/* global regExpTester debounce messageBox CodeMirror */ 'use strict'; function templateCache(cache) { function clone(id) { if (typeof cache[id] === 'function') { cache[id] = cache[id](); } return cache[id].cloneNode(true); } return {clone}; } function createAppliesToLineWidget(cm) { const APPLIES_TYPE = [ [t('appliesUrlOption'), 'url'], [t('appliesUrlPrefixOption'), 'url-prefix'], [t('appliesDomainOption'), 'domain'], [t('appliesRegexpOption'), 'regexp'] ]; const THROTTLE_DELAY = 400; let widgets = []; let fromLine, toLine, styleVariables; let initialized = false; const template = templateCache({ container: () => $element({className: 'applies-to', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'label', appendChild: t('appliesLabel')}), $element({ tag: 'ul', className: 'applies-to-list' }) ]}), listItem: () => $element({tag: 'li', appendChild: [ $element({ tag: 'select', className: 'applies-type', appendChild: APPLIES_TYPE.map(([label, value]) => $element({ tag: 'option', value: value, textContent: label })) }), $element({ tag: 'input', className: 'applies-value' }), $element({ tag: 'button', type: 'button', className: 'applies-to-regexp-test', textContent: t('styleRegexpTestButton') }), $element({ tag: 'button', type: 'button', className: 'applies-to-remove', textContent: t('appliesRemove') }), $element({ tag: 'button', type: 'button', className: 'applies-to-add', textContent: t('appliesAdd') }) ]}), appliesToEverything: () => $element({ tag: 'li', className: 'applies-to-everything', textContent: t('appliesToEverything') }) }); return {toggle}; function toggle(newState = !initialized) { newState = Boolean(newState); if (newState !== initialized) { if (newState) { init(); } else { uninit(); } } } function init() { initialized = true; styleVariables = $element({tag: 'style'}); fromLine = 0; toLine = cm.doc.size; cm.on('change', onChange); cm.on('optionChange', onOptionChange); // is it possible to avoid flickering? window.addEventListener('load', updateWidgetStyle); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onRuntimeMessage); updateWidgetStyle(); update(); } function uninit() { initialized = false; widgets.forEach(clearWidget); widgets.length = 0; cm.off('change', onChange); cm.off('optionChange', onOptionChange); window.removeEventListener('load', updateWidgetStyle); chrome.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(onRuntimeMessage); styleVariables.remove(); } function onChange(cm, event) { const {from, to, origin} = event; if (origin === 'appliesTo') { return; } const lastChanged = CodeMirror.changeEnd(event).line; fromLine = Math.min(fromLine === null ? from.line : fromLine, from.line); toLine = Math.max(toLine === null ? lastChanged : toLine, to.line); if (origin === 'setValue') { update(); } else { debounce(update, THROTTLE_DELAY); } } function onOptionChange(cm, option) { if (option === 'theme') { updateWidgetStyle(); } } function onRuntimeMessage(msg) { if (msg.style || msg.styles || msg.prefs && 'disableAll' in msg.prefs || msg.method === 'styleDeleted') { requestAnimationFrame(updateWidgetStyle); } } function update() { const changed = {fromLine, toLine}; fromLine = Math.max(fromLine || 0, cm.display.viewFrom); toLine = Math.min(toLine === null ? cm.doc.size : toLine, cm.display.viewTo || toLine); const visible = {fromLine, toLine}; if (fromLine >= cm.display.viewFrom && toLine <= (cm.display.viewTo || toLine)) { cm.operation(doUpdate); } if (changed.fromLine !== visible.fromLine || changed.toLine !== visible.toLine) { setTimeout(updateInvisible, 0, changed, visible); } } function updateInvisible(changed, visible) { let inOp = false; if (changed.fromLine < visible.fromLine) { fromLine = Math.min(fromLine, changed.fromLine); toLine = Math.min(changed.toLine, visible.fromLine); inOp = true; cm.startOperation(); doUpdate(); } if (changed.toLine > visible.toLine) { fromLine = Math.max(fromLine, changed.toLine); toLine = Math.max(changed.toLine, visible.toLine); if (!inOp) { inOp = true; cm.startOperation(); } cm.operation(doUpdate); } if (inOp) { cm.endOperation(); } } function updateWidgetStyle() { const gutterStyle = getComputedStyle(cm.getGutterElement()); const borderStyle = gutterStyle.borderRightWidth !