
flags: S, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T, defaultValue: T): Command<[...Args, InferArgument<S, T, T>]>;
argument<S extends string>(
usage: S, description?: string): Command<[...Args, InferArgument<S, undefined>]>;
argument<S extends string, DefaultT>(
usage: S, description: string, defaultValue: DefaultT): Command<[...Args, InferArgument<S, DefaultT>]>;
* Define argument syntax for command, adding a prepared argument.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
addArgument<S extends string, ArgType>(arg: Argument<S, ArgType>): Command<[...Args, ArgType]>;
* Define argument syntax for command, adding multiple at once (without descriptions).
* See also .argument().
* @example
* ```
* program.arguments('<cmd> [env]');
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
arguments<Names extends string>(args: Names): Command<[...Args, ...InferArguments<Names>]>;
* Override default decision whether to add implicit help command.
* @example
* ```
* addHelpCommand() // force on
* addHelpCommand(false); // force off
* addHelpCommand('help [cmd]', 'display help for [cmd]'); // force on with custom details
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
addHelpCommand(enableOrNameAndArgs?: string | boolean, description?: string): this;
* Add hook for life cycle event.
hook(event: HookEvent, listener: (thisCommand: this, actionCommand: CommandUnknownOpts) => void | Promise<void>): this;
* Register callback to use as replacement for calling process.exit.
exitOverride(callback?: (err: CommanderError) => never | void): this;
* Display error message and exit (or call exitOverride).
error(message: string, errorOptions?: ErrorOptions): never;
* You can customise the help with a subclass of Help by overriding createHelp,
* or by overriding Help properties using configureHelp().
createHelp(): Help;
* You can customise the help by overriding Help properties using configureHelp(),
* or with a subclass of Help by overriding createHelp().
configureHelp(configuration: HelpConfiguration): this;
/** Get configuration */
configureHelp(): HelpConfiguration;
* The default output goes to stdout and stderr. You can customise this for special
* applications. You can also customise the display of errors by overriding outputError.
* The configuration properties are all functions:
* ```
* // functions to change where being written, stdout and stderr
* writeOut(str)
* writeErr(str)
* // matching functions to specify width for wrapping help
* getOutHelpWidth()
* getErrHelpWidth()
* // functions based on what is being written out
* outputError(str, write) // used for displaying errors, and not used for displaying help
* ```
configureOutput(configuration: OutputConfiguration): this;
/** Get configuration */
configureOutput(): OutputConfiguration;
* Copy settings that are useful to have in common across root command and subcommands.
* (Used internally when adding a command using `.command()` so subcommands inherit parent settings.)
copyInheritedSettings(sourceCommand: CommandUnknownOpts): this;
* Display the help or a custom message after an error occurs.
showHelpAfterError(displayHelp?: boolean | string): this;
* Display suggestion of similar commands for unknown commands, or options for unknown options.
showSuggestionAfterError(displaySuggestion?: boolean): this;
* Register callback `fn` for the command.
* @example
* ```
* program
* .command('serve')
* .description('start service')
* .action(function() {
* // do work here
* });
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
action(fn: (...args: [...Args, Opts, this]) => void): this;
* Define option with `flags`, `description` and optional
* coercion `fn`.
* The `flags` string contains the short and/or long flags,
* separated by comma, a pipe or space. The following are all valid
* all will output this way when `--help` is used.
* "-p, --pepper"
* "-p|--pepper"
* "-p --pepper"
* @example
* ```
* // simple boolean defaulting to false
* program.option('-p, --pepper', 'add pepper');
* --pepper
* program.pepper
* // => Boolean
* // simple boolean defaulting to true
* program.option('-C, --no-cheese', 'remove cheese');
* program.cheese
* // => true
* --no-cheese
* program.cheese
* // => false
* // required argument
* program.option('-C, --chdir <path>', 'change the working directory');
* --chdir /tmp
* program.chdir
* // => "/tmp"
* // optional argument
* program.option('-c, --cheese [type]', 'add cheese [marble]');
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
option<S extends string>(
usage: S, description?: string): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, undefined, undefined, false>>;
option<S extends string, DefaultT extends string | boolean | string[] | []>(
usage: S, description?: string, defaultValue?: DefaultT): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, DefaultT, undefined, false>>;
option<S extends string, T>(
usage: S, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, undefined, T, false>>;
option<S extends string, T>(
usage: S, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T, defaultValue?: T): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, T, T, false>>;
* Define a required option, which must have a value after parsing. This usually means
* the option must be specified on the command line. (Otherwise the same as .option().)
