/* global retranslateCSS */ 'use strict'; let installed; let tabURL; const handleEvent = {}; const ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW = 'style-'; const ENTRY_ID_PREFIX = '#' + ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW; getActiveTabRealURL().then(url => { tabURL = URLS.supported.test(url) ? url : ''; Promise.all([ tabURL && getStylesSafe({matchUrl: tabURL}), onDOMready().then(() => { initPopup(tabURL); }), ]).then(([styles]) => { showStyles(styles); }); }); if (FIREFOX) { // TODO: remove when this bug is fixed in FF retranslateCSS({ '.blocked::before': '__MSG_stylusUnavailableForURL__', '.blocked #installed::before': '__MSG_stylusUnavailableForURLdetails__', '.unreachable::before': '__MSG_unreachableContentScript__', '.unreachable #installed::before': '__MSG_unreachableFileHint__', }); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onRuntimeMessage); function onRuntimeMessage(msg) { switch (msg.method) { case 'styleAdded': case 'styleUpdated': // notifyAllTabs sets msg.style's code to null so we have to get the actual style // because we analyze its code in detectSloppyRegexps handleUpdate(BG.cachedStyles.byId.get(msg.style.id)); break; case 'styleDeleted': handleDelete(msg.id); break; case 'prefChanged': if ('popup.stylesFirst' in msg.prefs) { const stylesFirst = msg.prefs['popup.stylesFirst']; const actions = $('body > .actions'); const before = stylesFirst ? actions : actions.nextSibling; document.body.insertBefore(installed, before); } else if ('popupWidth' in msg.prefs) { setPopupWidth(msg.prefs.popupWidth); } break; } } function setPopupWidth(width = prefs.get('popupWidth')) { document.body.style.width = Math.max(200, Math.min(800, width)) + 'px'; } function initPopup(url) { installed = $('#installed'); setPopupWidth(); // force Chrome to resize the popup if (!FIREFOX) { document.body.style.height = '10px'; document.documentElement.style.height = '10px'; } // action buttons $('#disableAll').onchange = function () { installed.classList.toggle('disabled', this.checked); }; setupLivePrefs(); $('#find-styles-link').onclick = handleEvent.openURLandHide; $('#popup-manage-button').onclick = handleEvent.openURLandHide; $('#popup-options-button').onclick = () => { chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); window.close(); }; const shortcutsButton = $('#popup-shortcuts-button'); shortcutsButton.dataset.href = URLS.configureCommands; shortcutsButton.onclick = handleEvent.openURLandHide; if (!prefs.get('popup.stylesFirst')) { document.body.insertBefore( $('body > .actions'), installed); } // find styles link $('#find-styles a').href = 'https://userstyles.org/styles/browse/all/' + encodeURIComponent(url.startsWith('file:') ? 'file:' : url); if (!url) { document.body.classList.add('blocked'); return; } getActiveTab().then(tab => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, {method: 'ping'}, {frameId: 0}, pong => { if (pong === undefined) { document.body.classList.add('unreachable'); } }); }); // Write new style links const writeStyle = $('#write-style'); const matchTargets = document.createElement('span'); const matchWrapper = document.createElement('span'); matchWrapper.id = 'match'; matchWrapper.appendChild(matchTargets); // For this URL const urlLink = template.writeStyle.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(urlLink, { href: 'edit.html?url-prefix=' + encodeURIComponent(url), title: `url-prefix("${url}")`, textContent: prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs.usePath') ? new URL(url).pathname.slice(1) : t('writeStyleForURL').replace(/ /g, '\u00a0'), // this URL onclick: handleEvent.openLink, }); if (prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs')) { urlLink.onmouseenter = urlLink.onfocus = () => urlLink.parentNode.classList.add('url()'); urlLink.onmouseleave = urlLink.onblur = () => urlLink.parentNode.classList.remove('url()'); } matchTargets.appendChild(urlLink); // For domain const domains = BG.getDomains(url); for (const domain of domains) { const numParts = domain.length - domain.replace(/\./g, '').length + 1; // Don't include TLD if (domains.length > 1 && numParts === 1) { continue; } const domainLink = template.writeStyle.