directory = '/home/nuno/Documents/Jobs/IDInsight' import pandas as pd import numpy as np import joblib ## Install the dataframe insuranceDataFrame = pd.read_csv('/home/nuno/Documents/Jobs/IDInsight/insurance_clean_continuous.csv') insuranceDataFrame['charges'] ## We divide our data into training and test sets, and normalize dfTrain = insuranceDataFrame[:1000] dfTest = insuranceDataFrame[1000:1300] dfCheck = insuranceDataFrame[1300:] means = np.mean(dfTrain, axis=0) stds = np.std(dfTrain, axis=0) dfTrain = (dfTrain - means) / stds dfTest = (dfTest - means) / stds dfCheck = (dfCheck - means) / stds dfTrain['charges'] = (dfTrain['charges']>=0).astype('int') dfTest['charges'] = (dfTest['charges']>=0).astype('int') dfCheck['charges'] = (dfCheck['charges']>=0).astype('int') ## Convert our stuff to arrays trainLabel = np.asarray(dfTrain['charges']) trainData = np.asarray(dfTrain.drop('charges',1)) testLabel = np.asarray(dfTest['charges']) testData = np.asarray(dfTest.drop('charges',1)) ## ****************************************************************** ## We're ready to apply the specific ML algorithms! # Naïve Bayes ## Naïve Bayes: Bernoulli from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB insuranceCheck = BernoulliNB(alpha=0.01), trainLabel) score = insuranceCheck.score(testData, testLabel) print("score = ", score * 100, "/100") # We know that the error is R^2, we just find it more intuitive to present this as a score out of 100. algorithms = [] algorithms = np.append(algorithms, input()) scores = [] scores = np.append(scores, score) ## We could use the following to make predictions ## But for the moment, we're just interested in seeing which algorithm performs best, so we'll only do this once. sampleData = dfCheck[4:5] sampleDataFeatures = np.asarray(sampleData.drop('charges',1)) prediction = insuranceCheck.predict(sampleDataFeatures) print('Insurance Claim Prediction:', prediction) sampleData['charges'] ## Save the model joblib.dump([insuranceCheck, means, stds], directory+'/insuranceModel-NaiveBayes-Bernoulli.pkl') ## This is what we would do to load the next time insuranceLoadedModel, means, stds = joblib.load(directory+ '/insuranceModel-NaiveBayes-Bernoulli.pkl') score = insuranceLoadedModel.score(testData, testLabel) print("score = ", score * 100,"/ 100") ## ****************************************************************** ## Naïve Bayes: Gaussian from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB insuranceCheck = GaussianNB(), trainLabel) score = insuranceCheck.score(testData, testLabel) print("score = ", score * 100, "/100") algorithms = np.append(algorithms, input()) scores = np.append(scores, score) ## Save the model joblib.dump([insuranceCheck, means, stds], directory+'/insuranceModel-NaiveBayes-Gaussian.pkl') ## ****************************************************************** ## Nearest Neighbours ### We've been using the same setup for a while; we should create a function! def runAlgorithm(Classifier, algorithmName): global scores, algorithms, trainLabel) scoreInternal = Classifier.score(testData, testLabel) print("score = ", scoreInternal * 100, "/100") scores = np.append(scores, scoreInternal) ## These are global scope variables algorithms = np.append(algorithms, algorithmName) joblib.dump([Classifier, means, stds], '/home/nuno/Documents/Jobs/IDInsight/insuranceModel-' + algorithmName + '.pkl') algorithmName = "NearestNeighbours" from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier insuranceCheck = KNeighborsClassifier(n_jobs=-1, n_neighbors=7, weights="distance", algorithm="brute", leaf_size=10, p=2) runAlgorithm(insuranceCheck, algorithmName) ## ****************************************************************** ## Support Vector Machines from sklearn.svm import SVC algorithmName = "SVM" insuranceCheck = SVC(gamma='scale', kernel='poly', degree=5) # Required some tinkering runAlgorithm(insuranceCheck, algorithmName) ## ****************************************************************** ## Decision Trees from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier algorithmName = "Tree" ### This is getting a little bit repetitive, so let's do some rudimentary hyperparameter optimization score = 0 ## Warning: slow for criterion in np.array(["gini", "entropy"]): for splitter in np.array(["best", "random"]): for max_depth in np.append(range(1,10), [None]): print("max_depth=",max_depth) for min_samples_split in (np.asarray(range(25))+2): #print("min_samples_split=", min_samples_split) for min_samples_leaf in (np.asarray(range(25))+1): for max_features in np.array(["log2", "auto", None]): insuranceCheck = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, criterion=criterion, splitter = splitter, max_depth = max_depth, min_samples_split = min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf = min_samples_leaf, max_features = max_features), trainLabel) score_temp = insuranceCheck.score(testData, testLabel) if(score_temp > score): print("score = ", score_temp * 100, "/100") print("\nNEW BEST\ncriterion=", criterion, "\nsplitter =", splitter, "\nmax_depth =", max_depth, "\nmin_samples_split =", min_samples_split, "\nmin_samples_leaf =", min_samples_leaf, "\nmax_features =", max_features) score = score_temp insuranceCheck = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, criterion="gini", splitter = "best", max_depth = 9, min_samples_split = 15, min_samples_leaf = 4, max_features = "log2") runAlgorithm(insuranceCheck, algorithmName) ## ****************************************************************** ## Random forests from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier algorithmName = "RandomForest" insuranceCheck = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=200, criterion = "gini", min_samples_split = 14, min_samples_leaf=4, max_depth=9 , random_state=0, n_jobs=-1, max_features=None) runAlgorithm(insuranceCheck, algorithmName) ## ****************************************************************** ## Extra random trees algorithmName = "ExtraRandomTrees" from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier insuranceCheck = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=300, max_depth=None) runAlgorithm(insuranceCheck, algorithmName) ## ****************************************************************** ## MultiLayerPerceptron (NN) algorithmName = "MultiLayerPerceptron" from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier insuranceCheck = MLPClassifier(max_iter=800, hidden_layer_sizes=150) runAlgorithm(insuranceCheck, algorithmName) ## ****************************************************************** for i in range(len(scores)): print(algorithms[i], ": ", scores[i]) ## And that's it. We notice that most of our algorithms do pretty well, with a score of .89 - .93, where the maximum is 1. ## This means that a lot of the variability in the sample is extracted by our model.