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Raw Normal View History

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# kde2d
> Two-dimensional kernel density estimation.
<section class="usage">
## Usage
var kde2d = require( '@stdlib/stats/kde2d' );
#### kde2d( x, y\[, opts] )
By default, the function computes two-dimensional normal kernel density estimation for data provided in [arrays][mdn-array] or [typed-arrays][mdn-typed-array] `x` and `y`. When these arguments are supplied, the arrays are coerced into a Matrix-like object.
<!-- eslint-disable array-element-newline -->
var x = [ 0.6333, 0.8643, 1.0952, 1.3262, 1.5571,
1.7881, 2.019, 2.25, 2.481, 2.7119 ];
var y = [ -0.0468, 0.8012, 1.6492, 2.4973, 3.3454,
4.1934, 5.0415, 5.8896, 6.7376, 7.5857 ];
var out = kde2d( x, y );
/* e.g., returns
'x': [ ~0.633, ~0.72, ... ],
'y': [ ~-0.047, ~0.271 ... ],
'z': ndarray{ <Float64Array>[ ~0.0455, ... ]}
#### kde2d( arr\[, opts] )
The function has the ability to handle [ndarrays][nd-array]. Specifically the `ndarray` must be constructed so that there are two columns present, the first column containing the `x` values and the second column containing the `y` values.
Note that for the output the `x` and `y` properties refer to the equally spaced gridpoints of `X` and `Y` used to calculate `z`.
<!-- eslint-disable array-element-newline -->
var ndarray = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/ctor' );
var x = [ 0.6333, 0.8643, 1.0952, 1.3262, 1.5571,
1.7881, 2.019, 2.25, 2.481, 2.7119 ];
var y = [ -0.0468, 0.8012, 1.6492, 2.4973, 3.3454,
4.1934, 5.0415, 5.8896, 6.7376, 7.5857 ];
var buffer = x.concat( y );
var n = x.length;
var shape = [ n, 2 ];
var strides = [ 1, n ];
var offset = 0;
var order = 'column-major';
var arr = ndarray( 'generic', buffer, shape, strides, offset, order );
var out = kde2d( arr );
/* e.g., returns
'x': [ ~0.633, ~0.72, ... ],
'y': [ ~-0.047,~ 0.271, ... ],
'z': ndarray{ <Float64Array>[0.04547178438418015, ... ]}
The function accepts the following `options`:
- **h**: `NumberArray` of length 2 indicating the X and Y bandwidth values, respectively.
- **n**: A positive `integer` indicating the number of partitions to create in the grid. Default: `25`.
- **xMin**: A `number` indicating the lower bound of X. Must be strictly less than `xMax`. Will default to the minimum value of `X`.
- **xMax**: A `number` indicating the lower bound of X. Must be strictly greater than `xMin`. Will default to the maximum value of `X`.
- **yMin**: A `number` indicating the lower bound of X. Must be strictly less than `yMax`. Will default to the minimum value of `Y`.
- **yMax**: A `number` indicating the lower bound of X. Must be strictly greater than `yMin`. Will default to the maximum value of `Y`.
- **kernel**: A `string` or `function` indicating the kernel to be used when calculating the estimation. If a `string` is supplied then it will be matched to a pre-defined kernel function. Otherwise you may supply a function to support custom kernels. Will default to the `gaussian` kernel.
By default, the bandwidth argument is set by a builtin function. To choose different bandwidth values, set the `h` option. Note that if you use a custom bandwidth for one axis, you must also use a custom bandwidth for the other axis.
<!-- eslint-disable array-element-newline -->
var x = [ 0.6333, 0.8643, 1.0952, 1.3262, 1.5571,
1.7881, 2.019, 2.25, 2.481, 2.7119 ];
var y = [ -0.0468, 0.8012, 1.6492, 2.4973, 3.3454,
4.1934, 5.0415, 5.8896, 6.7376, 7.5857 ];
var out = kde2d( x, y, {
'h': [ 0.05, 0.1 ]
/* e.g., returns
'x': [ 0.148, 0.3772, ... ],
'y': [ -1.1511, -0.253, ... ],
'z': ndarray{ <Float64Array>[ 6.344e-154, 1.93e-171, ... ]}
By default, we use `25` partitions. To change the number of partitions, set the `n` option.
<!-- eslint-disable array-element-newline -->
var x = [ 0.6333, 0.8643, 1.0952, 1.3262, 1.5571,
1.7881, 2.019, 2.25, 2.481, 2.7119 ];
var y = [ -0.0468, 0.8012, 1.6492, 2.4973, 3.3454,
4.1934, 5.0415, 5.8896, 6.7376, 7.5857 ];
var out = kde2d( x, y, {
'n': 15
/* e.g., returns
'x': [ 0.0623, 0.452, ... ],
'y': [ 0.1378, 1.6266, ... ],
'z': ndarray{ <Float64Array>[1.211e-7, 5.76e-7, ... ]}
As a default choice, the `kde2d` function sets the `xMin`, `xMax`, `yMin` and `yMax` values to be the minimum and maximum of the `X` and `Y` arrays or columns of the supplied arguments. We may change the options as follows:
<!-- eslint-disable array-element-newline -->
var x = [ 0.6333, 0.8643, 1.0952, 1.3262, 1.5571,
1.7881, 2.019, 2.25, 2.481, 2.7119 ];
var y = [ -0.0468, 0.8012, 1.6492, 2.4973, 3.3454,
4.1934, 5.0415, 5.8896, 6.7376, 7.5857 ];
var out = kde2d( x, y, {
'xMin': 0.0,
'xMax': 2.5,
'yMin': 0.0,
'yMax': 6.0
/* e.g., returns
'x': [ 0, 0.1041, ... ],
'y': [ 0, 0.25, ... ],
'z': ndarray{ <Float64Array>[ 1.762e-8, 2.94e-8, ... ]}
<!-- /.usage -->
<section class="examples">
## Examples
<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->
var normal = require( '@stdlib/random/base/normal' );
var kde2d = require( '@stdlib/stats/kde2d' );
var randX;
var randY;
var out;
var i;
var x;
var y;
var n;
n = 100;
x = new Array( n );
y = new Array( n );
randX = normal.factory( 3.0, 1.2 );
randY = normal.factory( 10.0, 4.5 );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
x[ i ] = randX();
y[ i ] = randY();
out = kde2d( x, y );
/* e.g., returns
'x': [0.022, 0.2614, ...],
'y': [-4.533, 3.602, ...],
'z': ndarray { Float64Array [9.8266e-11, 6.45e-9, ...]}
<!-- /.examples -->
<section class="links">
[mdn-array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array
[mdn-typed-array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Typed_arrays
[nd-array]: https://github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib/blob/develop/lib/node_modules/@stdlib/ndarray/ctor/README.md
<!-- /.links -->