function notifyAllTabs(request) {{populate: true}, function(windows) { windows.forEach(function(win) { win.tabs.forEach(function(tab) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, request); updateBadgeText(tab); }); }); }); // notify all open popups // use a shallow copy since the original `request` is still being processed var reqPopup = {}; for (var k in request) reqPopup[k] = request[k]; reqPopup.reason = request.method; reqPopup.method = "updatePopup"; chrome.extension.sendMessage(reqPopup); } function updateBadgeText(tab) { if (prefs.getPref("show-badge")) { function stylesReceived(styles) { var t = getBadgeText(styles); console.log("Tab " + + " (" + tab.url + ") badge text set to '" + t + "'."); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: t, tabId:}); } // if we have access to this, call directly. a page sending a message to itself doesn't seem to work right. if (typeof getStyles != "undefined") { getStyles({matchUrl: tab.url, enabled: true}, stylesReceived); } else { chrome.extension.sendMessage({method: "getStyles", matchUrl: tab.url, enabled: true}, stylesReceived); } } else { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "", tabId:}); } } function getBadgeText(styles) { return styles.length == 0 ? "" : ("" + styles.length); }