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# Complex64Array
> 64-bit complex number array.
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<!-- Package usage documentation. -->
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## Usage
var Complex64Array = require( '@stdlib/array/complex64' );
<a name="constructor"></a>
#### Complex64Array()
Creates a 64-bit complex number array.
var arr = new Complex64Array();
// returns <Complex64Array>
#### Complex64Array( length )
Creates a 64-bit complex number array having a specified `length`.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 10
#### Complex64Array( typedarray )
Creates a 64-bit complex number array from a [typed array][@stdlib/array/typed] containing interleaves real and imaginary components.
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var buf = new Float32Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0 ] ); // [ re, im, re, im ]
// returns <Float32Array>[ 1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0 ]
var arr = new Complex64Array( buf );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 2
#### Complex64Array( obj )
Creates a 64-bit complex number array from an array-like `object` or iterable.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
// From an array of interleaved real and imaginary components:
var arr1 = new Complex64Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0 ] );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr1.length;
// returns 2
// From an array containing complex numbers:
var buf = [ new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ) ];
var arr2 = new Complex64Array( buf );
len = arr2.length;
// returns 2
#### Complex64Array( buffer\[, byteOffset\[, length]] )
Returns a 64-bit complex number array view of an [`ArrayBuffer`][@stdlib/array/buffer].
var ArrayBuffer = require( '@stdlib/array/buffer' );
var buf = new ArrayBuffer( 240 );
var arr1 = new Complex64Array( buf );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr1.length;
// returns 30
var arr2 = new Complex64Array( buf, 8 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
len = arr2.length;
// returns 29
var arr3 = new Complex64Array( buf, 8, 20 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
len = arr3.length;
// returns 20
* * *
### Properties
<a name="static-prop-bytes-per-element"></a>
#### Complex64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
Static property returning the size (in bytes) of each array element.
var nbytes = Complex64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// returns 8
<a name="static-prop-name"></a>
#### Complex64Array.name
Static property returning the constructor name.
var str = Complex64Array.name;
// returns 'Complex64Array'
<a name="prop-buffer"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.buffer
Pointer to the underlying data buffer.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 2 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var buf = arr.buffer;
// returns <ArrayBuffer>
<a name="prop-byte-length"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.byteLength
Size (in bytes) of the array.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var nbytes = arr.byteLength;
// returns 80
<a name="prop-byte-offset"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.byteOffset
Offset (in bytes) of the array from the start of its underlying `ArrayBuffer`.
var ArrayBuffer = require( '@stdlib/array/buffer' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var offset = arr.byteOffset;
// returns 0
var buf = new ArrayBuffer( 240 );
arr = new Complex64Array( buf, 64 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
offset = arr.byteOffset;
// returns 64
<a name="prop-bytes-per-element"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
Size (in bytes) of each array element.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var nbytes = arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// returns 8
<a name="prop-length"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.length
Number of array elements.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 10
* * *
### Methods
<a name="static-method-from"></a>
#### Complex64Array.from( src\[, clbk\[, thisArg]] )
Creates a new 64-bit complex number array from an array-like `object` or an iterable.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
// Create an array from interleaved real and imaginary components:
var arr = Complex64Array.from( [ 1.0, -1.0 ] );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 1
// Create an array from an array of complex numbers:
arr = Complex64Array.from( [ new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ) ] );
// returns <Complex64Array>
len = arr.length;
// returns 1
The iterator returned by an iterable must return either a complex number or an array-like `object` containing a real and imaginary component.
var ITERATOR_SYMBOL = require( '@stdlib/symbol/iterator' );
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
var iter;
var arr;
var len;
var re;
var im;
var z;
// Define a function which returns an iterator protocol-compliant object...
function iterable() {
var buf = new Float32Array( 2 );
var i = 0;
return {
'next': next
function next() {
i += 1;
if ( i < 3 ) {
// Reuse allocated memory...
buf[ 0 ] = i;
buf[ 1 ] = -i;
return {
'value': buf
return {
'done': true
if ( ITERATOR_SYMBOL === null ) {
console.error( 'Environment does not support iterables.' );
} else {
// Create an iterable:
iter = {};
iter[ ITERATOR_SYMBOL ] = iterable;
// Generate a complex number array:
arr = Complex64Array.from( iter );
// returns <Complex64Array>
len = arr.length;
// returns 2
z = arr.get( 0 );
// returns <Complex64>
re = real( z );
// returns 1.0
im = imag( z );
// returns -1.0
To invoke a function for each `src` value, provide a callback function. If `src` is an iterable or an array-like `object` containing complex numbers, the callback must return either a complex number
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
function map( z ) {
return new Complex64( real(z)*2.0, imag(z)*2.0 );
// Create a source array:
var src = [ new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ) ];
// Create a new complex number array by scaling the source array:
var arr = Complex64Array.from( src, map );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 1
var z = arr.get( 0 );
// returns <Complex64>
var re = real( z );
// returns 2.0
var im = imag( z );
// returns -2.0
or an array-like `object` containing real and imaginary components
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
// Return a callback which reuses allocated memory...
