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196 lines
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# isSquareTriangularNumber
> Test if a value is a [square triangular number][square-triangular-number].
<section class="intro">
A **square triangular number** is an integer value which is both a [square number][@stdlib/assert/is-square-number] and a [triangular number][@stdlib/assert/is-triangular-number].
[Triangular numbers][@stdlib/assert/is-triangular-number] can be computed using the following formula
<!-- <equation class="equation" label="eq:triangular_number" align="center" raw="T_n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}" alt="Triangular number formula."> -->
<div class="equation" align="center" data-raw-text="T_n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}" data-equation="eq:triangular_number">
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stdlib-js/stdlib@b295a09a80f4fd0cc84682dcda0fe3e354394c0c/lib/node_modules/@stdlib/assert/is-square-triangular-number/docs/img/equation_triangular_number.svg" alt="Triangular number formula.">
<!-- </equation> -->
for `n >= 0`.
By analogy with the square root of `x`, one can define the positive triangular root of `x` such that `T_n = x`
<!-- <equation class="equation" label="eq:triangular_root" align="center" raw="n = \frac{\sqrt{8x+1} - 1}{2}" alt="Triangular root formula."> -->
<div class="equation" align="center" data-raw-text="n = \frac{\sqrt{8x+1} - 1}{2}" data-equation="eq:triangular_root">
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stdlib-js/stdlib@b295a09a80f4fd0cc84682dcda0fe3e354394c0c/lib/node_modules/@stdlib/assert/is-square-triangular-number/docs/img/equation_triangular_root.svg" alt="Triangular root formula.">
<!-- </equation> -->
Accordingly, an integer `x` is a [triangular number][@stdlib/assert/is-triangular-number] **if and only** if `8x+1` is a [square number][@stdlib/assert/is-square-number].
<!-- /.intro -->
<section class="usage">
## Usage
var isSquareTriangularNumber = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-square-triangular-number' );
#### isSquareTriangularNumber( value )
Tests if a `value` is a [square triangular number][square-triangular-number].
<!-- eslint-disable no-new-wrappers -->
var Number = require( '@stdlib/number/ctor' );
var bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( 36.0 );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( new Number( 36.0 ) );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( 3.14 );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( -5.0 );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( NaN );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( null );
// returns false
#### isSquareTriangularNumber.isPrimitive( value )
Tests if a `value` is a primitive [square triangular number][square-triangular-number].
<!-- eslint-disable no-new-wrappers -->
var Number = require( '@stdlib/number/ctor' );
var bool = isSquareTriangularNumber.isPrimitive( 36.0 );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber.isPrimitive( new Number( 36.0 ) );
// returns false
#### isSquareTriangularNumber.isObject( value )
Tests if a `value` is a `Number` object having a value which is a [square triangular number][square-triangular-number].
<!-- eslint-disable no-new-wrappers -->
var Number = require( '@stdlib/number/ctor' );
var bool = isSquareTriangularNumber.isObject( 36.0 );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber.isObject( new Number( 36.0 ) );
// returns true
<!-- /.usage -->
<section class="notes">
## Notes
- Return values are not reliable for numbers greater than `1125899906842624`.
<!-- /.notes -->
<section class="examples">
## Examples
<!-- eslint-disable no-new-wrappers -->
<!-- eslint no-undef: "error" -->
var Number = require( '@stdlib/number/ctor' );
var isSquareTriangularNumber = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-square-triangular-number' );
var bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( 36.0 );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( new Number( 36.0 ) );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( 0.0 );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( 1.0 );
// returns true
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( 3.14 );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( -5.0 );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( NaN );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( '0.5' );
// returns false
bool = isSquareTriangularNumber( null );
// returns false
<!-- /.examples -->
<section class="links">
[square-triangular-number]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_triangular_number
[@stdlib/assert/is-square-number]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/assert/tree/main/is-square-number
[@stdlib/assert/is-triangular-number]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/assert/tree/main/is-triangular-number
<!-- /.links -->