{ "addStyleLabel": { "message": "Yeni stil oluşturun", "description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page" }, "addStyleTitle": { "message": "Stil Ekleyin", "description": "Title of the page for adding styles" }, "alphaChannel": { "message": "Opaklık", "description": "Label of color's opacity" }, "appliesAdd": { "message": "Ekleyin", "description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry" }, "appliesDisplay": { "message": "Şuraya uygulanır: $applies$", "description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to", "placeholders": { "applies": { "content": "$1" } } }, "appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": { "message": "ve diğerleri", "description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed" }, "appliesDomainOption": { "message": "Alan adındaki URLler", "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain" }, "appliesHelp": { "message": "Bu bölümdeki kodun hangi URLlere uygulanacağını sınırlamak için 'Şuraya uygulanır' denetimlerini kullanın.", "description": "Help text for 'applies to' section" }, "appliesLabel": { "message": "Şuraya uygulanır", "description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen" }, "appliesRegexpOption": { "message": "regexp ile eşleşen URL'ler", "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression" }, "appliesRemove": { "message": "Kaldır", "description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry" }, "appliesSpecify": { "message": "Belirt", "description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites" }, "appliesToEverything": { "message": "Her şey", "description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites" }, "appliesUrlPrefixOption": { "message": "Şununla başlayan URL'ler:", "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix" }, "applyAllUpdates": { "message": "Tüm güncellemeleri uygula", "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" }, "author": { "message": "Yazar", "description": "Label for the style author" }, "bckpInstStyles": { "message": "Dışa aktar", "description": "" }, "checkAllUpdates": { "message": "Tüm stiller için güncellemeleri denetle", "description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates" }, "checkForUpdate": { "message": "Güncellemeleri denetle", "description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update" }, "checkingForUpdate": { "message": "Kontrol ediliyor...", "description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update" }, "clickToUninstall": { "message": "Kaldırmak için tıklayın", "description": "Label for the overlay on a style thumbnail when installed via inline search in the popup" }, "cm_autoCloseBrackets": { "message": "Parantezleri ve tırnak işaretlerini otomatik olarak kapat", "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." }, "cm_autocompleteOnTyping": { "message": "Yazarken tamamla", "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." }, "cm_colorpicker": { "message": "CSS renk seçicileri", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling colorpicker option for the style editor." }, "cm_indentWithTabs": { "message": "Akıllı girintili tab kullan", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor." }, "cm_matchHighlight": { "message": "Vurgulama", "description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the automatic highlighting of current word/selection occurrences in the style editor." }, "cm_matchHighlightSelection": { "message": "Yalnızca seçim", "description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of currently selected text" }, "cm_tabSize": { "message": "Tab büyüklüğü", "description": "Label for the text box controlling tab size option for the style editor." }, "cm_theme": { "message": "Tema", "description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme." }, "configOnChange": { "message": "değişiklikte", "description": "VERY SHORT label for the checkbox in style config dialog after the save button - when enabled the changes in the dialog are saved and applied automatically without the need to press the Save button" }, "confirmCancel": { "message": "İptal", "description": "" }, "confirmClose": { "message": "Kapat", "description": "'Close' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmDefault": { "message": "Öntanımlıyı kullan", "description": "'Set to default' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmDelete": { "message": "Sil", "description": "" }, "confirmDiscardChanges": { "message": "Değişiklikleri iptal et?", "description": "Generic label or title displayed when trying to close something (not a style) with unsaved changes" }, "confirmNo": { "message": "Hayır", "description": "'No' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmOK": { "message": "Tamam", "description": "" }, "confirmSave": { "message": "Kaydet", "description": "'Save' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmStop": { "message": "Dur", "description": "'Stop' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmYes": { "message": "Evet", "description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog" }, "copied": { "message": "Kopyalandı", "description": "Message