sum(x1_array_forward_shooting<0) x3_array_forward_shooting[l] x3_growth = (x3_array_forward_shooting[l]-x3_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/x3_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/(1*stepsize) x3_growth sum(x3_array_forward_shooting<0) a1_growth = (a1_array_forward_shooting[l]-a1_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/a1_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/stepsize a1_growth a3_growth = (a3_array_forward_shooting[l]-a3_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/a3_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/stepsize a3_growth a1_array_forward_shooting[l]/x1_array_forward_shooting[l] plot((a1_array_forward_shooting/x1_array_forward_shooting)[(l-100)-l]) # Forward shooting options(digits=7) ## Evolution x1_array_forward_shooting <- c() x3_array_forward_shooting <- c() a1_array_forward_shooting <- c() a3_array_forward_shooting <- c() s1_array_forward_shooting <- c() s3_array_forward_shooting <- c() x1_t = x1_init x3_t = x3_init #stepsize comienzo = Sys.time() max = max(times_forward_shooting) for(t in times_forward_shooting){ if((100*t/max) %in% seq(from=0, to=100, by=1)){ cat(paste(floor(100*t/max), "%", sep="")) cat("\n") } a1_t = a1(t) a3_t = a3(t) s1_t = s1(t) s3_t = s3(t) x1_t = x1_t*(1+r1_stepsize) + dx1(t)*stepsize x3_t = x3_t*(1+r3_stepsize) + dx3(t)*stepsize a1_array_forward_shooting <- c(a1_array_forward_shooting, a1_t) a3_array_forward_shooting <- c(a3_array_forward_shooting, a3_t) s1_array_forward_shooting <- c(s1_array_forward_shooting, s1_t) s3_array_forward_shooting <- c(s3_array_forward_shooting, s3_t) x1_array_forward_shooting <- c(x1_array_forward_shooting, x1_t) x3_array_forward_shooting <- c(x3_array_forward_shooting, x3_t) } # Variables η = 0.9 ## 1.1 ρ = 0.005 r_1 = 0.06 r_3 = -0.05 γ_1 = 0.03 γ_3 = 0.01 w_3 = 5000 ## Mean on the EA Survey 2018- ~7000 β_3 = 1 ## 1 ## 0.5 Corresponds to roughly 5 people convincing 10 other people per year on a 50k year budget ## Dramatic if beta = 0.5, w_3 = 1000 λ_1 = 0.5 λ_3 = 0.5 δ_3 = 0.44 ## k1_forward_shooting k1_forward_shooting = 3*10^(-7) ## 1*10^(-7) fails. 2*10^(-7) fails k1_reverse_shooting = k1_forward_shooting ## Artfully guessed, such that s1 < 1 stepsize = 0.1 ## stepsize = 0.1 => seconds (7s). ## stepsize = 0.01 => minutes (3 mins). r1_stepsize = ((1+r_1)^stepsize)-1 r3_stepsize = ((1+r_3)^stepsize)-1 first = 0 last = 1000 times_forward_shooting = seq(from=first, to=last, by=stepsize) times_reverse_shooting = seq(from=last, to=first, by=-stepsize) ### Initial conditions. Correspond to "year 0". x1_init = 10^10 ## 1 billion? 15 billion? 100 billion? Too much? x3_init = 10^5 # Forward shooting options(digits=7) ## Evolution x1_array_forward_shooting <- c() x3_array_forward_shooting <- c() a1_array_forward_shooting <- c() a3_array_forward_shooting <- c() s1_array_forward_shooting <- c() s3_array_forward_shooting <- c() x1_t = x1_init x3_t = x3_init #stepsize comienzo = Sys.time() max = max(times_forward_shooting) for(t in times_forward_shooting){ if((100*t/max) %in% seq(from=0, to=100, by=1)){ cat(paste(floor(100*t/max), "%", sep="")) cat("\n") } a1_t = a1(t) a3_t = a3(t) s1_t = s1(t) s3_t = s3(t) x1_t = x1_t*(1+r1_stepsize) + dx1(t)*stepsize x3_t = x3_t*(1+r3_stepsize) + dx3(t)*stepsize a1_array_forward_shooting <- c(a1_array_forward_shooting, a1_t) a3_array_forward_shooting <- c(a3_array_forward_shooting, a3_t) s1_array_forward_shooting <- c(s1_array_forward_shooting, s1_t) s3_array_forward_shooting <- c(s3_array_forward_shooting, s3_t) x1_array_forward_shooting <- c(x1_array_forward_shooting, x1_t) x3_array_forward_shooting <- c(x3_array_forward_shooting, x3_t) } fin = Sys.time() fin-comienzo ## Checking condition options(digits=22) l = length(times_forward_shooting) x1_array_forward_shooting[l] x1_growth = (x1_array_forward_shooting[l]-x1_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/x1_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/(1*stepsize) x1_growth sum(x1_array_forward_shooting<0) x3_array_forward_shooting[l] x3_growth = (x3_array_forward_shooting[l]-x3_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/x3_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/(1*stepsize) x3_growth sum(x3_array_forward_shooting<0) a1_growth = (a1_array_forward_shooting[l]-a1_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/a1_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/stepsize a1_growth a3_growth = (a3_array_forward_shooting[l]-a3_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/a3_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/stepsize a3_growth a1_array_forward_shooting[l]/x1_array_forward_shooting[l] plot((a1_array_forward_shooting/x1_array_forward_shooting)[(l-100)-l]) # Plotting ## install.packages("tidyverse") <- Not totally necessary. ## install.packages("ggplot2") ## install.packages("ggsci") library(ggplot2) library(ggsci) ## General variables saveplots=TRUE times = times_forward_shooting ## Also for reverse shooting plots; time in reverse shooting is inverted shootingtype="reverse"#"forward"# shootingtype="forward"#"reverse"# directory = paste("/home/nuno/Documents/core/SRF/BackShooting/RCode/plots/satisfactory3/", shootingtype, "shooting", "/", last, "years", sep="") directory setwd(directory) if(shootingtype=="forward"){ x1_array_plotting <- x1_array_forward_shooting x3_array_plotting <- x3_array_forward_shooting a1_array_plotting <- a1_array_forward_shooting a3_array_plotting <- a3_array_forward_shooting s1_array_plotting <- s1_array_forward_shooting s3_array_plotting <- s3_array_forward_shooting } else if(shootingtype=="reverse"){ x1_array_plotting <- x1_array_reverse_shooting x3_array_plotting <- x3_array_reverse_shooting a1_array_plotting <- a1_array_reverse_shooting a3_array_plotting <- a3_array_reverse_shooting s1_array_plotting <- s1_array_reverse_shooting s3_array_plotting <- s3_array_reverse_shooting } height = 5 width = floor(height*(1+sqrt(5))/2) imagenumbercounter = 1 saveplot = function(imagename){ if(saveplots){ ggsave(paste(imagenumbercounter,"_", imagename, "_",shootingtype, "shooting",".png", sep =""), units="in", width=width, height=height) imagenumbercounter <<- imagenumbercounter+1 ## https-// } } options(digits=1) ## Just for display xs <- list() xs$values <- c(x1_array_plotting, x3_array_plotting) xs$var <- c(rep("x1", length(x1_array_plotting)), rep("x3", length(x3_array_plotting))) xs$times = rep(times,2) xs <- title_text = "Evolution of state variables" (ggplot(data = xs, aes(x = times, y= values, color = var)) + geom_line(size = 0.5) + labs( title=title_text, #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Capital and labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom","vertical" ) + scale_color_lancet( breaks=c("x1", "x3"), labels=c("Capital", "Labor") ) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(min(x1_array_plotting), max(x1_array_plotting), length.out=5)) ) ## x1 and x3- log plot title_text = "Evolution of state variables" (ggplot(data = xs, aes(x = times, y= values, color = var)) + geom_line(size = 0.5) +labs( title=title_text, subtitle="(logarithmic scale)", #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Capital and labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom","vertical" ) + scale_color_lancet( breaks=c("x1", "x3"), labels=c("Capital", "Labor") ) + scale_y_continuous(trans = 'log2') ) saveplot("StateVariablesX1X3logplot") ## Only x3 equis3 <- list() equis3$values <- c(x3_array_plotting) equis3$times = times equis3 <- title_text = "Evolution of movement size" (ggplot(data = equis3, aes(x = times, y= values)) +geom_line(size = 0.5) +labs( title=title_text, #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom","vertical" ) ##+ scale_color_lancet() ) saveplot("StateVariableX3") ## s1, s3, s4 sigmas <- list() s4_array_plotting=1-s1_array_plotting-s3_array_plotting sigmas$values <- c(s1_array_plotting, s3_array_plotting,s4_array_plotting) sigmas$fraction <- c(rep("s1", length(s1_array_plotting)), rep("s3", length(s3_array_plotting)),rep("s4", length(s3_array_plotting))) sigmas$times = rep(times,3) sigmas <- title_text = "Evolution of labor fractions" (ggplot(data = sigmas, aes(x = times, y= values, color = fraction)) + geom_line(size = 0.5) +labs( title=title_text, #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Fraction of total labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="vertical" ) + scale_color_lancet( breaks=c("s1", "s3", "s4"), labels=c("Direct work", "Movement building", "Money-making") ) ) # Variables η = 0.9 ## 1.1 ρ = 0.005 r_1 = 0.06 r_3 = -0.02 γ_1 = 0.03 γ_3 = 0.01 w_3 = 5000 ## Mean on the EA Survey 2018- ~7000 β_3 = 1 ## 1 ## 0.5 Corresponds to roughly 5 people convincing 10 other people per year on a 50k year budget ## Dramatic if beta = 0.5, w_3 = 1000 λ_1 = 0.5 λ_3 = 0.5 δ_3 = 0.44 ## k1_forward_shooting k1_forward_shooting = 3*10^(-7) ## 1*10^(-7) fails. 2*10^(-7) fails k1_reverse_shooting = k1_forward_shooting ## Artfully guessed, such that s1 < 1 stepsize = 0.1 ## stepsize = 0.1 => seconds (7s). ## stepsize = 0.01 => minutes (3 mins). r1_stepsize = ((1+r_1)^stepsize)-1 r3_stepsize = ((1+r_3)^stepsize)-1 first = 0 last = 1000 times_forward_shooting = seq(from=first, to=last, by=stepsize) times_reverse_shooting = seq(from=last, to=first, by=-stepsize) ### Initial conditions. Correspond to "year 0". x1_init = 10^10 ## 1 billion? 15 billion? 100 billion? Too much? x3_init = 10^5 # Forward shooting options(digits=7) ## Evolution x1_array_forward_shooting <- c() x3_array_forward_shooting <- c() a1_array_forward_shooting <- c() a3_array_forward_shooting <- c() s1_array_forward_shooting <- c() s3_array_forward_shooting <- c() x1_t = x1_init x3_t = x3_init #stepsize comienzo = Sys.time() max = max(times_forward_shooting) for(t in times_forward_shooting){ if((100*t/max) %in% seq(from=0, to=100, by=1)){ cat(paste(floor(100*t/max), "%", sep="")) cat("\n") } a1_t = a1(t) a3_t = a3(t) s1_t = s1(t) s3_t = s3(t) x1_t = x1_t*(1+r1_stepsize) + dx1(t)*stepsize x3_t = x3_t*(1+r3_stepsize) + dx3(t)*stepsize a1_array_forward_shooting <- c(a1_array_forward_shooting, a1_t) a3_array_forward_shooting <- c(a3_array_forward_shooting, a3_t) s1_array_forward_shooting <- c(s1_array_forward_shooting, s1_t) s3_array_forward_shooting <- c(s3_array_forward_shooting, s3_t) x1_array_forward_shooting <- c(x1_array_forward_shooting, x1_t) x3_array_forward_shooting <- c(x3_array_forward_shooting, x3_t) } fin = Sys.time() fin-comienzo ## Checking condition options(digits=22) l = length(times_forward_shooting) x1_array_forward_shooting[l] x1_growth = (x1_array_forward_shooting[l]-x1_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/x1_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/(1*stepsize) x1_growth sum(x1_array_forward_shooting<0) x3_array_forward_shooting[l] x3_growth = (x3_array_forward_shooting[l]-x3_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/x3_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/(1*stepsize) x3_growth sum(x3_array_forward_shooting<0) a1_growth = (a1_array_forward_shooting[l]-a1_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/a1_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/stepsize a1_growth a3_growth = (a3_array_forward_shooting[l]-a3_array_forward_shooting[l-1])/a3_array_forward_shooting[l-1]/stepsize a3_growth a1_array_forward_shooting[l]/x1_array_forward_shooting[l] plot((a1_array_forward_shooting/x1_array_forward_shooting)[(l-100)-l]) # Plotting ## install.packages("tidyverse") <- Not totally necessary. ## install.packages("ggplot2") ## install.packages("ggsci") library(ggplot2) library(ggsci) ## General