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NunoSempere 2020-10-24 23:10:16 +02:00
commit 169ae76072
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# labeling [![](](
This package contains functions which provide a range of axis labeling algorithms, most notably the "extended" algorithm described in Talbot et al.'s [An Extension of Wilkinsons Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes]( They are used in [ggplot2](, through the [scales]( package.
For implementation details, see `/cran-package/R/labeling.R`. For instructions and usage examples, see `labeling-manual.pdf`. For complaints and bugs, send me a message to the mantainer [email]( or file a Github issue.

algorithm_comparison.png Normal file

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cran-package/DESCRIPTION Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Package: labeling
Type: Package
Title: Axis Labeling
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 2020-10-15
Author: Justin Talbot,
Maintainer: Nuno Sempere <>
Description: Functions which provide a range of axis labeling algorithms.
License: MIT + file LICENSE | Unlimited
Collate: 'labeling.R'
NeedsCompilation: no
Imports: stats, graphics

cran-package/LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
YEAR: 2020

cran-package/NAMESPACE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
importFrom("stats", "median", "runif")
importFrom("graphics", "axis", "barplot", "hist", "par")

cran-package/R/labeling.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
#' Functions for positioning tick labels on axes
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab labeling\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' Version: \tab 0.2\cr
#' Date: \tab 2011-04-01\cr
#' License: \tab Unlimited\cr
#' LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#' }
#' Implements a number of axis labeling schemes, including those
#' compared in An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes
#' by Talbot, Lin, and Hanrahan, InfoVis 2010.
#' @name labeling-package
#' @aliases labeling
#' @docType package
#' @title Axis labeling
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @references
#' Heckbert, P. S. (1990) Nice numbers for graph labels, Graphics Gems I, Academic Press Professional, Inc.
#' Wilkinson, L. (2005) The Grammar of Graphics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
#' Talbot, J., Lin, S., Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes, InfoVis 2010.
#' @keywords dplot
#' @seealso \code{\link{extended}}, \code{\link{wilkinson}}, \code{\link{heckbert}}, \code{\link{rpretty}}, \code{\link{gnuplot}}, \code{\link{matplotlib}}, \code{\link{nelder}}, \code{\link{sparks}}, \code{\link{thayer}}, \code{\link{pretty}}
#' @examples
#' heckbert(8.1, 14.1, 4) # 5 10 15
#' wilkinson(8.1, 14.1, 4) # 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
#' extended(8.1, 14.1, 4) # 8 10 12 14
#' # When plotting, extend the plot range to include the labeling
#' # Should probably have a helper function to make this easier
#' data(iris)
#' x <- iris$Sepal.Width
#' y <- iris$Sepal.Length
#' xl <- extended(min(x), max(x), 6)
#' yl <- extended(min(y), max(y), 6)
#' plot(x, y,
#' xlim=c(min(x,xl),max(x,xl)),
#' ylim=c(min(y,yl),max(y,yl)),
#' axes=FALSE, main="Extended labeling")
#' axis(1, at=xl)
#' axis(2, at=yl)
#' Heckbert's labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' Heckbert, P. S. (1990) Nice numbers for graph labels, Graphics Gems I, Academic Press Professional, Inc.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
heckbert <- function(dmin, dmax, m)
range <- .heckbert.nicenum((dmax-dmin), FALSE)
lstep <- .heckbert.nicenum(range/(m-1), TRUE)
lmin <- floor(dmin/lstep)*lstep
lmax <- ceiling(dmax/lstep)*lstep
seq(lmin, lmax, by=lstep)
.heckbert.nicenum <- function(x, round)
e <- floor(log10(x))
f <- x / (10^e)
if(f < 1.5) nf <- 1
else if(f < 3) nf <- 2
else if(f < 7) nf <- 5
else nf <- 10
if(f <= 1) nf <- 1
else if(f <= 2) nf <- 2
else if(f <= 5) nf <- 5
else nf <- 10
nf * (10^e)
#' Wilkinson's labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @param Q set of nice numbers
#' @param mincoverage minimum ratio between the the data range and the labeling range, controlling the whitespace around the labeling (default = 0.8)
#' @param mrange range of \code{m}, the number of tick marks, that should be considered in the optimization search
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @note Ported from Wilkinson's Java implementation with some changes.
