.TH SPT 1 spt\-VERSION .SH NAME spt \- simple pomodoro timer .SH SYNOPSIS .B spt .RB [ \-e .IR notifyext ] .RB [ \-n .IR notifycmd ] .RB [ \-v ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B spt is a simple timer that uses pomodoro technique with desktop notification to double your efficiency. .B spt receives 2 signals: .P .RS .B SIGUSR1 \- show remaining time, state .br .B SIGUSR2 \- play/pause the timer .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-e " notifyext" Execute .I notifycmd when timer starts ticking. .TP .BI \-n " notifycmd" Execute .I notifycmd if not compiled with .IR "-DNOTIFY". .TP .BI \-v Prints version information to stderr, then exits. .SH TIMER 4 pomodoro timer ( .B 25 min. ) with subsequent rests in between ( .B 5 min. ) and followed by a long rest ( .B 15 min. ) in an infinite loop. .SH EXAMPLES Use system notify_send and play a music without libnotify: .IP spt -e 'aplay alarm.wav' -n 'notify-send'