== '0px' ? `${gutterStyle.borderRightWidth} ${gutterStyle.borderRightStyle} ${gutterStyle.borderRightColor}` : `1px solid ${gutterStyle.color}`; const id = Date.now(); styleVariables.textContent = ` .single-editor { --at-background-color-${id}: ${gutterStyle.backgroundColor}; --at-border-top-${id}: ${borderStyle}; --at-border-bottom-${id}: ${borderStyle}; } .applies-to { background-color: var(--at-background-color-${id}); border-top: var(--at-border-top-${id}); border-bottom: var(--at-border-bottom-${id}); } `; document.documentElement.appendChild(styleVariables); } function doUpdate() { // find which widgets needs to be update // some widgets (lines) might be deleted widgets = widgets.filter(w => w.line.lineNo() !== null); let i = widgets.findIndex(w => w.line.lineNo() > fromLine) - 1; let j = widgets.findIndex(w => w.line.lineNo() > toLine); if (i === -2) { i = widgets.length - 1; } if (j < 0) { j = widgets.length; } // decide search range const fromPos = {line: widgets[i] ? widgets[i].line.lineNo() : 0, ch: 0}; const toPos = {line: widgets[j] ? widgets[j].line.lineNo() : toLine + 1, ch: 0}; // calc index->pos lookup table let line = 0; let index = 0; let fromIndex, toIndex; const lineIndexes = [index]; cm.doc.iter(({text}) => { fromIndex = line === fromPos.line ? index : fromIndex; lineIndexes.push((index += text.length + 1)); line++; toIndex = line >= toPos.line ? index : toIndex; return toIndex; }); // splice i = Math.max(0, i); widgets.splice(i, 0, ...createWidgets(fromIndex, toIndex, widgets.splice(i, j - i), lineIndexes)); fromLine = null; toLine = null; } function *createWidgets(start, end, removed, lineIndexes) { let i = 0; let itemHeight; for (const section of findAppliesTo(start, end)) { while (removed[i] && removed[i].line.lineNo() < section.pos.line) { clearWidget(removed[i++]); } for (const a of section.applies) { setupApplyMarkers(a, lineIndexes); } if (removed[i] && removed[i].line.lineNo() === section.pos.line) { // reuse old widget removed[i].section.applies.forEach(apply => { apply.type.mark.clear(); apply.value.mark.clear(); }); removed[i].section = section; const newNode = buildElement(section); if (removed[i].node.parentNode) { removed[i].node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, removed[i].node); } removed[i].node = newNode; removed[i].changed(); yield removed[i]; i++; continue; } // new widget const widget = cm.addLineWidget(section.pos.line, buildElement(section), { coverGutter: true, noHScroll: true, above: true, height: itemHeight ? section.applies.length * itemHeight : undefined, }); widget.section = section; itemHeight = itemHeight || widget.node.offsetHeight / (section.applies.length || 1); yield widget; } removed.slice(i).forEach(clearWidget); } function clearWidget(widget) { widget.clear(); widget.section.applies.forEach(clearApply); } function clearApply(apply) { apply.type.mark.clear(); apply.value.mark.clear(); apply.mark.clear(); } function setupApplyMarkers(apply, lineIndexes) { apply.type.mark = cm.markText( posFromIndex(cm, apply.type.start, lineIndexes), posFromIndex(cm, apply.type.end, lineIndexes), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); apply.value.mark = cm.markText( posFromIndex(cm, apply.value.start, lineIndexes), posFromIndex(cm, apply.value.end, lineIndexes), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); apply.mark = cm.markText( posFromIndex(cm, apply.start, lineIndexes), posFromIndex(cm, apply.end, lineIndexes), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); } function posFromIndex(cm, index, lineIndexes) { if (!lineIndexes) { return cm.posFromIndex(index); } let line = lineIndexes.prev || 0; const prev = lineIndexes[line]; const next = lineIndexes[line + 1]; if (prev <= index && index < next) { return {line, ch: index - prev}; } let a = index < prev ? 