shown when content has been copied to the clipboard" }, "copy": { "message": "Kopyala", "description": "Tooltip for elements which can be copied" }, "dateInstalled": { "message": "Kurulum tarihi", "description": "Option text for the user to sort the style by install date" }, "dateUpdated": { "message": "Güncelleme tarihi", "description": "Option text for the user to sort the style by last update date" }, "defaultTheme": { "message": "öntanımlı", "description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page" }, "deleteStyleConfirm": { "message": "Bu stili silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?", "description": "Confirmation before deleting a style" }, "deleteStyleLabel": { "message": "Sil", "description": "Label for the button to delete a style" }, "description": { "message": "Kullanıcı stil yöneticisi Stylus ile Web'in stilini yenileyin. Stylus Google, Facebook, YouTube, Orkut ve diğer pek çok site için temalar ve görünüm yüklemenize imkân tanır.", "description": "Extension description" }, "disableAllStyles": { "message": "Tüm stilleri kapat", "description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off." }, "disableStyleLabel": { "message": "Devre dışı bırak", "description": "Label for the button to disable a style" }, "editDeleteText": { "message": "Sil", "description": "Label for the context menu item in the editor to delete selected text" }, "editGotoLine": { "message": "Satıra git (veya satır:sütun)", "description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor" }, "editStyleHeading": { "message": "Stili Düzenle", "description": "Title of the page for editing styles" }, "editStyleLabel": { "message": "Düzenle", "description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page" }, "editStyleTitle": { "message": "$stylename$ Stilini Düzenleyin", "description": "Title of the page for editing styles", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "editorStylesButton": { "message": "Editör stili bul", "description": "Find styles for the editor" }, "enableStyleLabel": { "message": "Etkinleştir", "description": "Label for the button to enable a style" }, "exportLabel": { "message": "Dışa aktar", "description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" }, "externalFeedback": { "message": "Geribildirim", "description": "Label for the external link to send feedback for the style" }, "externalHomepage": { "message": "Anasayfa", "description": "Label for the external link to style's homepage" }, "externalSupport": { "message": "Destek", "description": "Label for the external link to style's support site" }, "findStyles": { "message": "Stil bul", "description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site" }, "findStylesForSite": { "message": "Bu site için başka stiller bul", "description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site" }, "genericAdd": { "message": "Ekle", "description": "Used in various places for an action that adds something" }, "genericDisabledLabel": { "message": "Devre dışı", "description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is disabled" }, "genericEnabledLabel": { "message": "Etkin", "description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is enabled" }, "genericError": { "message": "Hata", "description": "Used in various places to indicate some error occurred." }, "genericHistoryLabel": { "message": "Geçmiş", "description": "Used in various places to show a history log of something" }, "genericNext": { "message": "Sonraki", "description": "Used in various places to select/perform the next step/action" }, "genericPrevious": { "message": "Önceki", "description": "Used in various places to select/perform the previous step/action" }, "genericSavedMessage": { "message": "Kaydedildi", "description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate that something was saved" }, "genericTitle": { "message": "Başlık", "description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate the title of something" }, "genericUnknown": { "message": "Bilinmiyor", "description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate if something is unknown (e.g. an unknown date)" }, "helpAlt": { "message": "Yardım", "description": "Alternate text for help buttons" }, "importAppendLabel": { "message": "Stile ekle", "description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" }, "importLabel": { "message": "İçe aktar", "description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" }, "importReplaceLabel": { "message": "Stilin üzerine yaz", "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" }, "importReportLegendAdded": { "message": "eklendi", "description": "Text after the number of styles added in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportLegendUpdatedCode": { "message": "güncellenmiş kod", "description": "Text after the number of styles with updated code (meta info is unchanged) in the report shown after importing styles" }, "importReportUndoneTitle": { "message": "İçe aktarma geri alındı", "description": "Title of the message box shown after