variables saveplots=TRUE times = times_forward_shooting ## Also for reverse shooting plots; time in reverse shooting is inverted shootingtype="reverse"#"forward"# shootingtype="forward"#"reverse"# directory = paste("/home/nuno/Documents/core/SRF/BackShooting/RCode/plots/satisfactory3/", shootingtype, "shooting", "/", last, "years", sep="") directory setwd(directory) if(shootingtype=="forward"){ x1_array_plotting <- x1_array_forward_shooting x3_array_plotting <- x3_array_forward_shooting a1_array_plotting <- a1_array_forward_shooting a3_array_plotting <- a3_array_forward_shooting s1_array_plotting <- s1_array_forward_shooting s3_array_plotting <- s3_array_forward_shooting } else if(shootingtype=="reverse"){ x1_array_plotting <- x1_array_reverse_shooting x3_array_plotting <- x3_array_reverse_shooting a1_array_plotting <- a1_array_reverse_shooting a3_array_plotting <- a3_array_reverse_shooting s1_array_plotting <- s1_array_reverse_shooting s3_array_plotting <- s3_array_reverse_shooting } height = 5 width = floor(height*(1+sqrt(5))/2) imagenumbercounter = 1 saveplot = function(imagename){ if(saveplots){ ggsave(paste(imagenumbercounter,"_", imagename, "_",shootingtype, "shooting",".png", sep =""), units="in", width=width, height=height) imagenumbercounter <<- imagenumbercounter+1 ## https-// } } options(digits=1) ## Just for display xs <- list() xs$values <- c(x1_array_plotting, x3_array_plotting) xs$var <- c(rep("x1", length(x1_array_plotting)), rep("x3", length(x3_array_plotting))) xs$times = rep(times,2) xs <- title_text = "Evolution of state variables" (ggplot(data = xs, aes(x = times, y= values, color = var)) + geom_line(size = 0.5) + labs( title=title_text, #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Capital and labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom","vertical" ) + scale_color_lancet( breaks=c("x1", "x3"), labels=c("Capital", "Labor") ) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(min(x1_array_plotting), max(x1_array_plotting), length.out=5)) ) saveplot("StateVariablesX1X3") ## x1 and x3- log plot title_text = "Evolution of state variables" (ggplot(data = xs, aes(x = times, y= values, color = var)) + geom_line(size = 0.5) +labs( title=title_text, subtitle="(logarithmic scale)", #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Capital and labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom","vertical" ) + scale_color_lancet( breaks=c("x1", "x3"), labels=c("Capital", "Labor") ) + scale_y_continuous(trans = 'log2') ) saveplot("StateVariablesX1X3logplot") ## Only x3 equis3 <- list() equis3$values <- c(x3_array_plotting) equis3$times = times equis3 <- title_text = "Evolution of movement size" (ggplot(data = equis3, aes(x = times, y= values)) +geom_line(size = 0.5) +labs( title=title_text, #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom","vertical" ) ##+ scale_color_lancet() ) saveplot("StateVariableX3") ## s1, s3, s4 sigmas <- list() s4_array_plotting=1-s1_array_plotting-s3_array_plotting sigmas$values <- c(s1_array_plotting, s3_array_plotting,s4_array_plotting) sigmas$fraction <- c(rep("s1", length(s1_array_plotting)), rep("s3", length(s3_array_plotting)),rep("s4", length(s3_array_plotting))) sigmas$times = rep(times,3) sigmas <- title_text = "Evolution of labor fractions" (ggplot(data = sigmas, aes(x = times, y= values, color = fraction)) + geom_line(size = 0.5) +labs( title=title_text, #subtitle="n =303", x="Year since start", y="Fraction of total labor" #caption="@EA Mental Health Survey" ) +theme( legend.title = element_blank(), #plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), #axis.text.y = element_blank(), legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="vertical" ) + scale_color_lancet( breaks=c("s1", "s3", "s4"), labels=c("Direct work", "Movement building", "Money-making") ) )