0 : line; let b = index < next ? line + 1 : lineIndexes.length - 1; while (a < b - 1) { const mid = (a + b) >> 1; if (lineIndexes[mid] < index) { a = mid; } else { b = mid; } } line = lineIndexes[b] > index ? a : b; Object.defineProperty(lineIndexes, 'prev', {value: line, configurable: true}); return {line, ch: index - lineIndexes[line]}; } function buildElement({applies}) { const el = template.clone('container'); const appliesToList = $('.applies-to-list', el); applies.map(makeLi) .forEach(item => appliesToList.appendChild(item)); if (!appliesToList.childNodes.length) { appliesToList.appendChild(template.clone('appliesToEverything')); } return el; function makeLi(apply) { const el = template.clone('listItem'); el.dataset.type = apply.type.text; el.addEventListener('change', e => { if (e.target.classList.contains('applies-type')) { el.dataset.type = apply.type.text; } }); const typeInput = $('.applies-type', el); typeInput.value = apply.type.text; typeInput.onchange = function () { applyChange(apply.type, this.value); }; const valueInput = $('.applies-value', el); valueInput.value = apply.value.text; valueInput.oninput = function () { debounce(applyChange, THROTTLE_DELAY, apply.value, this.value); }; valueInput.onfocus = updateRegexpTest; const regexpTestButton = $('.applies-to-regexp-test', el); regexpTestButton.onclick = () => { regExpTester.toggle(); regExpTester.update([apply.value.text]); }; const removeButton = $('.applies-to-remove', el); removeButton.onclick = function () { const i = applies.indexOf(apply); let repl; let from; let to; if (applies.length < 2) { messageBox({ contents: chrome.i18n.getMessage('appliesRemoveError'), buttons: [t('confirmClose')] }); return; } if (i === 0) { from = apply.mark.find().from; to = applies[i + 1].mark.find().from; repl = ''; } else if (i === applies.length - 1) { from = applies[i - 1].mark.find().to; to = apply.mark.find().to; repl = ''; } else { from = applies[i - 1].mark.find().to; to = applies[i + 1].mark.find().from; repl = ', '; } cm.replaceRange(repl, from, to, 'appliesTo'); clearApply(apply); this.closest('li').remove(); applies.splice(i, 1); }; const addButton = $('.applies-to-add', el); addButton.onclick = function () { const i = applies.indexOf(apply); const pos = apply.mark.find().to; const text = `, ${apply.type.text}("")`; cm.replaceRange(text, pos, pos, 'appliesTo'); const newApply = createApply( cm.indexFromPos(pos) + 2, apply.type.text, '', true ); setupApplyMarkers(newApply); applies.splice(i + 1, 0, newApply); this.closest('li').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', makeLi(newApply)); }; return el; function updateRegexpTest() { if (apply.type.text === 'regexp') { const re = apply.value.text.trim(); if (re) { regExpTester.update([re]); } else { regExpTester.update([]); } } } function applyChange(input, newText) { const range = input.mark.find(); input.mark.clear(); cm.replaceRange(newText, range.from, range.to, 'appliesTo'); input.mark = cm.markText( range.from, cm.findPosH(range.from, newText.length, 'char'), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); input.text = newText; if (input === apply.type) { const range = apply.mark.find(); apply.mark.clear(); apply.mark = cm.markText( input.mark.find().from, range.to, {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); } updateRegexpTest(); } } } function createApply(pos, typeText, valueText, isQuoted = false) { const start = pos; const typeStart = start; const typeEnd = typeStart + typeText.length; const valueStart = typeEnd + 1 + Number(isQuoted); const valueEnd = valueStart + valueText.length; const end = valueEnd + Number(isQuoted) + 1; return { start, type: { text: typeText, start: typeStart, end: typeEnd, }, value: { text: valueText, start: valueStart, end: valueEnd, }, end }; } function *findAppliesTo(posStart, posEnd) { const text = cm.getValue(); const re = /^[\t ]*@-moz-document\s+/mg; const applyRe = /(url|url-prefix|domain|regexp)\(((['"])(?:\\\\|\\\n|\\\3|[^\n])*?\3|[^)\n]*)\)[\s,]*/iyg; let match; re.lastIndex = posStart; while ((match = re.exec(text))) { if (match.index >= posEnd) { return; } const applies = []; let m; applyRe.lastIndex = re.lastIndex; while ((m = applyRe.exec(text))) { const apply = createApply( m.index, m[1], unquote(m[2]), unquote(m[2]) !== m[2] ); applies.push(apply); re.lastIndex = applyRe.lastIndex; } yield { pos: cm.posFromIndex(match.index), applies }; } } function unquote(s) { const first = s.charAt(0); return (first === '"' || first === "'") && s.endsWith(first) ? s.slice(1, -1) : s; } }