# List of forecasting projects: - Have forecasters read Toby Ord's book, and generate their own probabilities of x-risks - Feed forecasted x-risk probabilities, in addition to some other inputs which could also be forecasted, to Trammel's model on patient philantropists, to find out what the optimal spending conditions for a patient philantropist would be. Right now, some of the inputs to Trammel's model are very much up in the air. - Forecast whether some big companies will keep to their chicken broiler / animal suffering commitments; this would be useful for some orgs to prioritize their outreach. - Forecast the value of altruistic projects; I (Nuño) have a small demo on this. - Throw some optimization power at the Metaculus Ragnarok questions - Look into the relationship between price or time spent and forecast accuracy - Look into rewarding forecasters according to their Shapley values - Predict which EA Fund applications will be funded - Add interesting and nontrivial markets to Augur. - Rapid Response EA Forecasting Hotline - Forecast incubator ideas' likelihood of success - Create a calibration hall of fame/shame for researchers' past forecasts - Case studies / lessons learned on forecasting - Pay and support forecasters to make forecasts on existing platforms - Get a visible forecasting win for EA/QURI/EpiFor - Participate in an OSINT project - Suggest questions to Good Judgement Open with an altruistic bent. It is not unusual for GJOpen to accept question suggestions. - Talk with CSET; they seem a little bit confused/lost. - Recruit people for CSET; they need more forecasters to be able to produce useful policy feedback - Forecasting for EA policy advocates - Estimate the value of the forecasted variables/questions on Metaculus and GJP - On-demand forecasting to research teams - Write down lessons learnt from EpidemicForecasting - Foretold consulting/training