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@license Apache-2.0
Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.
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# White Space
> [Regular expression][regexp] to match a [white space][whitespace] character.
<section class="usage">
## Usage
var reWhitespace = require( '@stdlib/regexp/whitespace' );
#### reWhitespace( \[options] )
Returns a [regular expression][regexp] to match a [white space][whitespace] character.
var RE_WHITESPACE = reWhitespace();
var bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( '\n' );
// returns true
bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( ' ' );
// returns true
The function accepts an `options` object with optional properties:
- **flags**: `string` specifying regular expression [flags][mdn-regexp-flags]. Default: `''`.
- **capture**: `boolean` indicating whether to create a capture group for the match. Default: `false`.
By default, the function returns a regular expression which does not have any flags specified. To specify [flags][mdn-regexp-flags], set the `flags` option with a list of flags (which may be in any order).
var RE_WHITESPACE = reWhitespace({
'flags': 'gm'
var str = 'Hello World!';
var bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( str );
// returns true
bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( str );
// returns false
By default, the function returns a regular expression which does not capture the part of a string matching the regular expression. To capture matches, set the `capture` option.
var RE_WHITESPACE = reWhitespace({
'capture': true
var str = 'Hello World!';
var arr = str.split( RE_WHITESPACE );
// returns [ 'Hello', ' ', 'World!' ]
#### reWhitespace.REGEXP
[Regular expression][regexp] to match a [white space][whitespace] character.
var bool = reWhitespace.REGEXP.test( '\n' );
// returns true
bool = reWhitespace.REGEXP.test( '\\n' );
// returns false
#### reWhitespace.REGEXP_CAPTURE
[Regular expression][regexp] to capture characters matching a [white space][whitespace] character.
var replace = require( '@stdlib/string/replace' );
var str = 'Duplicate capture';
var out = replace( str, reWhitespace.REGEXP_CAPTURE, '$1$1' );
// returns 'Duplicate capture'
<!-- /.usage -->
<section class="notes">
## Notes
- Matches the `25` characters defined as white space ("WSpace=Y","WS") characters in the Unicode `9.0` character database.
- Matches one related white space character without the Unicode character property "WSpace=Y" (zero width non-breaking space which was deprecated as of Unicode 3.2).
- The `REGEXP` regular expression is defined as
- The `REGEXP_CAPTURE` regular expression is defined as
<!-- /.notes -->
<section class="examples">
## Examples
<!-- eslint no-undef: "error", stdlib/doctest: "off" -->
var reWhitespace = require( '@stdlib/regexp/whitespace' );
var RE_WHITESPACE = reWhitespace();
var bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( 'beep boop' );
// returns true
bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( '\n' );
// returns true
bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( '\r' );
// returns true
bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( '\t' );
// returns true
bool = RE_WHITESPACE.test( 'beep' );
// returns false
var str = 'This is\na newline\r\ndelimited string.';
var arr = str.split( RE_WHITESPACE );
// returns [ 'This', 'is', 'a', 'newline', '', 'delimited', 'string.' ]
<!-- /.examples -->
<section class="links">
[regexp]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
[whitespace]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_character
[mdn-regexp-flags]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions#advanced_searching_with_flags_2
<!-- /.links -->