/* global handleEvent tryJSONparse getStylesSafe BG */ 'use strict'; (() => { Promise.all([getActiveTab(), onDOMready()]) .then(([tab]) => { $('#find-styles-link').href = searchUserstyles().getSearchPageURL(tab.url); $('#find-styles-link').onclick = event => { // Only load search results inline if option is selected. if ($('#find-styles-inline').checked) { // Hide 'inline' checkbox. $('#find-styles-inline-group').classList.add('hidden'); $('#find-styles-inline').checked = false; const searchResults = searchResultsController(); searchResults.init(); searchResults.load(); // Avoid propagating click to anchor/href event.preventDefault(); return false; } else { // Open anchor href in new tab. handleEvent.openURLandHide.call($('#find-styles-link'), event); } }; }); /** * Represents the search results within the Stylus popup. * @returns {Object} Includes load(), next(), and prev() methods to alter the search results. */ function searchResultsController() { const DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 10; // Number of results to display in popup.html const DELAY_AFTER_FETCHING_STYLES = 0; // Millisecs to wait before fetching next batch of search results. const DELAY_BEFORE_SEARCHING_STYLES = 0; // Millisecs to wait before fetching .JSON for next search result. const searchAPI = searchUserstyles(); const unprocessedResults = []; // Search results not yet processed. const processedResults = []; // Search results that are not installed and apply ot the page (includes 'json' field with full style). const BLANK_PIXEL_DATA = '' + 'C1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mOcXQ8AAbsBHLLDr5MAAAAASUVORK5CYII='; let loading = false; let category; // Category for the active tab's URL. let currentDisplayedPage = 1; // Current page number in popup.html return {init, load, next, prev}; function init() { $('#search-results-nav-prev').onclick = prev; $('#search-results-nav-next').onclick = next; document.body.classList.add('search-results-shown'); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } /** * Sets loading status of search results. * @param {Boolean} isLoading If search results are idle (false) or still loading (true). */ function setLoading(isLoading) { if (loading !== isLoading) { loading = isLoading; render(); // Refresh elements that depend on `loading` state. if (isLoading) { // Show spinner $('#search-results').appendChild( $create( '.lds-spinner', new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode())) ); } else { // Hide spinner $.remove('#search-results > .lds-spinner'); } } } function render() { $('#search-results-list').textContent = ''; // Clear search results const startIndex = (currentDisplayedPage - 1) * DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; const endIndex = currentDisplayedPage * DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; const displayedResults = processedResults.slice(startIndex, endIndex); displayedResults.forEach(resultToDisplay => { createSearchResultNode(resultToDisplay); }); $('#search-results-nav-prev').disabled = (currentDisplayedPage <= 1 || loading); $('#search-results-nav-current-page').textContent = currentDisplayedPage; let totalResultsCount = processedResults.length; if (unprocessedResults.length > 0) { // Add 1 page if there's results left to process. totalResultsCount += DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; } const totalPageCount = Math.ceil(Math.max(1, totalResultsCount / DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)); $('#search-results-nav-next').disabled = (currentDisplayedPage >= totalPageCount || loading); $('#search-results-nav-total-pages').textContent = totalPageCount; // Fill in remaining search results with blank results + spinners const maxResults = currentDisplayedPage < totalPageCount ? DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE : displayedResults.length + unprocessedResults.length; for (let i = displayedResults.length; i < maxResults; i++) { createLoadingSearchResultNode(); } } /** * @returns {Boolean} If we should process more results. */ function shouldLoadMore() { return (processedResults.length < currentDisplayedPage * DISPLAYED_RESULTS_PER_PAGE); } function loadMoreIfNeeded() { if (shouldLoadMore()) { setTimeout(load, DELAY_BEFORE_SEARCHING_STYLES); } } /** Increments currentDisplayedPage and loads results. */ function