#' Changes: 1) m (the target number of ticks) is hard coded in Wilkinson's implementation as 5.
#' Here we allow it to vary as a parameter. Since m is fixed,
#' Wilkinson only searches over a fixed range 4-13 of possible resulting ticks.
#' We broadened the search range to max(floor(m/2),2) to ceiling(6*m),
#' which is a larger range than Wilkinson considers for 5 and allows us to vary m,
#' including using non-integer values of m.
#' 2) Wilkinson's implementation assumes that the scores are non-negative. But, his revised
#' granularity function can be extremely negative. We tweaked the code to allow negative scores.
#' We found that this produced better labelings.
#' 3) We added 10 to Q. This seemed to be necessary to get steps of size 1.
#' It is possible for this algorithm to find no solution.
#' In Wilkinson's implementation, instead of failing, he returns the non-nice labels spaced evenly from min to max.
#' We want to detect this case, so we return NULL. If this happens, the search range, mrange, needs to be increased.
#' @references
#' Wilkinson, L. (2005) The Grammar of Graphics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
wilkinson <-function(dmin, dmax, m, Q = c(1,5,2,2.5,3,4,1.5,7,6,8,9), mincoverage = 0.8, mrange=max(floor(m/2),2):ceiling(6*m))
best <- NULL
for(k in mrange)
result <- .wilkinson.nice.scale(dmin, dmax, k, Q, mincoverage, mrange, m)
if(!is.null(result) && (is.null(best) || result$score > best$score))
best <- result
seq(best$lmin, best$lmax, by=best$lstep)
.wilkinson.nice.scale <- function(min, max, k, Q = c(1,5,2,2.5,3,4,1.5,7,6,8,9), mincoverage = 0.8, mrange=c(), m=k)
Q <- c(10, Q)
range <- max-min
intervals <- k-1
granularity <- 1 - abs(k-m)/m
delta <- range / intervals
base <- floor(log10(delta))
dbase <- 10^base
best <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(Q))
tdelta <- Q[i] * dbase
tmin <- floor(min/tdelta) * tdelta
tmax <- tmin + intervals * tdelta
if(tmin <= min && tmax >= max)
roundness <- 1 - ((i-1) - ifelse(tmin <= 0 && tmax >= 0, 1, 0)) / length(Q)
coverage <- (max-min)/(tmax-tmin)
if(coverage > mincoverage)
tnice <- granularity + roundness + coverage
## Wilkinson's implementation contains code to favor certain ranges of labels
## e.g. those balanced around or anchored at 0, etc.
## We did not evaluate this type of optimization in the paper, so did not include it.
## Obviously this optimization component could also be added to our function.
#if(tmin == -tmax || tmin == 0 || tmax == 1 || tmax == 100)
# tnice <- tnice + 1
#if(tmin == 0 && tmax == 1 || tmin == 0 && tmax == 100)
# tnice <- tnice + 1
if(is.null(best) || tnice > best$score)
