'use strict'; const template = {}; tDocLoader(); function t(key, params) { const cache = !params && t.cache[key]; const s = cache || chrome.i18n.getMessage(key, params); if (s === '') { throw `Missing string "${key}"`; } if (!params && !cache) { t.cache[key] = s; } return s; } function tHTML(html, tag) { // body is a text node without HTML tags if (typeof html === 'string' && !tag && /<\w+/.test(html) === false) { return document.createTextNode(html); } if (typeof html === 'string') { // spaces are removed; use for an explicit space html = html.replace(/>\s+</g, '><').trim(); if (tag) { html = `<${tag}>${html}</${tag}>`; } const body = t.DOMParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html').body; if (html.includes('i18n-')) { tNodeList(body.getElementsByTagName('*')); } // the html string may contain more than one top-level node if (!body.childNodes[1]) { return body.firstChild; } const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (body.firstChild) { fragment.appendChild(body.firstChild); } return fragment; } return html; } function tNodeList(nodes) { const PREFIX = 'i18n-'; for (let n = nodes.length; --n >= 0;) { const node = nodes[n]; // skip non-ELEMENT_NODE if (node.nodeType !== 1) { continue; } if (node.localName === 'template') { const elements = node.content.querySelectorAll('*'); tNodeList(elements); template[node.dataset.id] = elements[0]; // compress inter-tag whitespace to reduce number of DOM nodes by 25% const walker = document.createTreeWalker(elements[0], NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT); const toRemove = []; while (walker.nextNode()) { const textNode = walker.currentNode; if (!textNode.nodeValue.trim()) { toRemove.push(textNode); } } toRemove.forEach(el => el.remove()); continue; } for (let a = node.attributes.length; --a >= 0;) { const attr = node.attributes[a]; const name = attr.nodeName; if (!name.startsWith(PREFIX)) { continue; } const type = name.substr(PREFIX.length); const value = t(attr.value); switch (type) { case 'text': node.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(value), node.firstChild); break; case 'text-append': node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value)); break; case 'html': // localized strings only allow having text nodes and links node.textContent = ''; [...tHTML(value, 'div').childNodes] .filter(a => a.nodeType === a.TEXT_NODE || a.tagName === 'A') .forEach(n => node.appendChild(n)); break; default: node.setAttribute(type, value); } node.removeAttribute(name); } } } function tDocLoader() { t.DOMParser = new DOMParser(); t.cache = (function () { try { return JSON.parse(localStorage.L10N); } catch (e) {} })() || {}; // reset L10N cache on UI language change const UIlang = chrome.i18n.getUILanguage(); if (t.cache.browserUIlanguage !== UIlang) { t.cache = {browserUIlanguage: UIlang}; localStorage.L10N = JSON.stringify(t.cache); } const cacheLength = Object.keys(t.cache).length; // localize HEAD tNodeList(document.getElementsByTagName('*')); // localize BODY const process = mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) { tNodeList(mutation.addedNodes); } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(process); const onLoad = () => { tDocLoader.stop(); process(observer.takeRecords()); if (cacheLength !== Object.keys(t.cache).length) { localStorage.L10N = JSON.stringify(t.cache); } }; tDocLoader.start = () => { observer.observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true}); }; tDocLoader.stop = () => { observer.disconnect(); document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad); }; tDocLoader.start(); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad); }