next() { currentDisplayedPage += 1; render(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); loadMoreIfNeeded(); } /** Decrements currentPage and loads results. */ function prev() { currentDisplayedPage = Math.max(1, currentDisplayedPage - 1); window.scrollTo(0, 0); render(); } /** * Display error message to user. * @param {string} message Message to display to user. */ function error(reason) { let message; if (reason === 404) { // TODO: i18n message message = 'No results found'; } else { message = 'Error loading search results: ' + reason; } $('#search-results').classList.add('hidden'); $('#search-results-error').textContent = message; $('#search-results-error').classList.remove('hidden'); } /** * Initializes search results container, starts fetching results. */ function load() { if (unprocessedResults.length > 0) { // Keep processing search results if there are any. processNextResult(); } else if (searchAPI.isExhausted()) { // Stop if no more search results. if (processedResults.length === 0) { // No results error(404); } } else { setLoading(true); // Search for more results. $('#search-results').classList.remove('hidden'); $('#search-results-error').classList.add('hidden'); // Discover current tab's URL & the "category" for the URL, then search. getActiveTab().then(tab => { category = searchAPI.getCategory(tab.url); searchAPI.search(category) .then(searchResults => { setLoading(false); if (searchResults.data.length === 0) { throw 404; } unprocessedResults.push.apply(unprocessedResults, searchResults.data); processNextResult(); }) .catch(error); }); } } /** * Processes the next search result in `unprocessedResults` and adds to `processedResults`. * Skips installed/non-applicable styles. * Fetches more search results if unprocessedResults is empty. * Recurses until shouldLoadMore() is false. */ function processNextResult() { if (!shouldLoadMore()) { return; } if (unprocessedResults.length === 0) { // No more results to process loadMoreIfNeeded(); return; } // Process the next result in the queue. const nextResult = unprocessedResults.shift(); isStyleInstalled(nextResult) .then(isInstalled => { if (isInstalled) { // Style already installed, skip it. setTimeout(processNextResult, 0); // Keep processing } else if (nextResult.category !== 'site') { // Style is not for a website, skip it. setTimeout(processNextResult, 0); // Keep processing } else { // Style not installed. searchAPI.fetchStyle(nextResult.id) // for "style_settings" (customizations) .then(userstyleObject => { // Store style settings for detecting customization later. nextResult.style_settings = userstyleObject.style_settings; processedResults.push(nextResult); render(); setTimeout(processNextResult, DELAY_AFTER_FETCHING_STYLES); // Keep processing }) .catch(reason => { console.log('processNextResult(', nextResult.id, ') => [ERROR]: ', reason); setTimeout(processNextResult, DELAY_AFTER_FETCHING_STYLES); // Keep processing }); } }); } /** * Promises if the given searchResult matches an already-installed style. * @param {Object} userstyleSearchResult Search result object from userstyles.org * @returns {Promise} Resolves if the style is installed. */ function isStyleInstalled(userstyleSearchResult) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { getStylesSafe() .then(installedStyles => { const matchingStyles = installedStyles.filter(installedStyle => { // Compare installed name to search result name. let isMatch = installedStyle.name === userstyleSearchResult.name; // Compare if search result ID (userstyles ID) is mentioned in the installed updateUrl. if (installedStyle.updateUrl) { isMatch &= installedStyle.updateUrl.includes('/' + userstyleSearchResult.id + '.json'); } return isMatch; }); resolve(matchingStyles.length > 0); }) .catch(reject); }); } function createLoadingSearchResultNode() { const entry = template.emptySearchResult.cloneNode(true); entry.appendChild( $create( '.lds-spinner', new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode())) ); $('#search-results-list').appendChild(entry); } /** * Constructs and adds the given search result to the popup's Search Results container. * @param {Object} userstyleSearchResult The SearchResult object from userstyles.org */ function createSearchResultNode(userstyleSearchResult) { /* userstyleSearchResult format: { id: 100835, name: "Reddit Flat Dark", screenshot_url: "19339_after.png", description: "...", user: { id: 48470, name: "holloh" }, style_settings: [...] } */ const entry = template.searchResult.