best <- list(lmin=tmin,
## The Extended-Wilkinson algorithm described in the paper.
## Our scoring functions, including the approximations for limiting the search
.simplicity <- function(q, Q, j, lmin, lmax, lstep)
eps <- .Machine$double.eps * 100
n <- length(Q)
i <- match(q, Q)[1]
v <- ifelse( (lmin %% lstep < eps || lstep - (lmin %% lstep) < eps) && lmin <= 0 && lmax >=0, 1, 0)
1 - (i-1)/(n-1) - j + v
.simplicity.max <- function(q, Q, j)
n <- length(Q)
i <- match(q, Q)[1]
v <- 1
1 - (i-1)/(n-1) - j + v
.coverage <- function(dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax)
range <- dmax-dmin
1 - 0.5 * ((dmax-lmax)^2+(dmin-lmin)^2) / ((0.1*range)^2)
.coverage.max <- function(dmin, dmax, span)
range <- dmax-dmin
if(span > range)
half <- (span-range)/2
1 - 0.5 * (half^2 + half^2) / ((0.1 * range)^2)
.density <- function(k, m, dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax)
r <- (k-1) / (lmax-lmin)
rt <- (m-1) / (max(lmax,dmax)-min(dmin,lmin))
2 - max( r/rt, rt/r )
.density.max <- function(k, m)
if(k >= m)
2 - (k-1)/(m-1)
.legibility <- function(lmin, lmax, lstep)
1 ## did all the legibility tests in C#, not in R.
#' An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Position Tick Labels on Axes
#' \code{extended} is an enhanced version of Wilkinson's optimization-based axis labeling approach. It is described in detail in our paper. See the references.
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @param Q set of nice numbers
#' @param only.loose if true, the extreme labels will be outside the data range
#' @param w weights applied to the four optimization components (simplicity, coverage, density, and legibility)
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' Talbot, J., Lin, S., Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes, InfoVis 2010.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
extended <- function(dmin, dmax, m, Q=c(1,5,2,2.5,4,3), only.loose=FALSE, w=c(0.25,0.2,0.5,0.05))
eps <- .Machine$double.eps * 100
if(dmin > dmax) {
temp <- dmin
dmin <- dmax
dmax <- temp
if(dmax - dmin < eps) {
#if the range is near the floating point limit,
#let seq generate some equally spaced steps.
return(seq(from=dmin, to=dmax, length.out=m))
if((dmax - dmin) > sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax)) {
#if the range is too large
#let seq generate some equally spaced steps.
return(seq(from=dmin, to=dmax, length.out=m))
n <- length(Q)
best <- list()
best$score <- -2
j <- 1
while(j < Inf)
for(q in Q)
sm <- .simplicity.max(q, Q, j)
if((w[1]*sm+w[2]+w[3]+w[4]) < best$score)
j <- Inf
k <- 2
while(k < Inf) # loop over tick counts
dm <- .density.max(k, m)
if((w[1]*sm+w[2]+w[3]*dm+w[4]) < best$score)
delta <- (dmax-dmin)/(k+1)/j/q
z <- ceiling(log(delta, base=10))
while(z < Inf)
step <- j*q*10^z
cm <- .coverage.max(dmin, dmax, step*(k-1))
if((w[1]*sm+w[2]*cm+w[3]*dm+w[4]) < best$score)
min_start <- floor(dmax/(step))*j - (k - 1)*j
max_start <- ceiling(dmin/(step))*j
if(min_start > max_start)
z <- z+1
for(start in min_start:max_start)
lmin <- start * (step/j)
lmax <- lmin + step*(k-1)
lstep <- step
s <- .simplicity(q, Q, j, lmin, lmax, lstep)
c <- .coverage(dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax)
g <- .density(k, m, dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax)
l <- .legibility(lmin, lmax, lstep)
score <- w[1]*s + w[2]*c + w[3]*g + w[4]*l
if(score > best$score && (!only.loose || (lmin <= dmin && lmax >= dmax)))
best <- list(lmin=lmin,
z <- z+1
k <- k+1
j <- j + 1
seq(from=best$lmin, to=best$lmax, by=best$lstep)
## Quantitative evaluation plots (Figures 2 and 3 in the paper)
#' Generate figures from An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Position Tick Labels on Axes
#' Generates Figures 2 and 3 from our paper.
#' @param samples number of samples to use (in the paper we used 10000, but that takes awhile to run).