undoing the import of styles" }, "installButton": { "message": "Stil kur", "description": "Label for install button" }, "installButtonInstalled": { "message": "Stil kuruldu", "description": "Text displayed when the style is successfully installed" }, "installButtonReinstall": { "message": "Stili yeniden kur", "description": "Label for reinstall button" }, "installButtonUpdate": { "message": "Stili güncelle", "description": "Label for update button" }, "installUpdate": { "message": "Güncellemeyi yükle", "description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style" }, "installUpdateFromLabel": { "message": "Güncellemeleri denetle", "description": "Label for the checkbox to save current URL for update check" }, "license": { "message": "Lisans", "description": "Label for the license" }, "linkGetHelp": { "message": "Destek al", "description": "Homepage link text on the manage page e.g. https://add0n.com/stylus.html#features with chat/FAQ/intro/info" }, "linkStylusWiki": { "message": "Viki", "description": "Wiki link text on the manage page e.g. https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki" }, "linkTranslate": { "message": "Çevir", "description": "Transifex link text on the manage page" }, "linterIssues": { "message": "Sorunlar", "description": "Label for the CSS linter issues block on the style edit page" }, "manageFilters": { "message": "Filtreler", "description": "Label for filters container" }, "manageHeading": { "message": "Yüklü Stiller", "description": "Heading for the manage page" }, "manageOnlyEnabled": { "message": "Yalnızca etkin stiller", "description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles" }, "menuShowBadge": { "message": "Etkin stil sayısını göster", "description": "Label (must be very short) for the checkbox in the toolbar button context menu controlling toolbar badge text." }, "noStylesForSite": { "message": "Bu site için hiçbir stil yüklenmedi.", "description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site" }, "openManage": { "message": "Yüklü stilleri yönet", "description": "Link to open the manage page." }, "openStylesManager": { "message": "Stil yöneticisini aç", "description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu." }, "optionsActions": { "message": "İşlemler", "description": "" }, "optionsBadgeDisabled": { "message": "Etkin değilken arkaplan rengi", "description": "" }, "optionsBadgeNormal": { "message": "Arkaplan rengi", "description": "" }, "optionsCheck": { "message": "Stilleri güncelle", "description": "" }, "optionsHeading": { "message": "Seçenekler", "description": "Heading for options section on manage page." }, "optionsOpen": { "message": "Aç", "description": "" }, "optionsOpenManager": { "message": "Stilleri yönet", "description": "" }, "optionsSubheading": { "message": "Daha Fazla Seçenek", "description": "Subheading for options section on manage page." }, "optionsSyncConnect": { "message": "Bağlan", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncDisconnect": { "message": "Bağlantıyı kes", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncLogin": { "message": "Giriş yap", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusConnecting": { "message": "Bağlanılıyor...", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusConnected": { "message": "Bağlandı", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusDisconnecting": { "message": "Bağlantı kesiliyor...", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusDisconnected": { "message": "Bağlantı kesildi", "description": "" }, "paginationCurrent": { "message": "Şimdiki sayfa", "description": "Tooltip for the current page index in search results" }, "paginationEstimated": { "message": "Tahmini sayfa sayısı", "description": "Tooltip for the total page count in search results" }, "paginationNext": { "message": "Sonraki sayfa", "description": "Tooltip for the '->' (next page) button in search results" }, "paginationPrevious": { "message": "Önceki sayfa", "description": "Tooltip for the '<-' button in search results" }, "paginationTotal": { "message": "Toplam sayfa", "description": "" }, "previewLabel": { "message": "Canlı önizleme", "description": "Label for the checkbox in style editor to enable live preview while editing." }, "replace": { "message": "Değiştir", "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H" }, "replaceAll": { "message": "Hepsini değiştir", "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey" }, "replaceWith": { "message": "Şununla değiştir", "description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc." }, "retrieveBckp": { "message": "Stilleri içe aktar", "description": "" }, "search": { "message": "Ara", "description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" }, "searchResultInstallCount": { "message": "Toplam kurulum sayısı", "description": "Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed" }, "searchResultNoneFound": { "message": "Bu site için stil bulunamadı.", "description": "Error text in the popup when inline search didn't find any site-specific styles" }, "searchResultWeeklyCount": { "message": "Haftalık