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2021-06-28 14:41:43 +00:00
This package takes a markdown file, and creates a new markdown file in which each link is accompanied by an archive.org link, in the format [...](original link) ([a](archive.org link)).
2021-06-28 13:55:02 +00:00
## How to install
2021-06-28 14:41:43 +00:00
- Add [this file](https://github.com/NunoSempere/longNowForMd/blob/master/longnowformd.sh) to your path, for instance by moving it to the `/usr/bin` folder and giving it execute permissions, or
- copy its content (except the last line) into your .bashrc file, or
2021-06-28 14:41:43 +00:00
2021-06-28 13:55:02 +00:00
This utility requires [archivenow](https://github.com/oduwsdl/archivenow) as a dependency, which itself requires a python installation. It can be installed with
$ pip install archivenow ## respectively, pip3
## How to use
2021-06-28 14:41:43 +00:00
$ longnow file.md
2021-06-28 13:55:02 +00:00
2021-06-29 16:33:43 +00:00
For a reasonably sized file, the process will take a long time, so this is more of a "fire and forget, and then come back in a couple of hours" tool. The process can be safely stopped and restarted at any point, and archive links are remembered, but the errors file is created again each time.
## To do
- Deal elegantly with images. Right now, they are also archived, and have to be removed manually afterwards.
- Possibly: Throttle requests to the internet archive less. Right now, I'm sending a link roughly every 12 seconds, and then sleeping for a minute every 15 requests. This is probably too much throttling (the theoretical limit is 15 requests per minute), but I think that it does reduce the error rate.
- Pull requests are welcome.
## How to use to back up Google Files
You can download a .odt file from Google, and then convert it to a markdown file with
function pandocodt(){
pandoc -s "$source" -t markdown-raw_html-native_divs-native_spans-fenced_divs-bracketed_spans | awk ' /^$/ { print "\n"; } /./ { printf("%s ", $0); } END { print ""; } ' | sed -r 's/([0-9]+\.)/\n\1/g' | sed -r 's/\*\*(.*)\*\*/## \1/g' | tr -s " " | sed -r 's/\\//g' | sed -r 's/\[\*/\[/g' | sed -r 's/\*\]/\]/g' > "$output"
## Explanation:
## markdown-raw_html-native_divs-native_spans-fenced_divs-bracketed_spans: various flags to generate some markdown I like
## sed -r 's/\*\*(.*)\*\*/## \1/g': transform **Header** into ## Header
## sed -r 's/\\//g': Delete annoying "\"s
## awk ' /^$/ { print "\n"; } /./ { printf("%s ", $0); } END { print ""; } ': compress paragraphs; see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/6910/there-must-be-a-better-way-to-replace-single-newlines-only
## sed -r 's/([0-9]*\.)/\n\1/g': Makes lists nicer.
## tr -s " ": Replaces multiple spaces
## Use: pandocodt FileNameWithoutExtension
Then, convert the file back to html with
function pandocmd(){
pandoc -r gfm "$source" -o "$output"
## sed -i 's|\[ \]\(([^\)]*)\)| |g' "$source" ## This removes links around spaces, which are very annoying. See https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/297686/non-greedy-match-with-sed-regex-emulate-perls
## Use: pandocmd FileNameWithoutExtension
(this requires changing the name of the output file from `Source.md.longnow` to `Source.longnow.md` before running `$ pandocmd Source.longnow`)
Then copy and paste the html into a Google doc and fix fomatting mistakes.