* The `flags` string contains the short and/or long flags, separated by comma, a pipe or space.
requiredOption<S extends string>(
usage: S, description?: string): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, undefined, undefined, true>>;
requiredOption<S extends string, DefaultT extends string | boolean | string[]>(
usage: S, description?: string, defaultValue?: DefaultT): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, DefaultT, undefined, true>>;
requiredOption<S extends string, T>(
usage: S, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, undefined, T, true>>;
requiredOption<S extends string, T, D extends T>(
usage: S, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T, defaultValue?: D): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, S, D, T, true>>;
* Factory routine to create a new unattached option.
* See .option() for creating an attached option, which uses this routine to
* create the option. You can override createOption to return a custom option.
createOption<Usage extends string>(flags: Usage, description?: string): Option<Usage>;
* Add a prepared Option.
* See .option() and .requiredOption() for creating and attaching an option in a single call.
addOption<Usage extends string, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory extends boolean>(
option: Option<Usage, PresetT, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory>): Command<Args, InferOptions<Opts, Usage, DefaultT, CoerceT, Mandatory, PresetT>>;
* Whether to store option values as properties on command object,
* or store separately (specify false). In both cases the option values can be accessed using .opts().
* @returns `this` command for chaining
storeOptionsAsProperties<T extends OptionValues>(): this & T;
storeOptionsAsProperties<T extends OptionValues>(storeAsProperties: true): this & T;
storeOptionsAsProperties(storeAsProperties?: boolean): this;
* Retrieve option value.
getOptionValue<K extends keyof Opts>(key: K): Opts[K];
getOptionValue(key: string): unknown;
* Store option value.
setOptionValue<K extends keyof Opts>(key: K, value: unknown): this;
setOptionValue(key: string, value: unknown): this;
* Store option value and where the value came from.
setOptionValueWithSource<K extends keyof Opts>(key: K, value: unknown, source: OptionValueSource): this;
setOptionValueWithSource(key: string, value: unknown, source: OptionValueSource): this;
* Retrieve option value source.
getOptionValueSource<K extends keyof Opts>(key: K): OptionValueSource | undefined;
getOptionValueSource(key: string): OptionValueSource | undefined;
* Alter parsing of short flags with optional values.
* @example
* ```
* // for `.option('-f,--flag [value]'):
* .combineFlagAndOptionalValue(true) // `-f80` is treated like `--flag=80`, this is the default behaviour
* .combineFlagAndOptionalValue(false) // `-fb` is treated like `-f -b`
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
combineFlagAndOptionalValue(combine?: boolean): this;
* Allow unknown options on the command line.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
allowUnknownOption(allowUnknown?: boolean): this;
* Allow excess command-arguments on the command line. Pass false to make excess arguments an error.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
allowExcessArguments(allowExcess?: boolean): this;
* Enable positional options. Positional means global options are specified before subcommands which lets
* subcommands reuse the same option names, and also enables subcommands to turn on passThroughOptions.
* The default behaviour is non-positional and global options may appear anywhere on the command line.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
enablePositionalOptions(positional?: boolean): this;
* Pass through options that come after command-arguments rather than treat them as command-options,
* so actual command-options come before command-arguments. Turning this on for a subcommand requires
* positional options to have been enabled on the program (parent commands).
* The default behaviour is non-positional and options may appear before or after command-arguments.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
passThroughOptions(passThrough?: boolean): this;
* Parse `argv`, setting options and invoking commands when defined.
* The default expectation is that the arguments are from node and have the application as argv[0]
* and the script being run in argv[1], with user parameters after that.
* @example
* ```
* program.parse(process.argv);
* program.parse(); // implicitly use process.argv and auto-detect node vs electron conventions
* program.parse(my-args, { from: 'user' }); // just user supplied arguments, nothing special about argv[0]
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
parse(argv?: readonly string[], options?: ParseOptions): this;
* Parse `argv`, setting options and invoking commands when defined.