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(domainLink, { href: 'edit.html?domain=' + encodeURIComponent(domain), textContent: numParts > 2 ? domain.split('.')[0] : domain, title: `domain("${domain}")`, onclick: handleEvent.openLink, }); domainLink.setAttribute('subdomain', numParts > 1 ? 'true' : ''); matchTargets.appendChild(domainLink); } if (prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs')) { matchTargets.classList.add('breadcrumbs'); matchTargets.appendChild(matchTargets.removeChild(matchTargets.firstElementChild)); } writeStyle.appendChild(matchWrapper); } function showStyles(styles) { if (!styles) { return; } if (!styles.length) { installed.textContent = ''; installed.appendChild(template.noStyles.cloneNode(true)); return; } const enabledFirst = prefs.get('popup.enabledFirst'); styles.sort((a, b) => ( enabledFirst && a.enabled !== b.enabled ? !(a.enabled < b.enabled) ? -1 : 1 : a.name.localeCompare(b.name) )); let postponeDetect = false; const t0 = performance.now(); const container = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const style of styles) { createStyleElement({style, container, postponeDetect}); postponeDetect = postponeDetect || performance.now() - t0 > 100; } installed.appendChild(container); getStylesSafe({matchUrl: tabURL, strictRegexp: false}) .then(unscreenedStyles => { for (const unscreened of unscreenedStyles) { if (!styles.includes(unscreened)) { postponeDetect = postponeDetect || performance.now() - t0 > 100; createStyleElement({ style: Object.assign({appliedSections: [], postponeDetect}, unscreened), }); } } }); } function createStyleElement({ style, container = installed, postponeDetect, }) { const entry = template.style.cloneNode(true); entry.setAttribute('style-id', style.id); Object.assign(entry, { id: ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW + style.id, styleId: style.id, className: entry.className + ' ' + (style.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'), onmousedown: handleEvent.maybeEdit, }); const checkbox = $('.checker', entry); Object.assign(checkbox, { id: ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW + style.id, checked: style.enabled, onclick: handleEvent.toggle, }); const editLink = $('.style-edit-link', entry); Object.assign(editLink, { href: editLink.getAttribute('href') + style.id, onclick: handleEvent.openLink, }); const styleName = $('.style-name', entry); Object.assign(styleName, { htmlFor: ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW + style.id, onclick: handleEvent.name, }); styleName.checkbox = checkbox; styleName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(style.name)); $('.enable', entry).onclick = handleEvent.toggle; $('.disable', entry).onclick = handleEvent.toggle; $('.delete', entry).onclick = handleEvent.delete; invokeOrPostpone(!postponeDetect, detectSloppyRegexps, {entry, style}); const oldElement = $(ENTRY_ID_PREFIX + style.id); if (oldElement) { oldElement.parentNode.replaceChild(entry, oldElement); } else { container.appendChild(entry); } } Object.assign(handleEvent, { getClickedStyleId(event) { return (handleEvent.getClickedStyleElement(event) || {}).styleId; }, getClickedStyleElement(event) { return event.target.closest('.entry'); }, name(event) { this.checkbox.click(); event.preventDefault(); }, toggle(event) { saveStyleSafe({ id: handleEvent.getClickedStyleId(event), enabled: this.type === 'checkbox' ? this.checked : this.matches('.enable'), }); }, delete(event) { const id = handleEvent.getClickedStyleId(event); const box = $('#confirm'); box.dataset.display = true; box.style.cssText = ''; $('b', box).textContent = (BG.cachedStyles.byId.get(id) || {}).name; $('[data-cmd="ok"]', box).onclick = () => confirm(true); $('[data-cmd="cancel"]', box).onclick = () => confirm(false); window.onkeydown = event => { const keyCode = event.keyCode || event.which; if (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey && (keyCode === 13 || keyCode === 27)) { event.preventDefault(); confirm(keyCode === 13); } }; function