\name{rpretty} \alias{rpretty} \title{R's pretty algorithm implemented in R} \usage{ rpretty(dmin, dmax, m = 6, n = floor(m) - 1, min.n = n\%/\%3, shrink.sml = 0.75, high.u.bias = 1.5, u5.bias = 0.5 + 1.5 * high.u.bias) } \arguments{ \item{dmin}{minimum of the data range} \item{dmax}{maximum of the data range} \item{m}{number of axis labels} \item{n}{number of axis intervals (specify one of \code{m} or \code{n})} \item{min.n}{nonnegative integer giving the \emph{minimal} number of intervals. If \code{min.n == 0}, \code{pretty(.)} may return a single value.} \item{shrink.sml}{positive numeric by a which a default scale is shrunk in the case when \code{range(x)} is very small (usually 0).} \item{high.u.bias}{non-negative numeric, typically \code{> 1}. The interval unit is determined as \code{\{1,2,5,10\}} times \code{b}, a power of 10. Larger \code{high.u.bias} values favor larger units.} \item{u5.bias}{non-negative numeric multiplier favoring factor 5 over 2. Default and 'optimal': \code{u5.bias = .5 + 1.5*high.u.bias}.} } \value{ vector of axis label locations } \description{ R's pretty algorithm implemented in R } \author{ Justin Talbot \email{justintalbot@gmail.com} } \references{ Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) \emph{The New S Language}. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. }