What do Americans think 'cutlery' means? ======================================== A while ago, I got into a discussion about what Americans think that the word "cutlery" means. The person I was discussing this with claimed that Americans thought that this referred to cutting instruments, and I claimed that this was preposterous, and that it clearly means all eating instruments.

At some point, I became curious enough that I asked a few American friends, and then spent $50 or so on [Positly](https://www.positly.com/) to survey 21 americans—I overpaid because at the time I wanted to get the data soon. The results are pictured above. The underlying data can be found in [here](./.src/cutlery.csv), and the code for replicating the chart is [here](./.src/cutlery.R). I'm not sure if 21 subjects is enough to come to a conclusion, but it was enough to satiate my own curiosity.