#' @return produces plots as a side effect
#' @references
#' Talbot, J., Lin, S., Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes, InfoVis 2010.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
extended.figures <- function(samples = 100)
oldpar <- par()
a <- runif(samples, -100, 400)
b <- runif(samples, -100, 400)
low <- pmin(a,b)
high <- pmax(a,b)
ticks <- runif(samples, 2, 10)
generate.labelings <- function(labeler, dmin, dmax, ticks, ...)
mapply(labeler, dmin, dmax, ticks, SIMPLIFY=FALSE, MoreArgs=list(...))
h1 <- generate.labelings(heckbert, low, high, ticks)
w1 <- generate.labelings(wilkinson, low, high, ticks, mincoverage=0.8)
f1 <- generate.labelings(extended, low, high, ticks, only.loose=TRUE)
e1 <- generate.labelings(extended, low, high, ticks)
figure2 <- function(r, names)
for(i in 1:length(r))
d <- r[[i]]
#plot coverage
cover <- sapply(d, function(x) {max(x)-min(x)})/(high-low)
hist(cover, breaks=seq(from=-0.01,to=1000,by=0.02), xlab="", ylab=names[i], main=ifelse(i==1, "Density", ""), col="darkgray", lab=c(3,3,3), xlim=c(0.5,3.5), ylim=c(0,0.12*samples), axes=FALSE, border=FALSE)
axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,2,3,4), xlab="hello", line=-0.1, lwd=0.5)
# plot density
dens <- sapply(d, length) / ticks
hist(dens, breaks=seq(from=-0.01,to=10,by=0.02), xlab="", ylab=names[i], main=ifelse(i==1, "Density", ""), col="darkgray", lab=c(3,3,3), xlim=c(0.5,3.5), ylim=c(0,0.06*samples), axes=FALSE, border=FALSE)
axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,2,3,4), xlab="hello", line=-0.1, lwd=0.5)
par(mfrow=c(4, 2), mar=c(0.5,1.85,1,0), oma=c(1,0,1,0), mgp=c(0,0.5,-0.3), font.main=1, font.lab=1, cex.lab=1, cex.main=1, tcl=-0.2)
figure2(list(h1,w1, f1, e1), names=c("Heckbert", "Wilkinson", "Extended\n(loose)", "Extended\n(flexible)"))
figure3 <- function(r, names)
for(i in 1:length(r))
d <- r[[i]]
steps <- sapply(d, function(x) round(median(diff(x)), 2))
steps <- steps / (10^floor(log10(steps)))
tab <- table(steps)
barplot(rev(tab), xlim=c(0,0.4*samples), horiz=TRUE, xlab=ifelse(i==1,"Frequency",""), xaxt='n', yaxt='s', las=1, main=names[i], border=NA, col="gray")
par(mfrow=c(1,4), mar=c(0.5, 0.75, 2, 0.5), oma=c(0,2,1,1), mgp=c(0,0.75,-0.3), cex.lab=1, cex.main=1)
figure3(list(h1,w1, f1, e1), names=c("Heckbert", "Wilkinson", "Extended\n(loose)", "Extended\n(flexible)"))
#' Nelder's labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @param Q set of nice numbers
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' Nelder, J. A. (1976) AS 96. A Simple Algorithm for Scaling Graphs, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C., pp. 94-96.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
nelder <- function(dmin, dmax, m, Q = c(1,1.2,1.6,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,8,10))
ntick <- floor(m)
tol <- 5e-6
bias <- 1e-4
intervals <- m-1
x <- abs(dmax)
if(x == 0) x <- 1
if(!((dmax-dmin)/x > tol))
## special case handling for very small ranges. Not implemented yet.
step <- (dmax-dmin)/intervals
s <- step
while(s <= 1)
s <- s*10
while(s > 10)
s <- s/10
x <- s-bias
unit <- 1
for(i in 1:length(Q))
if(x < Q[i])
unit <- i
step <- step * Q[unit] / s
range <- step*intervals
x <- 0.5 * (1+ (dmin+dmax-range) / step)
j <- floor(x-bias)
valmin <- step * j
if(dmin > 0 && range >= dmax)
valmin <- 0
valmax <- valmin + range
if(!(dmax > 0 || range < -dmin))
valmax <- 0
valmin <- -range
seq(from=valmin, to=valmax, by=step)
#' R's pretty algorithm implemented in R
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @param n number of axis intervals (specify one of \code{m} or \code{n})
#' @param min.n nonnegative integer giving the \emph{minimal} number of intervals. If \code{min.n == 0}, \code{pretty(.)} may return a single value.