kurulum sayısı", "description": "Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed during last week" }, "searchStyles": { "message": "İçerikleri ara", "description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page" }, "sectionAdd": { "message": "Başka bölüm ekle", "description": "Label for the button to add a section" }, "sectionCode": { "message": "Kod", "description": "Label for the code for a section" }, "sectionRemove": { "message": "Bölümü kaldır", "description": "Label for the button to remove a section" }, "shortcuts": { "message": "Kısayollar", "description": "Go to shortcut configuration" }, "shortcutsNote": { "message": "Klavye kısayolları tanımla", "description": "" }, "sortDateNewestFirst": { "message": "önce en yeniler", "description": "Text added to indicate that sorting a date would add the newest entries at the top" }, "sortDateOldestFirst": { "message": "önce en eskiler", "description": "Text added to indicate that sorting a date would add the oldest entries at the top" }, "sortStylesHelpTitle": { "message": "İçeriği sırala", "description": "Label for the sort info popup on the Manage styles page" }, "styleBeautify": { "message": "Güzelleştir", "description": "Label for the CSS-beautifier button on the edit style page" }, "styleCancelEditLabel": { "message": "Yönetim sayfasına dön", "description": "Label for cancel button for style editing" }, "styleChangesNotSaved": { "message": "Bu stilde yaptığınız, kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler var.", "description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving" }, "styleEnabledLabel": { "message": "Etkin", "description": "Label for the enabled state of styles" }, "styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt": { "message": "Mozilla biçemiyle yazılmış kodu yapıştır", "description": "Prompt in the dialog displayed after clicking 'Import from Mozilla format' button" }, "styleInstall": { "message": "'$stylename$' Stylus'e yüklensin mi?", "description": "Confirmation when installing a style", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "styleMissingName": { "message": "Bir ad girin", "description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name" }, "styleMozillaFormatHeading": { "message": "Mozilla Biçemi", "description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style" }, "styleSaveLabel": { "message": "Kaydet", "description": "Label for save button for style editing" }, "styleToMozillaFormatHelp": { "message": "Kodun Mozilla biçimi, Firefox için Stylish ile kullanılabilir ve userstyles.org sitesine gönderilebilir.", "description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format" }, "styleToMozillaFormatTitle": { "message": "Mozilla biçeminde bir stil", "description": "Title of the popup with the style code in Mozilla format, shown after pressing the Export button on Edit style page" }, "styleUpdate": { "message": "\";$stylename$\" stilini güncelleştirmek istiyor musunuz?", "description": "Confirmation when updating a style", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "stylusUnavailableForURL": { "message": "Stylus bunun gibi sayfalarda çalışmaz.", "description": "Note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect" }, "undo": { "message": "Geri al", "description": "Button label" }, "updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { "message": "Güncelleme bulunamadı.", "description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available" }, "updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": { "message": "Güncellenemedi: sunucu yanıt olarak $code$ kodunu gönderdi.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error", "placeholders": { "code": { "content": "$1" } } }, "updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": { "message": "Güncellenemedi: sunucuya erişilemiyor.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable" }, "updateCheckHistory": { "message": "Güncelleme kontrolü geçmişi", "description": "" }, "updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { "message": "Stil güncel.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available" }, "updateCompleted": { "message": "Güncelleme tamamlandı.", "description": "Text that displays when an update completed" }, "updatesCurrentlyInstalled": { "message": "Kurulan güncellemeler:", "description": "Text that displays when an update is installed on options page. Followed by the number of currently installed updates." }, "writeStyleForURL": { "message": "bu URL", "description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL" }, "syncDropboxStyles": { "message": "Dropbox'tan aktar", "description": "" }, "retrieveDropboxSync": { "message": "Dropbox'a aktar", "description": "" }, "exportSavedSuccess": { "message": "Dosya başarıyla kaydedildi", "description": "" }, "gettingStyles": { "message": "Tüm stiller alınıyor...", "description": "" }, "zipStyles": { "message": "Stiller sıkıştırılıyor...", "description": "" }, "readingStyles": { "message": "Stiller okunuyor...", "description": "" }, "uploadingFile": { "message": "Dosya Yükleniyor...", "description": "" } }