function mapFcn() {
var buf = new Float32Array( 2 );
return map;
function map( z ) {
buf[ 0 ] = real( z ) * 2.0;
buf[ 1 ] = imag( z ) * 2.0;
return buf;
// Create a source array:
var src = [ new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ) ];
// Create a new complex number array by scaling the source array:
var arr = Complex64Array.from( src, mapFcn() );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 2
var z = arr.get( 0 );
// returns <Complex64>
var re = real( z );
// returns 2.0
var im = imag( z );
// returns -2.0
z = arr.get( 1 );
// returns <Complex64>
re = real( z );
// returns 4.0
im = imag( z );
// returns -4.0
If `src` is an array-like `object` containing interleaved real and imaginary components, the callback is invoked for each component and should return the transformed component value.
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
function map( v ) {
return v * 2.0;
// Create a source array:
var src = new Float32Array( [ 1.0, -1.0 ] );
// Create a new complex number array by scaling the source array:
var arr = Complex64Array.from( src, map );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 1
var z = arr.get( 0 );
// returns <Complex64>
var re = real( z );
// returns 2.0
var im = imag( z );
// returns -2.0
A callback function is provided two arguments:
- `value`: source value
- `index`: source index
To set the callback execution context, provide a `thisArg`.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
function map( z ) {
this.count += 1;
return new Complex64( real(z)*2.0, imag(z)*2.0 );
// Create a source array:
var src = [ new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ) ];
// Define an execution context:
var ctx = {
'count': 0
// Create a new complex number array by scaling the source array:
var arr = Complex64Array.from( src, map, ctx );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 2
var n = ctx.count;
// returns 2
<a name="static-method-of"></a>
#### Complex64Array.of( element0\[, element1\[, ...elementN]] )
Creates a new 64-bit complex number array from a variable number of arguments.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = Complex64Array.of( 1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
var len = arr.length;
// returns 2
var z1 = new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 );
var z2 = new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 );
arr = Complex64Array.of( z1, z2 );
// returns <Complex64Array>
len = arr.length;
// returns 2
<a name="method-copy-within"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.copyWithin( target, start\[, end] )
Copies a sequence of elements within the array starting at `start` and ending at `end` (non-inclusive) to the position starting at `target`.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 4 );
// Set the array elements:
arr.set( new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), 0 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ), 1 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 3.0, -3.0 ), 2 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 4.0, -4.0 ), 3 );
// Get the first array element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 0 );
// returns [ 1.0, -1.0 ]
// Get the second array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 1 );
// returns [ 2.0, -2.0 ]
// Copy the last two elements to the first two elements:
arr.copyWithin( 0, 2 );
// Get the first array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 0 );
// returns [ 3.0, -3.0 ]
// Get the second array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 1 );
// returns [ 4.0, -4.0 ]
By default, `end` equals the number of array elements (i.e., one more than the last array index). To limit the sequence length, provide an `end` argument.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 4 );
// Set the array elements:
arr.set( new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), 0 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ), 1 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 3.0, -3.0 ), 2 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 4.0, -4.0 ), 3 );
// Get the third array element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 2 );
// returns [ 3.0, -3.0 ]
// Get the last array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 3 );
// returns [ 4.0, -4.0 ]
// Copy the first two elements to the last two elements:
arr.copyWithin( 2, 0, 2 );
// Get the third array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 2 );
// returns [ 1.0, -1.0 ]
// Get the last array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 3 );
// returns [ 2.0, -2.0 ]
When a `target`, `start`, and/or `end` index is negative, the respective index is determined relative to the last array element. The following example achieves the same behavior as the previous example:
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 4 );
// Set the array elements:
arr.set( new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), 0 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ), 1 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 3.0, -3.0 ), 2 );
arr.set( new Complex64( 4.0, -4.0 ), 3 );
// Get the third array element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 2 );
// returns [ 3.0, -3.0 ]
// Get the last array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 3 );
// returns [ 4.0, -4.0 ]
// Copy the first two elements to the last two elements using negative indices:
arr.copyWithin( -2, -4, -2 );
// Get the third array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 2 );
// returns [ 1.0, -1.0 ]
// Get the last array element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 3 );
// returns [ 2.0, -2.0 ]
<a name="method-entries"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.entries()
Returns an iterator for iterating over array key-value pairs.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
var arr = [
new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ),
new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ),
new Complex64( 3.0, -3.0 )
arr = new Complex64Array( arr );
// Create an iterator:
var it = arr.entries();
// Iterate over the key-value pairs...
var v = it.next().value;
// returns [ 0, <Complex64> ]
var re = real( v[ 1 ] );
// returns 1.0
var im = imag( v[ 1 ] );
// returns -1.0
v = it.next().value;
// returns [ 1, <Complex64> ]
re = real( v[ 1 ] );
// returns 2.0
im = imag( v[ 1 ] );
// returns -2.0
v = it.next().value;
// returns [ 2, <Complex64> ]
re = real( v[ 1 ] );
// returns 3.0
im = imag( v[ 1 ] );
// returns -3.0
var bool = it.next().done;
// returns true
<a name="method-get"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.get( \[out,] i )
Returns an array element located at position (index) `i`.
