/* globals getStyles, saveStyle, styleSectionsEqual */ 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var updater = { COUNT: 'count', UPDATED: 'updated', SKIPPED: 'skipped', SKIPPED_SAME_MD5: 'up-to-date: MD5 is unchanged', SKIPPED_SAME_CODE: 'up-to-date: code sections are unchanged', SKIPPED_ERROR_MD5: 'error: MD5 is invalid', SKIPPED_ERROR_JSON: 'error: JSON is invalid', DONE: 'done', lastUpdateTime: parseInt(localStorage.lastUpdateTime) || Date.now(), checkAllStyles(observe = () => {}) { updater.resetInterval(); return new Promise(resolve => { getStyles({}, styles => { styles = styles.filter(style => style.updateUrl); observe(updater.COUNT, styles.length); Promise.all(styles.map(style => updater.checkStyle(style) .then(saveStyle) .then(saved => observe(updater.UPDATED, saved)) .catch(err => observe(updater.SKIPPED, style, err)) )).then(() => { observe(updater.DONE); resolve(); }); }); }); }, checkStyle(style) { return download(style.md5Url) .then(md5 => !md5 || md5.length != 32 ? Promise.reject(updater.SKIPPED_ERROR_MD5) : md5 == style.originalMd5 ? Promise.reject(updater.SKIPPED_SAME_MD5) : style.updateUrl) .then(download) .then(text => tryJSONparse(text)) .then(json => !updater.styleJSONseemsValid(json) ? Promise.reject(updater.SKIPPED_ERROR_JSON) : styleSectionsEqual(json, style) ? Promise.reject(updater.SKIPPED_SAME_CODE) : // keep the local name as it could've been customized by the user Object.assign(json, { id: style.id, name: null, })); }, styleJSONseemsValid(json) { return json && json.sections && json.sections.length && typeof json.sections.every == 'function' && typeof json.sections[0].code == 'string'; }, schedule() { const interval = prefs.get('updateInterval') * 60 * 60 * 1000; if (interval) { const elapsed = Math.max(0, Date.now() - updater.lastUpdateTime); debounce(updater.checkAllStyles, Math.max(10e3, interval - elapsed)); } else if (debounce.timers) { debounce.unregister(updater.checkAllStyles); } }, resetInterval() { localStorage.lastUpdateTime = updater.lastUpdateTime = Date.now(); updater.schedule(); }, }; updater.schedule(); prefs.subscribe(updater.schedule, ['updateInterval']);