# Unfair chess Rules: - Rule 1: Player One controls the white pieces. For every move he makes, Player Two makes two moves - Rule 2: unless the white king is threatened, in which case Player One can react immediately. - Rule 3a: Player One wins if they're not checkmated for X moves. X begins at 30 and is adjusted (downwards) as more games are played, according to the best judgement of the players. Once both players get used to the game, I recommend 15 moves. - (Rule 3b: Win conditions are as normal: Player One wins if they checkmate Player 2, and viceversa). - (Rule 4: Neither player has a queen). Benefits of this variant: - I've found that the game is both stimulating for myself, a player who is relatively good at chess, and for players who are much worse; who are sharp, know and enjoy the game but haven't sunk much time into it. I play as Player One, - I also enjoy playing with Rule 3b instead of 3a, because I don't feel bothered by losing. Defeat is unavoidable. \- 26/May/2019