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex/real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex/imag' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// Set the first element:
arr.set( [ 1.0, -1.0 ], 0 );
// Get the first element:
var z = arr.get( 0 );
// returns <Complex64>
var re = real( z );
// returns 1.0
var im = imag( z );
// returns -1.0
By default, the method returns a [64-bit complex number][@stdlib/complex/float32]. To return real and imaginary components separately, provide an array-like `object` as the first argument.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// Set the first element:
arr.set( [ 1.0, -1.0 ], 0 );
// Define an output array:
var out = [ 0.0, 0.0 ];
// Get the first element:
var z = arr.get( out, 0 );
// returns [ 1.0, -1.0 ]
var bool = ( out === z );
// returns true
If provided an out-of-bounds index, the method returns `undefined`.
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
var z = arr.get( 100 );
// returns undefined
var out = [ 0.0, 0.0 ];
z = arr.get( out, 100 );
// returns undefined
var bool = ( out === z );
// returns false
<a name="method-set"></a>
#### Complex64Array.prototype.set( z\[, i] )
Sets one or more array elements.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// Get the first element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 0 );
// returns [ 0.0, 0.0 ]
// Set the first element:
arr.set( new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ) );
// Get the first element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 0 );
// returns [ 1.0, -1.0 ]
By default, the method sets array elements starting at position (index) `i = 0`. To set elements starting elsewhere in the array, provide an index argument `i`.
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// Get the fifth element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 4 );
// returns [ 0.0, 0.0 ]
// Set the fifth element:
arr.set( new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ), 4 );
// Get the fifth element:
z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 4 );
// returns [ 1.0, -1.0 ]
In addition to providing a complex number, to set one or more array elements, provide an array-like `object` containing either complex numbers
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// Define an array of complex numbers:
var buf = [
new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ),
new Complex64( 2.0, -2.0 ),
new Complex64( 3.0, -3.0 )
// Set the fifth, sixth, and seventh elements:
arr.set( buf, 4 );
// Get the sixth element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 5 );
// returns [ 2.0, -2.0 ]
or interleaved real and imaginary components
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var arr = new Complex64Array( 10 );
// Define an interleaved array of real and imaginary components:
var buf = new Float32Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0, 3.0, -3.0 ] );
// Set the fifth, sixth, and seventh elements:
arr.set( buf, 4 );
// Get the sixth element:
var z = arr.get( [ 0.0, 0.0 ], 5 );
// returns [ 2.0, -2.0 ]
A few notes:
- If `i` is out-of-bounds, the method throws an error.
- If a target array cannot accommodate all values (i.e., the length of source array plus `i` exceeds the target array length), the method throws an error.
- If provided a [typed array][@stdlib/array/typed] which shares an [`ArrayBuffer`][@stdlib/array/buffer] with the target array, the method will intelligently copy the source range to the destination range.
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## Notes
- While a `Complex64Array` _strives_ to maintain (but does not **guarantee**) consistency with [typed arrays][@stdlib/array/typed], significant deviations from ECMAScript-defined [typed array][@stdlib/array/typed] behavior are as follows:
- The constructor does **not** require the `new` operator.
- The constructor and associated methods support a broader variety of input argument types in order to better accommodate complex number input.
- Accessing array elements using bracket syntax (e.g., `Z[i]`) is **not** supported. Instead, one **must** use the `.get()` method which returns a value compatible with complex number output.
- The `set` method has extended behavior in order to support complex numbers.
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<!-- Package usage examples. -->
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## Examples
<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->
var Complex64 = require( '@stdlib/complex/float32' );
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var Complex64Array = require( '@stdlib/array/complex64' );
var arr;
var out;
// Create a complex array by specifying a length:
out = new Complex64Array( 3 );
console.log( out );
// Create a complex array from an array of complex numbers:
arr = [
new Complex64( 1.0, -1.0 ),
new Complex64( -3.14, 3.14 ),
new Complex64( 0.5, 0.5 )
out = new Complex64Array( arr );
console.log( out );
// Create a complex array from an interleaved typed array:
arr = new Float32Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, -3.14, 3.14, 0.5, 0.5 ] );
out = new Complex64Array( arr );
console.log( out );
// Create a complex array from an array buffer:
arr = new Float32Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, -3.14, 3.14, 0.5, 0.5 ] );
out = new Complex64Array( arr.buffer );
console.log( out );
// Create a complex array from an array buffer view:
arr = new Float32Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, -3.14, 3.14, 0.5, 0.5 ] );
out = new Complex64Array( arr.buffer, 8, 2 );
console.log( out );
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[@stdlib/array/typed]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/array/tree/main/typed
[@stdlib/array/buffer]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/array/tree/main/buffer
[@stdlib/complex/float32]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/complex-float32
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