#' @param shrink.sml positive numeric by a which a default scale is shrunk in the case when \code{range(x)} is very small (usually 0).
#' @param high.u.bias non-negative numeric, typically \code{> 1}. The interval unit is determined as \code{\{1,2,5,10\}} times \code{b}, a power of 10. Larger \code{high.u.bias} values favor larger units.
#' @param u5.bias non-negative numeric multiplier favoring factor 5 over 2. Default and 'optimal': \code{u5.bias = .5 + 1.5*high.u.bias}.
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) \emph{The New S Language}. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
rpretty <- function(dmin, dmax, m=6, n=floor(m)-1, min.n=n%/%3, shrink.sml = 0.75, high.u.bias=1.5, u5.bias=0.5 + 1.5*high.u.bias)
ndiv <- n
h <- high.u.bias
h5 <- u5.bias
dx <- dmax-dmin
if(dx==0 && dmax==0)
cell <- 1
i_small <- TRUE
U <- 1
cell <- max(abs(dmin), abs(dmax))
U <- 1 + ifelse(h5 >= 1.5*h+0.5, 1/(1+h), 1.5/(1+h5))
i_small = dx < (cell * U * max(1, ndiv) * 1e-07 * 3)
if(cell > 10)
cell <- 9+cell/10
cell <- cell * shrink.sml
if(min.n > 1) cell <- cell/min.n
cell <- dx
if(ndiv > 1) cell <- cell/ndiv
if(cell < 20 * 1e-07)
cell <- 20 * 1e-07
base <- 10^floor(log10(cell))
unit <- base
if((2*base)-cell < h*(cell-unit))
unit <- 2*base
if((5*base)-cell < h5*(cell-unit))
unit <- 5*base
if((10*base)-cell < h*(cell-unit))
unit <- 10*base
# track down lattice labelings...
## Maybe used to correct for the epsilon here??
ns <- floor(dmin/unit + 1e-07)
nu <- ceiling(dmax/unit - 1e-07)
## Extend the range out beyond the data. Does this ever happen??
while(ns*unit > dmin+(1e-07*unit)) ns <- ns-1
while(nu*unit < dmax-(1e-07*unit)) nu <- nu+1
## If we don't have quite enough labels, extend the range out to make more (these labels are beyond the data :( )
k <- floor(0.5 + nu-ns)
if(k < min.n)
k <- min.n - k
if(ns >=0)
nu <- nu + k/2
ns <- ns - k/2 + k%%2
ns <- ns - k/2
nu <- nu + k/2 + k%%2
ndiv <- min.n
ndiv <- k
graphmin <- ns*unit
graphmax <- nu*unit
seq(from=graphmin, to=graphmax, by=unit)
#' Matplotlib's labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
matplotlib <- function(dmin, dmax, m)
steps <- c(1,2,5,10)
nbins <- m
trim <- TRUE
vmin <- dmin
vmax <- dmax
params <- .matplotlib.scale.range(vmin, vmax, nbins)
scale <- params[1]
offset <- params[2]
vmin <- vmin-offset
vmax <- vmax-offset
rawStep <- (vmax-vmin)/nbins
scaledRawStep <- rawStep/scale
bestMax <- vmax
bestMin <- vmin
scaledStep <- 1
chosenFactor <- 1
for (step in steps)
if (step >= scaledRawStep)
scaledStep <- step*scale
chosenFactor <- step
bestMin <- scaledStep * floor(vmin/scaledStep)
bestMax <- bestMin + scaledStep*nbins
if (bestMax >= vmax)
if (trim)
extraBins <- floor((bestMax-vmax)/scaledStep)
nbins <- nbins-extraBins
graphMin <- bestMin+offset
graphMax <- graphMin+nbins*scaledStep
seq(from=graphMin, to=graphMax, by=scaledStep)
.matplotlib.scale.range <- function(min, max, bins)
threshold <- 100
dv <- abs(max-min)
maxabsv<-max(abs(min), abs(max))
if (maxabsv == 0 || dv/maxabsv<10^-12)
return(c(1, 0))
meanv <- 0.5*(min+max)
if ((abs(meanv)/dv) < threshold)
offset<- 0
else if (meanv>0)
offset = 10.0^exp
} else
exp <- floor(log10(-1*meanv))
offset <- -10.0^exp
exp <- floor(log10(dv/bins))
scale = 10.0^exp
c(scale, offset)