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(entry, { id: 'search-result-' + userstyleSearchResult.id, onclick: handleEvent.openURLandHide }); $('#search-results-list').appendChild(entry); const searchResultName = userstyleSearchResult.name; const title = $('.search-result-title', entry); Object.assign(title, { textContent: searchResultName, onclick: handleEvent.openURLandHide, href: searchAPI.BASE_URL + userstyleSearchResult.url }); const screenshot = $('.search-result-screenshot', entry); let screenshotUrl = userstyleSearchResult.screenshot_url; if (screenshotUrl === null) { screenshotUrl = BLANK_PIXEL_DATA; screenshot.classList.add('no-screenshot'); } else if (RegExp(/^[0-9]*_after.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i).test(screenshotUrl)) { screenshotUrl = searchAPI.BASE_URL + '/style_screenshot_thumbnails/' + screenshotUrl; } Object.assign(screenshot, { src: screenshotUrl }); const searchResultOverlay = $('.search-result-overlay', entry); const description = $('.search-result-description', entry); Object.assign(description, { textContent: userstyleSearchResult.description.replace(/<.*?>/g, '').replace(/(\r\n?)\r\n?/g, '$1') }); const descriptionExpand = $('.search-result-description-info', entry); Object.assign(descriptionExpand, { onclick: e => { e.stopPropagation(); descriptionExpand.classList.add('hidden'); description.classList.add('expanded'); } }); const authorLink = $('.search-result-author-link', entry); Object.assign(authorLink, { textContent: userstyleSearchResult.user.name, title: userstyleSearchResult.user.name, href: searchAPI.BASE_URL + '/users/' + userstyleSearchResult.user.id, onclick: event => { event.stopPropagation(); handleEvent.openURLandHide.call(authorLink, event); } }); const rating = $('.search-result-rating', entry); let ratingClass; let ratingValue = userstyleSearchResult.rating; if (ratingValue === null) { ratingClass = 'none'; ratingValue = 'n/a'; } else if (ratingValue >= 2.5) { ratingClass = 'good'; ratingValue = ratingValue.toFixed(1); } else if (ratingValue >= 1.5) { ratingClass = 'okay'; ratingValue = ratingValue.toFixed(1); } else { ratingClass = 'bad'; ratingValue = ratingValue.toFixed(1); } Object.assign(rating, { textContent: ratingValue, className: 'search-result-rating ' + ratingClass }); const installCount = $('.search-result-install-count', entry); Object.assign(installCount, { textContent: userstyleSearchResult.total_install_count.toLocaleString() }); const uninstallButton = $('.search-result-uninstall', entry); uninstallButton.onclick = uninstall; const installButton = $('.search-result-install', entry); installButton.onclick = install; if (userstyleSearchResult.style_settings.length > 0) { // Style has customizations installButton.classList.add('customize'); uninstallButton.classList.add('customize'); const customizeButton = $('.search-result-customize', entry); customizeButton.dataset.href = searchAPI.BASE_URL + userstyleSearchResult.url; customizeButton.classList.remove('hidden'); customizeButton.onclick = event => { event.stopPropagation(); handleEvent.openURLandHide.call(customizeButton, event); }; } if (userstyleSearchResult.installed) { screenshot.onclick = uninstall; searchResultOverlay.onclick = uninstall; installButton.classList.add('hidden'); uninstallButton.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { screenshot.onclick = install; searchResultOverlay.onclick = install; } /** Uninstalls the current userstyleSearchResult from Stylus. */ function uninstall(event) { event.stopPropagation(); deleteStyleSafe({id: userstyleSearchResult.installedStyleId}) .then(() => { userstyleSearchResult.installed = false; render(); }); } /** Installs the current userstyleSearchResult into Stylus. */ function install(event) { if (event) { event.stopPropagation(); } // Spinner while installing entry.appendChild( $create( '.lds-spinner', new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode())) ); installButton.disabled = true; // Fetch .JSON style searchAPI.fetchStyleJson(userstyleSearchResult) .then(userstyleJson => { // Install style saveStyleSafe(userstyleJson) .then(savedStyle => { // Success: Store installed styleId, mark as installed. userstyleSearchResult.installed = true; userstyleSearchResult.installedStyleId = savedStyle.id; render(); // Hides install button, shows uninstall button. $.remove('.lds-spinner', entry); installButton.disabled = false; }); }) .catch(reason => { const usoId = userstyleSearchResult.id; console.log('install:saveStyleSafe(usoID:', usoId, ') => [ERROR]: ', reason); alert('Error while downloading usoID:' + usoId + '\nReason: ' + reason); $.remove('.lds-spinner', entry); installButton.disabled = false; }); return true; } } // End of createSearchResultNode } // End of searchResultsController })(); /** * Library for interacting with userstyles.org * @returns {Object} Exposed methods representing the search results on userstyles.org */ function searchUserstyles() { const BASE_URL = 'https://userstyles.org'; let totalPages; let currentPage = 1; let exhausted = false; return {BASE_URL, getCategory, getSearchPageURL, isExhausted, search, fetchStyleJson, fetchStyle}; /** * @returns {Boolean} If there are no more results to fetch from userstyles.org */ function isExhausted() { return exhausted; } function getSearchPageURL(url) { const category = getCategory(url); if (category === 'STYLUS') { return BASE_URL + '/styles/browse/?search_terms=Stylus'; } else { return BASE_URL + '/styles/browse/' + category; } } /** * Resolves the Userstyles.org "category" for a given URL. * @param {String} url The URL to a webpage. * @returns {Promise} The category for a URL, or the hostname if category is not found. */ function getCategory(url) { const u = tryCatch(() => new URL(url)); if (!u) { return ''; // Invalid URL } else if (u.protocol === 'file:') { return 'file:'; // File page } else if (u.protocol === location.protocol) { return 'STYLUS'; // Stylus page } else { // Website address, strip TLD & subdomain let domain = u.hostname.replace(/^www\.|(\.com?)?\.\w+$/g, '').split('.').pop(); if (domain === 'userstyles') { domain = 'userstyles.org'; } return domain; } } /** * Fetches the JSON style object from userstyles.org (containing code, sections, updateUrl, etc). * Stores (caches) the JSON within the given usoSearchResult, to avoid unnecessary network usage. * Style JSON is fetched from the /styles/chrome/{id}.json endpoint. * @param {Object} usoSearchResult A search result object from userstyles.org * @returns {Promise} Promises the response as a JSON object. */ function fetchStyleJson(usoSearchResult) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (usoSearchResult.json) { // JSON already downloaded & stored. resolve(usoSearchResult.json); } const jsonUrl = BASE_URL + '/styles/chrome/' + usoSearchResult.id + '.json'; download(jsonUrl) .then(responseText => { // Store JSON within the search result, so we don't have to download again. usoSearchResult.json = tryJSONparse(responseText); resolve(usoSearchResult.json); }) .catch(reject); }); } /** * Fetches style information from userstyles.org's /api/v1/styles/{ID} API. * @param {number} userstylesId The internal "ID" for a style on userstyles.org * @returns {Promise} An object containing info about the style, e.g. name, author, etc. */ function fetchStyle(userstylesId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { download(BASE_URL + '/api/v1/styles/' + userstylesId, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': '*/*' }, body: null }).then(responseText => { resolve(tryJSONparse(responseText)); }).catch(reject); }); } /** * Fetches (and JSON-parses) search results from a userstyles.org search API. * Automatically sets currentPage and totalPages. * @param {string} category The usrestyles.org "category" (subcategory) OR a any search string. * @return {Object} Response object from userstyles.org */ function search(category) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (totalPages !== undefined && currentPage > totalPages) { resolve({'data':[]}); } const searchURL = BASE_URL + '/api/v1/styles/subcategory' + '?search=' + encodeURIComponent(category) + '&page=' + currentPage + '&country=NA'; download(searchURL, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': '*/*' }, body: null }).then(responseText => { const responseJson = tryJSONparse(responseText); currentPage = responseJson.current_page + 1; totalPages = responseJson.total_pages; exhausted = (currentPage > totalPages); resolve(responseJson); }).catch(reason => { exhausted = true; reject(reason); }); }); } }