
213 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-little-endian' );
var float64ToInt64Bytes = require( '@stdlib/number/float64/base/to-int64-bytes' ).assign;
var ArrayBuffer = require( '@stdlib/array/buffer' );
var Uint8Array = require( '@stdlib/array/uint8' );
var DataView = require( '@stdlib/array/dataview' );
var bytesPerElement = require( './../../../base/bytes-per-element' );
var dtypes = require( './../../../dtypes' ).enum;
var orders = require( './../../../orders' ).enum;
var modes = require( './../../../index-modes' ).enum;
var DTYPES = dtypes();
var ORDERS = orders();
var MODES = modes();
// MAIN //
* Serializes ndarray meta data.
* ## Notes
* - This function takes into account ndarray-like objects which may support index modes.
* - Serialization is performed according to host byte order (endianness).
* - Meta data format:
* ```text
* | endianness (1 byte) | <dtype> (2 bytes) | <ndims> (8 bytes) | <shape> (ndims*8 bytes) | <strides> (ndims*8 bytes) | <offset> (8 bytes) | <order> (1 byte) | <mode> (1 byte) | <nsubmodes> (8 bytes) | <submodes> (nsubmodes*1 bytes) |
* ```
* which translates to the following `ArrayBuffer` layout:
* ```text
* ArrayBuffer[
* <endianness>[int8],
* <dtype>[int16],
* <ndims>[int64],
* <shape>[ndims*int64],
* <strides>[ndims*int64],
* <offset>[int64],
* <order>[int8],
* <mode>[int8],
* <nsubmodes>[int64],
* <submodes>[nsubmodes*int8]
* ]
* ```
* where `strides` and `offset` are in units of bytes.
* - If the endianness is `1`, the byte order is little endian. If the endianness is `0`, the byte order is big endian.
* - Buffer length:
* ```text
* 1 + 2 + 8 + (ndims*8) + (ndims*8) + 8 + 1 + 1 + 8 + (nsubmodes*1) = 29 + (ndims*16) + nsubmodes
* ```
* For example, consider a three-dimensional ndarray with one subscript index mode (submode):
* ```text
* 29 + (3*16) + 1 = 78 bytes
* ```
* - Views:
* - endianness: `Int8Array( buf, 0, 1 )`
* - dtype: `Int16Array( buf, 1, 1 )`
* - ndims: `Int64Array( buf, 3, 1 )`
* - shape: `Int64Array( buf, 11, ndims )`
* - strides: `Int64Array( buf, 11+(ndims*8), ndims )`
* - offset: `Int64Array( buf, 11+(ndims*16), 1 )`
* - order: `Int8Array( buf, 19+(ndims*16), 1 )`
* - mode: `Int8Array( buf, 20+(ndims*16), 1 )`
* - nsubmodes: `Int64Array( buf, 21+(ndims*16), 1 )`
* - submodes: `Int8Array( buf, 29+(ndims*16), nsubmodes )`
* @private
* @param {ndarrayLike} x - input array
* @param {string} x.dtype - array data type
* @param {NonNegativeIntegerArray} x.shape - array shape
* @param {IntegerArray} x.strides - array strides
* @param {NonNegativeInteger} x.offset - array index offset
* @param {string} x.order - array order
* @param {string} [x.mode='throw'] - array index mode
* @param {StringArray} [x.submode=[x.mode]] - array subscript index modes
* @returns {DataView} serialized meta data
* @example
* var array = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/array' );
* var x = array( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
* var dv = serialize( x );
* // returns <DataView>
function serialize( x ) {
var nbytes;
var bytes;
var len;
var dt;
var sh;
var st;
var sm;
var v;
var m;
var o;
var s;
var N;
var M;
var i;
// Check for interface which does the work of serializing to a DataView for us...
if ( x.__array_meta_dataview__ ) { // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle
return x.__array_meta_dataview__(); // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle
// Extract meta data known to be attached to ndarray-like objects:
dt = x.dtype;
sh = x.shape;
st = x.strides;
N = sh.length; // ndims
// Extract meta data which may be available on ndarray-like objects (e.g., stdlib ndarray instances):
m = x.mode || 'throw';
sm = x.submode || [ m ];
M = sm.length;
// Determine number of bytes per element according to the ndarray dtype:
nbytes = bytesPerElement( dt );
// Compute the amount of memory we need to allocate for storing meta data:
len = 29 + (N*16) + M;
// Allocate raw memory and create a view for interfacing with the allocated memory:
v = new DataView( new ArrayBuffer( len ) );
bytes = new Uint8Array( v.buffer );
// Endianness: (byteoffset: 0; bytelength: 1)
o = 0;
v.setInt8( o, ( IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN ) ? 1 : 0 );
// Data type: (byteoffset: 1; bytelength: 2)
o += 1;
v.setInt16( o, DTYPES[ dt ], IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN );
// Number of dimensions: (byteoffset: 3; bytelength: 8)
o += 2;
float64ToInt64Bytes( N, bytes, 1, o );
// Shape and strides: (byteoffset: 11 and 11+(ndims*8), respectively; bytelength: ndims*8 for both shape and strides, and, thus, ndims*16 total)
s = N * 8; // stride length between a dimension (shape[i]) and its associated stride
o += 8;
for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
float64ToInt64Bytes( sh[i], bytes, 1, o );
float64ToInt64Bytes( st[i]*nbytes, bytes, 1, o+s );
o += 8;
// Offset: (byteoffset: 11+(ndims*16); bytelength: 8)
o += s;
float64ToInt64Bytes( x.offset*nbytes, bytes, 1, o );
// Order: (byteoffset: 19+(ndims*16); bytelength: 1)
o += 8;
v.setInt8( o, ORDERS[ x.order ] );
// Index mode: (byteoffset: 20+(ndims*16); bytelength: 1)
o += 1;
v.setInt8( o, MODES[ m ] );
// Number of index submodes: (byteoffset: 21+(ndims*16); bytelength: 8)
o += 1;
float64ToInt64Bytes( M, bytes, 1, o );
// Submodes: (byteoffset: 29+(ndims*16); bytelength: nsubmodes*1)
o += 8;
for ( i = 0; i < M; i++ ) {
v.setInt8( o, MODES[ sm[i] ] );
o += 1;
return v;
module.exports = serialize;