#' gnuplot's labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
gnuplot <- function(dmin, dmax, m)
ntick <- floor(m)
power <- 10^floor(log10(dmax-dmin))
norm_range <- (dmax-dmin)/power
p <- (ntick-1) / norm_range
if(p > 40)
t <- 0.05
else if(p > 20)
t <- 0.1
else if(p > 10)
t <- 0.2
else if(p > 4)
t <- 0.5
else if(p > 2)
t <- 1
else if(p > 0.5)
t <- 2
t <- ceiling(norm_range)
d <- t*power
graphmin <- floor(dmin/d) * d
graphmax <- ceiling(dmax/d) * d
seq(from=graphmin, to=graphmax, by=d)
#' Sparks' labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' Sparks, D. N. (1971) AS 44. Scatter Diagram Plotting, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C., pp. 327-331.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
sparks <- function(dmin, dmax, m)
fm <- m-1
ratio <- 0
key <- 1
kount <- 0
r <- dmax-dmin
b <- dmin
while(ratio <= 0.8)
while(key <= 2)
while(r <= 1)
kount <- kount + 1
r <- r*10
while(r > 10)
kount <- kount - 1
r <- r/10
b <- b*(10^kount)
if( b < 0 && b != trunc(b)) b <- b-1
b <- trunc(b)/(10^kount)
r <- (dmax-b)/fm
kount <- 0
key <- key+2
fstep <- trunc(r)
if(fstep != r) fstep <- fstep+1
if(r < 1.5) fstep <- fstep-0.5
fstep <- fstep/(10^kount)
ratio <- (dmax - dmin)*(fm*fstep)
kount <- 1
key <- 2
fmin <- b
c <- fstep*trunc(b/fstep)
if(c < 0 && c != b) c <- c-fstep
if((c+fm*fstep) > dmax) fmin <- c
seq(from=fmin, to=fstep*(m-1), by=fstep)
#' Thayer and Storer's labeling algorithm
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param m number of axis labels
#' @return vector of axis label locations
#' @references
#' Thayer, R. P. and Storer, R. F. (1969) AS 21. Scale Selection for Computer Plots, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C., pp. 206-208.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}
#' @export
thayer <- function(dmin, dmax, m)
r <- dmax-dmin
b <- dmin
kount <- 0
kod <- 0
while(kod < 2)
while(r <= 1)
kount <- kount+1
r <- r*10
while(r > 10)
kount <- kount-1
r <- r/10
b <- b*(10^kount)
if(b < 0)
b <- b-1
ib <- trunc(b)
b <- ib
b <- b/(10^kount)
r <- dmax-b
a <- r/(m-1)
kount <- 0
while(a <= 1)
kount <- kount+1
a <- a*10
while(a > 10)
kount <- kount-1
a <- a/10
ia <- trunc(a)
if(ia == 6) ia <- 7
if(ia == 8) ia <- 9
aa <- 0
if(a < 1.5) aa <- -0.5
a <- aa + 1 + ia
a <- a/(10^kount)
test <- (m-1) * a
test1 <- (dmax-dmin)/test
if(test1 > 0.8)
kod <- 2
if(kod < 2)
kount <- 1
r <- dmax-dmin
b <- dmin
kod <- kod + 1
iab <- trunc(b/a)
if(iab < 0) iab <- iab-1
c <- a * iab
d <- c + (m-1)*a
if(d >= dmax)
b <- c
valmin <- b
valmax <- b + a*(m-1)
seq(from=valmin, to=valmax, by=a)

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
\title{An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Position Tick Labels on Axes}
extended(dmin, dmax, m, Q = c(1, 5, 2, 2.5, 4, 3),
only.loose = FALSE, w = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0.05))
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
\item{Q}{set of nice numbers}
\item{only.loose}{if true, the extreme labels will be
outside the data range}
\item{w}{weights applied to the four optimization
components (simplicity, coverage, density, and
vector of axis label locations
\code{extended} is an enhanced version of Wilkinson's
optimization-based axis labeling approach. It is
described in detail in our paper. See the references.