* Use parseAsync instead of parse if any of your action handlers are async. Returns a Promise.
* The default expectation is that the arguments are from node and have the application as argv[0]
* and the script being run in argv[1], with user parameters after that.
* @example
* ```
* program.parseAsync(process.argv);
* program.parseAsync(); // implicitly use process.argv and auto-detect node vs electron conventions
* program.parseAsync(my-args, { from: 'user' }); // just user supplied arguments, nothing special about argv[0]
* ```
* @returns Promise
parseAsync(argv?: readonly string[], options?: ParseOptions): Promise<this>;
* Parse options from `argv` removing known options,
* and return argv split into operands and unknown arguments.
* argv => operands, unknown
* --known kkk op => [op], []
* op --known kkk => [op], []
* sub --unknown uuu op => [sub], [--unknown uuu op]
* sub -- --unknown uuu op => [sub --unknown uuu op], []
parseOptions(argv: string[]): ParseOptionsResult;
* Return an object containing local option values as key-value pairs
opts(): Opts;
* Return an object containing merged local and global option values as key-value pairs.
optsWithGlobals<T extends OptionValues>(): T;
* Set the description.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
description(str: string): this;
/** @deprecated since v8, instead use .argument to add command argument with description */
description(str: string, argsDescription: {[argName: string]: string}): this;
* Get the description.
description(): string;
* Set the summary. Used when listed as subcommand of parent.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
summary(str: string): this;
* Get the summary.
summary(): string;
* Set an alias for the command.
* You may call more than once to add multiple aliases. Only the first alias is shown in the auto-generated help.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
alias(alias: string): this;
* Get alias for the command.
alias(): string;
* Set aliases for the command.
* Only the first alias is shown in the auto-generated help.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
aliases(aliases: readonly string[]): this;
* Get aliases for the command.
aliases(): string[];
* Set the command usage.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
usage(str: string): this;
* Get the command usage.
usage(): string;
* Set the name of the command.
* @returns `this` command for chaining
name(str: string): this;
* Get the name of the command.
name(): string;
* Set the name of the command from script filename, such as process.argv[1],
* or require.main.filename, or __filename.
* (Used internally and public although not documented in README.)
* @example
* ```ts
* program.nameFromFilename(require.main.filename);
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
nameFromFilename(filename: string): this;
* Set the directory for searching for executable subcommands of this command.
* @example
* ```ts
* program.executableDir(__dirname);
* // or
* program.executableDir('subcommands');
* ```
* @returns `this` command for chaining
executableDir(path: string): this;
* Get the executable search directory.
executableDir(): string;
* Output help information for this command.
* Outputs built-in help, and custom text added using `.addHelpText()`.
outputHelp(context?: HelpContext): void;
/** @deprecated since v7 */
outputHelp(cb?: (str: string) => string): void;
* Return command help documentation.
helpInformation(context?: HelpContext): string;
* You can pass in flags and a description to override the help
* flags and help description for your command. Pass in false
* to disable the built-in help option.
helpOption(flags?: string | boolean, description?: string): this;
* Output help information and exit.
* Outputs built-in help, and custom text added using `.addHelpText()`.
help(context?: HelpContext): never;
/** @deprecated since v7 */
help(cb?: (str: string) => string): never;
* Add additional text to be displayed with the built-in help.
* Position is 'before' or 'after' to affect just this command,
* and 'beforeAll' or 'afterAll' to affect this command and all its subcommands.
addHelpText(position: AddHelpTextPosition, text: string): this;
addHelpText(position: AddHelpTextPosition, text: (context: AddHelpTextContext) => string): this;
* Add a listener (callback) for when events occur. (Implemented using EventEmitter.)
on(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
export interface CommandOptions {
hidden?: boolean;
isDefault?: boolean;
/** @deprecated since v7, replaced by hidden */
noHelp?: boolean;
export interface ExecutableCommandOptions extends CommandOptions {
executableFile?: string;
export interface ParseOptionsResult {
operands: string[];
unknown: string[];
export function createCommand(name?: string): Command;
export function createOption<Usage extends string>(flags: Usage, description?: string): Option<Usage>;
export function createArgument<Usage extends string>(name: Usage, description?: string): Argument<Usage>;
export const program: Command;