# Variables η = 0.9 ## 1.1 ρ = 0.005 r_1 = 0.06 r_3 = -0.02 γ_1 = 0.03 γ_3 = 0.01 w_3 = 5000 ## Mean on the EA Survey 2018: ~7000 β_3 = 1 ## 1 ## 0.5 Corresponds to roughly 5 people convincing 10 other people per year on a 50k year budget ## Dramatic if beta = 0.5, w_3 = 1000 λ_1 = 0.5 λ_3 = 0.5 δ_3 = 0.44 ## k1_forward_shooting k1_forward_shooting = 3*10^(-7) ## 1*10^(-7) fails. 2*10^(-7) fails ## Artfully guessed. k1_reverse_shooting = k1_forward_shooting stepsize = 0.1 ## stepsize = 0.1 => seconds (7s). ## stepsize = 0.01 => minutes (3 mins). r1_stepsize = ((1+r_1)^stepsize)-1 r3_stepsize = ((1+r_3)^stepsize)-1 first = 0 last = 1000 times_forward_shooting = seq(from=first, to=last, by=stepsize) times_reverse_shooting = seq(from=last, to=first, by=-stepsize) ### Initial conditions. Correspond to "year 0". x1_init = 10^10 x3_init = 10^5