confirm(ok) { window.onkeydown = null; animateElement(box, {className: 'lights-on'}) .then(() => (box.dataset.display = false)); if (ok) { deleteStyleSafe({id}).then(() => { // update view with 'No styles installed for this site' message if (!installed.children.length) { showStyles([]); } }); } } }, indicator(event) { const entry = handleEvent.getClickedStyleElement(event); const info = template.regexpProblemExplanation.cloneNode(true); $$('#' + info.id).forEach(el => el.remove()); $$('a', info).forEach(el => (el.onclick = handleEvent.openURLandHide)); $$('button', info).forEach(el => (el.onclick = handleEvent.closeExplanation)); entry.appendChild(info); }, closeExplanation() { $('#regexp-explanation').remove(); }, openLink(event) { if (!prefs.get('openEditInWindow', false)) { handleEvent.openURLandHide.call(this, event); return; } event.preventDefault(); chrome.windows.create( Object.assign({ url: this.href }, prefs.get('windowPosition', {})) ); close(); }, maybeEdit(event) { if (!( event.button === 0 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) || event.button === 1 || event.button === 2)) { return; } // open an editor on middleclick if (event.target.matches('.entry, .style-name, .style-edit-link')) { this.onmouseup = () => $('.style-edit-link', this).click(); this.oncontextmenu = event => event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault(); return; } // prevent the popup being opened in a background tab // when an irrelevant link was accidentally clicked if (event.target.closest('a')) { event.preventDefault(); return; } }, openURLandHide(event) { event.preventDefault(); openURL({url: this.href || this.dataset.href}) .then(window.close); }, }); function handleUpdate(style) { if ($(ENTRY_ID_PREFIX + style.id)) { createStyleElement({style}); return; } // Add an entry when a new style for the current url is installed if (tabURL && BG.getApplicableSections({style, matchUrl: tabURL, stopOnFirst: true}).length) { document.body.classList.remove('blocked'); createStyleElement({style}); } } function handleDelete(id) { $$(ENTRY_ID_PREFIX + id).forEach(el => el.remove()); } /* According to CSS4 @document specification the entire URL must match. Stylish-for-Chrome implemented it incorrectly since the very beginning. We'll detect styles that abuse the bug by finding the sections that would have been applied by Stylish but not by us as we follow the spec. Additionally we'll check for invalid regexps. */ function detectSloppyRegexps({entry, style}) { // make sure all regexps are compiled const rxCache = BG.cachedStyles.regexps; let hasRegExp = false; for (const section of style.sections) { for (const regexp of section.regexps) { hasRegExp = true; for (let pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) { const cacheKey = pass === 1 ? regexp : BG.SLOPPY_REGEXP_PREFIX + regexp; if (!rxCache.has(cacheKey)) { // according to CSS4 @document specification the entire URL must match const anchored = pass === 1 ? '^(?:' + regexp + ')$' : '^' + regexp + '$'; // create in the bg context to avoid leaking of "dead objects" const rx = BG.tryRegExp(anchored); rxCache.set(cacheKey, rx || false); } } } } if (!hasRegExp) { return; } const { appliedSections = BG.getApplicableSections({style, matchUrl: tabURL}), wannabeSections = BG.getApplicableSections({style, matchUrl: tabURL, strictRegexp: false}), } = style; entry.hasInvalidRegexps = wannabeSections.some(section => section.regexps.some(rx => !rxCache.has(rx))); entry.sectionsSkipped = wannabeSections.length - appliedSections.length; if (!appliedSections.length) { entry.classList.add('not-applied'); $('.style-name', entry).title = t('styleNotAppliedRegexpProblemTooltip'); } if (entry.sectionsSkipped || entry.hasInvalidRegexps) { entry.classList.toggle('regexp-partial', entry.sectionsSkipped); entry.classList.toggle('regexp-invalid', entry.hasInvalidRegexps); const indicator = template.regexpProblemIndicator.cloneNode(true); indicator.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry.sectionsSkipped || '!')); indicator.onclick = handleEvent.indicator; $('.main-controls', entry).appendChild(indicator); } }