Justin Talbot \email{}
Talbot, J., Lin, S., Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of
Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on
Axes, InfoVis 2010.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
\title{Generate figures from An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Position Tick Labels on Axes}
extended.figures(samples = 100)
\item{samples}{number of samples to use (in the paper we
used 10000, but that takes awhile to run).}
produces plots as a side effect
Generates Figures 2 and 3 from our paper.
Justin Talbot \email{}
Talbot, J., Lin, S., Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of
Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on
Axes, InfoVis 2010.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
\title{gnuplot's labeling algorithm}
gnuplot(dmin, dmax, m)
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
vector of axis label locations
gnuplot's labeling algorithm
Justin Talbot \email{}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
\title{Heckbert's labeling algorithm}
heckbert(dmin, dmax, m)
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
vector of axis label locations
Heckbert's labeling algorithm
Justin Talbot \email{}
Heckbert, P. S. (1990) Nice numbers for graph labels,
Graphics Gems I, Academic Press Professional, Inc.

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
\title{Internal labeling objects}
\description{Internal labeling objects.}
\details{These are not to be called by the user.}

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
\title{Axis labeling}
Functions for positioning tick labels on axes
\tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab labeling\cr Type: \tab
Package\cr Version: \tab 0.2\cr Date: \tab 2011-04-01\cr
License: \tab Unlimited\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr }
Implements a number of axis labeling schemes, including
those compared in An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm
for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes by Talbot, Lin, and
Hanrahan, InfoVis 2010.
heckbert(8.1, 14.1, 4) # 5 10 15
wilkinson(8.1, 14.1, 4) # 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
extended(8.1, 14.1, 4) # 8 10 12 14
# When plotting, extend the plot range to include the labeling
# Should probably have a helper function to make this easier
x <- iris$Sepal.Width
y <- iris$Sepal.Length
xl <- extended(min(x), max(x), 6)
yl <- extended(min(y), max(y), 6)
plot(x, y,
axes=FALSE, main="Extended labeling")
axis(1, at=xl)
axis(2, at=yl)
Justin Talbot \email{}
Heckbert, P. S. (1990) Nice numbers for graph labels,
Graphics Gems I, Academic Press Professional, Inc.
Wilkinson, L. (2005) The Grammar of Graphics,
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Talbot, J., Lin, S.,
Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm
for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes, InfoVis 2010.
\code{\link{extended}}, \code{\link{wilkinson}},
\code{\link{heckbert}}, \code{\link{rpretty}},
\code{\link{gnuplot}}, \code{\link{matplotlib}},
\code{\link{nelder}}, \code{\link{sparks}},
\code{\link{thayer}}, \code{\link{pretty}}

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
\title{Matplotlib's labeling algorithm}
matplotlib(dmin, dmax, m)
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
vector of axis label locations
Matplotlib's labeling algorithm
Justin Talbot \email{}

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
\title{Nelder's labeling algorithm}
nelder(dmin, dmax, m,
Q = c(1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10))
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
\item{Q}{set of nice numbers}
vector of axis label locations
Nelder's labeling algorithm
Justin Talbot \email{}
Nelder, J. A. (1976) AS 96. A Simple Algorithm for
Scaling Graphs, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Series C., pp. 94-96.

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
\title{R's pretty algorithm implemented in R}
rpretty(dmin, dmax, m = 6, n = floor(m) - 1,
min.n = n\%/\%3, shrink.sml = 0.75, high.u.bias = 1.5,
u5.bias = 0.5 + 1.5 * high.u.bias)
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
\item{n}{number of axis intervals (specify one of
\code{m} or \code{n})}
\item{min.n}{nonnegative integer giving the
\emph{minimal} number of intervals. If \code{min.n == 0},
\code{pretty(.)} may return a single value.}
\item{shrink.sml}{positive numeric by a which a default
scale is shrunk in the case when \code{range(x)} is very
small (usually 0).}
\item{high.u.bias}{non-negative numeric, typically
\code{> 1}. The interval unit is determined as
\code{\{1,2,5,10\}} times \code{b}, a power of 10. Larger
\code{high.u.bias} values favor larger units.}
\item{u5.bias}{non-negative numeric multiplier favoring
factor 5 over 2. Default and 'optimal': \code{u5.bias =
.5 + 1.5*high.u.bias}.}
vector of axis label locations
R's pretty algorithm implemented in R
Justin Talbot \email{}
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
\title{Sparks' labeling algorithm}
sparks(dmin, dmax, m)
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
vector of axis label locations
Sparks' labeling algorithm
Justin Talbot \email{}
Sparks, D. N. (1971) AS 44. Scatter Diagram Plotting,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C., pp.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
\title{Thayer and Storer's labeling algorithm}
thayer(dmin, dmax, m)
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
vector of axis label locations
Thayer and Storer's labeling algorithm
Justin Talbot \email{}
Thayer, R. P. and Storer, R. F. (1969) AS 21. Scale
Selection for Computer Plots, Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society. Series C., pp. 206-208.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
\title{Wilkinson's labeling algorithm}
wilkinson(dmin, dmax, m,
Q = c(1, 5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 1.5, 7, 6, 8, 9),
mincoverage = 0.8,
mrange = max(floor(m/2), 2):ceiling(6 * m))
\item{dmin}{minimum of the data range}
\item{dmax}{maximum of the data range}
\item{m}{number of axis labels}
\item{Q}{set of nice numbers}
\item{mincoverage}{minimum ratio between the the data
range and the labeling range, controlling the whitespace
around the labeling (default = 0.8)}
\item{mrange}{range of \code{m}, the number of tick
marks, that should be considered in the optimization
vector of axis label locations
Wilkinson's labeling algorithm
Ported from Wilkinson's Java implementation with some
changes. Changes: 1) m (the target number of ticks) is
hard coded in Wilkinson's implementation as 5. Here we
allow it to vary as a parameter. Since m is fixed,
Wilkinson only searches over a fixed range 4-13 of
possible resulting ticks. We broadened the search range
to max(floor(m/2),2) to ceiling(6*m), which is a larger
range than Wilkinson considers for 5 and allows us to
vary m, including using non-integer values of m. 2)
Wilkinson's implementation assumes that the scores are
non-negative. But, his revised granularity function can
be extremely negative. We tweaked the code to allow
negative scores. We found that this produced better
labelings. 3) We added 10 to Q. This seemed to be
necessary to get steps of size 1. It is possible for
this algorithm to find no solution. In Wilkinson's
implementation, instead of failing, he returns the
non-nice labels spaced evenly from min to max. We want
to detect this case, so we return NULL. If this happens,
the search range, mrange, needs to be increased.
Justin Talbot \email{}
Wilkinson, L. (2005) The Grammar of Graphics,
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

labeling-manual.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

labeling_0.4.2.tar.gz Normal file

Binary file not shown.